Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 8 May 2022

Last week we asked what you would do with a spare $44 billion.

This week we’re going to be more realistic.

With your team name, we want to know what you would do with a spare $1,000.

Convert it into coins, throw it off a bridge, enjoy watching people scramble for it, feel like a big shot.

Invest it into cryptocurrency, so that next month I’ll have $300

Buy $1,000 worth of tennis balls, head off to the dog park, and make a lot of dogs happy

Either one $1,000 hooker, or 100 $10 hookers

Buy some printer ink… if I wasn’t a couple hundred short.

Buy a house 60 years ago.

Any suggestions about what to do with $1,000 will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

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