According to an analysis done by Dr Adam Friedlander, how many deaths would have taken place in the original Home Alone film?
Tag Archives: films
Interesting Question of the Day – 27 May 2015
This is a review of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory as hypothetically written by which famous author?
“An excellent movie. Unfit individuals are winnowed out through a series of entrepreneurial tests and, in the end, an enterprising young boy receives a factory. Three and a half stars. (Half a star off for the grandparents, who are sponging off the labor of others. If Grandpa Joe can dance, Grandpa Joe can work.)”
The first new player to comment with the correct answer will win a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.
Interesting Question of the Day – 25 May 2015
Interesting Question of the Day – 22 May 2015
This is Soviet sniper Ludmilla Pavlichenko.
This is John Rambo.
Which one of them killed more people? Pavlichenko in WWII, or Rambo in all of his movies?
The first new player to comment with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.
Interesting Question of the Day – 29 April 2015
Disney’s Donald Duck is believed to be named after what athlete?
The first new player to comment with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.
Interesting Question of the Day – 24 April 2015
In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy got back to Kansas by clicking her heels together and saying “there’s no place like home.”
Invented in 2014 and triggered the same way, how does “Ruby” rescue you from awkward situations?
Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 12 April
This week we are playing around with film titles.
If your team names is two film titles combined to make a new film title, you will get a bonus point.
I’m sure you’d love to watch these flicks.
When Harry Potter Met Sally
Kindergarten Robocop
Friday the 13th Going on 30
Daredevil wears Prada
Reservoirdog Millionaire
Indiana Jones’ Diary
The Breakfast Fight Club
Let’s get creative!
Interesting Question of the Day – 10 April 2015
Interesting Question of the Day – 8 April 2015
In a 2008 survey, what was voted the 36th best school in Scotland?
The first new player to comment with the correct answer wins a free drink.
Interesting Question of the Day – 25 Mar 2015
Put the three films of the original Star Wars trilogy in order from highest death toll to lowest death toll.
(We are assuming that everyone on a destroyed ship, Death Star, or planet dies.)
The first new player to comment with the correct answer wins a free drink.