Tag Archives: triviart

This Week in iQ Trivia – 4 November 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They won first place, then they won the jackpot, then they got booed. But in a good natured way.


You had plenty of advice for horror movie characters.

For f*ck’s sake put the lights on

Mind your own business about what they did last summer

Don’t take the golden eye out of the unnaturally large holy woman’s skull

Service your car regularly

Winter custodian at the Overlook Hotel might sound like a cool job, but…

Don’t read the tome bound in human skin

Ditch the high heels

Be the killer

If you kill someone, tell the cops

Sprint in a zig zag

Maybe don’t live alone in the woods

Call the cops

Never follow the scary sound

Never split up to cover more ground

Garlic necklace

Nuke it from orbit

Don’t be Jamie Lee Curtis

Don’t go in there

Don’t get a job at the mechatronics place where 5 children were murdered

Don’t f*ck in the forest

Don’t skinny dip with friends at night in a remote lake

Don’t be black

Be white and a virgin

It looks dead but cut the head off anyway

Check the backseat

You already own enough creepy dolls

Burn all porcelain dolls


Verklempt Orange

Silly Sausage

Vegas Mashed Potatoes

Flailing Kangaroo

It’s Not Coming Home

Chonky Lizard

Filipino Barbie

Mummified Mermaid

Wombat Barnacle


We asked for the European capitals represented by flags, and one team guessed Sydney.

Countries that border Romania? Bulgaria? Correct. Bolivia… nope.

Weight classes in boxing beginning with C? Surely Chonkyweight.

One team were such big Britney Spears fans, that they guessed “Oops I Did It Again” no less than 3 times, when we didn’t play it once.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 28 October 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They got a Saturday Night Live question & spelled it right, and won $172.


Who has been lying about their identity?

Johnny Cash didn’t even produce any form of currency

Childish Gambino is quite mature

Megan Thee Stallion isn’t even a stallion

Cher is unlikely to let you touch her stuff

Yahoo Serious isn’t even serious

Glenn Close isn’t even close

Eminem isn’t even an M&M

Eminem does not melt in your mouth

Freddie Mercury is from earth

Frank Beard doesn’t have a beard

Brie Larson isn’t a piece of cheese

Madonna isn’t the mother of Jesus

George Bush isn’t even female pubic hair

Willem Dafoe is Bill the Friend

Nic Cage doesn’t actually live in a cage

50 Cent isn’t even 50

Dr Chris Brown isn’t even brown

AC/DC isn’t current

Stephen King isn’t royalty

Drake isn’t a duck

Richard Gere drives an automatic

Ryan Gosling isn’t a baby goose

Cannibal Corpse are neither

Adele isn’t even a computer

Jack Black isn’t black

Jack Black isn’t jacked

Mr T is more of a coffee guy


Muscle Lamington

Piss Up in Church

Deceased Yacht

Bushy Pumpkin

Lathered Knight

Yiddish Testimony

Enigmatic Phalanges

Toxic Tarantula

Egg Rendezvous

Swimming Park

Superfluous Santa

Woody Effervescent


Asking a question about the average length of hugs, led to literally dozens of hugs as teams tested their theories.

Who walked into a shop in Busselton, WA last week? No it wasn’t Nicolas Cage, it was Harold Holt. You know, at the age of 115 after being declared dead in the 60s.

We asked how to spell semillon, and were glad to see the wine list didn’t include semillon.

When we asked about Robin Wright, one team said “I don’t even know who that guy is”. SO we explained that Robin Wright is a woman.

And one team did so well at our one second songs bonus round, that they handed their answers in after just two hearings… and got all five. That was worth a bonus point that vaulted them into winning a prize.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 21 October 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

May be an image of 4 people, beard and table


Knowing about second largest cities, Israeli Prime Ministers, and European countries paid off for them.


We hope none of these items make it on the menu at any of our venues.

Warm oyster McFlurry

Oyster sorbet

Tuna meringue pie

Blue cheese & orange juice

Haggis nachos

Garlic chewing gum

Microwave surstromming

Surstomming & chips

Sriracha eclairs

Asahi acai bowl

Sardine ice cream

Sardine yoghurt

Chocolate anchovies

Melted ice cream on a California roll

Pizza pavlova

Pineapple on pizza

Chocolate strawberry noodles

Fleshlight pudding

Brussels sprout jam

Fish sauce milk

Apple juice milk

Chocolate chip omlette

Pickled onions & custard

Toothpaste Oreos

Oreo chips

Donut Twisties

Chicken sashimi with ice magic

Kentucky Fried Licorice

Strawberry Vegemite

Vegemite gelato

Mayonnaise ice cream


Gherkin milkshakes

Oat & raisin cookies


Playful Rollercoaster

Goth Mickey Mouse

Marshmallow Land

Scrumptious Otter

Rainbow Clover

Horny Pony

Pumpkin Spill

Sympathetic Penguin

Ambiguous Gingerbread Men

Shock Fish


We asked about the Spanish titles of Mark Wahlberg films, and got some help from one of the Hispanic bartenders.

A team visiting from Melbourne got a bonus question on Melbourne phone numbers wrong.

Golden Ball winners from the FIFA World Cup given their initials? How about Lionel Messi, Lionel Messi, Lionel Messi, Dionel Fessi, and Zionel Zessi.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 14 October 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


What would be punishments in heck, the lighter version of hell?

Every movie you watch has Tom Cruise in it

Every movie has a laugh track

Clothes constantly get caught on doorhandles

The indicator light & sound are never in sync

Only one headphone ever works

Hay fever every day

Always forgetting the name of the person you’re talking to

Hairy plumbers crack everywhere you go

Moist bread

Shoes always slightly too small

Your pizza is always 2 hours late

Mozzies in the bedroom

Middle seat on a plane always

Always having an eyelash in your eye

Stepping on Lego everywhere

Two hour unplanned meetings

Every smoke alarm is on the low batter chirp

Nowhere to park at trivia

Having to listen to some loudmouth ask smart ass questions in a pub


Graceful Batman

Facetious Tea Towel

Delicious Cathedral

Dinosaur Floss

Capricious Doll

Torrid Tomato

Elephant Diaphragm

Slimy Princess

Peacock Clef


In the film Network one team guessed that instead of saying “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore”, Peter Finch said “I’m mad as hell, and I’m a Barbie girl in a Barbie world!”

We asked about novels published in 1923, and someone came up with Mein Kampf before we mentioned that it had also been adapted by Disney. Yeah…. no.

When we asked about the height of an F1 driver compared to our host, someone asked “how tall are you”, right as our host was standing there. “How tall am I? I’m this tall.”

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 7 October 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


We could have asked them anything about ice hockey and they’re confident they would have gotten it.


What do people get wrong about you?

I don’t work in IT, I’m just Indian

Just because I’m in comms doesn’t mean I want to talk to you

I’m a vet and I haven’t put my finger up any bums today (in a professional capacity)

I’m Thor, but I’m not tall, blond, and Nordic

I’m Irish but I’m not always this drunk

Yes I’m Catholic, no we don’t worship Mary

Not all gingers named Dougal are Scottish

Charlie is tall and lanky, but not all of him is

Just because we’re doctors doesn’t mean we’re smart

Just because we’re old doesn’t mean we know 80s music

Yes I do pub trivia, no I’m not a burden to society

Yes we come to trivia every week, no we’ve never won

You go to trivia every week, you must be smart

Team “Happy Birthday Bill ya c*nt” doesn’t always shoehorn Bagpuss into the team name


Unknown Tractor

Frothing Can

The Shoe Doesn’t Fit

Camp Retribution

Slutty Window

Spicy Balloon

Mormon Pickup


Cities beginning with M? You know, like Morocco or Madagascar.

When one team couldn’t come up with discus, they said “that heavy frisbee thing”.

When trying to name all six Oktoberfest breweries, one player came up with Budweiser, Heineken, and Asahi, and wound up naming zero correct answers.

And when they didn’t know what Sydney beach was mentioned in the Beach Boys song Surfin’ USA, one team made up lyrics to suit their answer. Which is worth a point.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 30 September 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You’ve overheard some pretty bizarre things in conversation.

It’s not my fault he just got out of jail

Nobody cares about your blueberries!

Do you think this is a normal amount of ooze?

How many teeth do you really need anyway?

Has grandma kicked the bucket yet?

No alcohol for me thanks, just drugs

We should be buying property in Ukraine right now

I only drove while disqualified because I needed smokes

What did the doctor say about your rash?

I’m still trying to work out why my vagina’s itchy

If you run out of condoms, use a Twistie packet

I’ll f*ck you if you stop fishing

My mother gave me herpes

We can do it tonight, just clean it first

I saw a cucumber in the fridge and thought “why not?”

Isn’t Evil Knievel the guy from Austin Powers?

These sharks would be better in 3D

Get me some Chicken Tikka Malala

You wanna fight? Let’s get out the jousting sticks

What should I buy my boyfriend’s dying mum?

Why don’t you have a microwave in your bedroom

There are sapphires in the Yass River

Kaleen and the Holy Roman Empire are basically the same thing

If research doesn’t work out, you could always be a drug dealer

(Said by two girls at the gym) Do you want to do butt stuff tonight?


Sparkly Corgi

Cutting Toenails on the Beach

Stinky Excavator

Smelly House

Running Egg

Krusty Dream

Creamy Trap

Handle With Care

Crawling California

Rancid Carrot

Cantaloupe Buttocks

Bodacious Popcorn


We asked why MC Hammer was in the news in Australia, and one team guessed that he was the new Premier of Victoria.

You know that Pharrell song? “I have a really big hat” or something like that?

On a bonus question about how long it would take to drive around the equator, we got guessed ranging from 6 to 500.

And one player from Italy hoped we would have an Italian question, right before we asked a question about the Gregorian calendar taking over from the Julian calendar. So two Italians in one question.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 23 September 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They both pulled off the double of first place and the jackpot.


A lot of you might get sued for copyright infringement with your team names.


Hungry James

Meats by Dre

Louis Kitten



Pizza Hot

Taronga Roo


Mike Rowe Soft

Queensley’s Chicken

Jim’s Boeing


Spongethrob Pointypants

Burger Queen

Burger Kong

Porn Rub

Dolce & Banana

Sony Wankman

IQ Quizzes

EQ Trivia

QI Trivia


Floppy Cat

Spice Girls Collecting Coins

Sweaty Questacon

Slimy Fingers

Blobby Hungary

Jazzy Tiger

The Other Left

Wet Weather Shenanigans

Pretty Sexy Chair

Chaotic Michelangelo

Joles in the Wild

Martian Vaseline


One team looked at a photo and was sure it was a young Tiger Woods… until we asked the question which was to name the TENNIS player with HER parents.

A team with multiple people from Indiana got the bonus round on Indiana wrong.

We asked about Queen Victoria, and someone asked if we meant Queen Victoria the First or the Second.

And a jackpot question where we gave a species and asked for the Australian food resulted in a guess of Lamingtons. You know, from all those herds of wild lamingtons that can be found across Australia.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 16 September 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


What should we name Australia’s lunar rover?

Australian National Aerospace League (A.N.A.L.) Rover

Australian Researchers & Space Explorers Helper On Lunar Expeditions (A.R.S.E.H.O.L.E.)

Cosmic Universe Navigational Transport (C.U.N.T.)

Space Shagger

Moreton Bay Buggy

Priscilla Queen of the Moon

Moon Mobile

Moon Ute

The Crater Invader

All Over Lunar Rover

Wheel Armstrong

Danni Moonogue



Bluey Moon

HMALR Mooney Mooney

Waltzing Moontilda

Hugh Jackmoon

The Kangarover


Rusty Beans


Erect Box

Exasperating Cheese

Humping Beer

Concubine Lobotomy

Goofy Cat

Puns of Steel

Picasso Socks

Russian Slay

Arrogant Bovine


When we mentioned a pitch invader, one player swore we said “Pigeon Vader”.

We played a scene from Schindler’s List, and someone guessed that it was a conversation between The Rock and Colin Firth from The Litter Mermaid.

When they couldn’t think of cricketing cities beginning with B, one team creatively came up with Best Indies and Bimbabwe.

And one team did the math so they could argue their point on the relative size of Earth & Jupiter.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 9 September 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Let’s have some dumb questions!

Are there nuts in peanut butter?

What day is Taco Tuesday?

Do you need a passport to go to Tasmania?

Where are the Paris Olympics being held?

Why can’t you just step off crashing plane before it hits the ground?

Where is the any key?

If Batman’s parents are dead, how was he born?

Should I tell my parents I’m adopted?

Your mum’s name is mum too?

Where is the Specific Ocean?

What does the T in trivia stand for?

Are you from East or West Korea?

Are french fries really French?

What religion is Buddha?

When did Obama get killed by Seal Team 6?

What is Obama’s last name?

Are your parent’s virgins?

How long do 2 minute noodles take?

Who built an old castle near a train station?

Do you want another beer?

Does the dress make me look fat?

Can you make the BBQ pork ribs vegetarian?

Can I google the answers?


Lord Farquad Using Shrek’s Bathroom

Zany Flamingo

Pretty Gecko

Giant Squid

Jumping Python

Peaceful Python

Alien Bill

Sh!tting Lightbulb

Frothy Flower

Unlikely Sports Mascot

Useless School


We found out that one team has been choosing the last place subject by just hitting “random article” on Wikipedia. That’s how we got questions on the Headcorn & Maidstone Junction Light Railway, and obscure 19th century English railway that was never actually built.

The police turned up to deal with a disturbance outside of one of our venues, and stayed to listed to a few questions. We are single handedly reducing the effectiveness of the police.

One player was caught cheating, though apparently it was without any malice. It actually didn’t occur to him that looking up answers on your phone was against the rules.

You know that Jimmy Buffet song about margaritas? What was it? Margarita City? Margaritaburg? Margaritapolis?

And one team had two answers down for the minefield bonus round, and argued intensely about whether they should go for a third. We didn’t tell them that both of their answers were already wrong. They argued for five minutes for absolutely no reason.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 2 September 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


It doesn’t matter where you finish in the regular quiz. Anyone can have a moment of genius in the jackpot round.


What movie quotes did you ruin?

You shall not piss!

I sex dead people.

Pasta la vista baby.

The names Bond, Names Bond.

Do you feel lucky, Pink?

You can’t handle the Ruth!

You CAN handle the truth!

If you really love her, let her ho.

So much death, what can man do against such reckless paté?

I’ll shout you where you stand.

There’s no place like Rome.

Carpe Diem. Seize the gay boys.

Show me the honey!

I’ll be Jack.

Na, I am your father.

May the farce be with you.

It’s a crap!

I’ll shave what she’s having.

You’re a wizard, hairy.

You’re a lizard, Harry.

I wanna be a seal boy.

I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t defuse.

You’re going to need a bigger goat.

You’re going to need a bigger coat.

We’re gonna need a bigger boot.

Bill Bill.

Say hello to my little fwiend.

Say Jello to my little friend.

You had me at Jello.

You can talk the talk, but can you wank the wank?

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to diet.

Leave the gin, take the cannoli


Basement Body

Squirty Potato

Mutinous Tree

Sleepy Frog

Pint 11

Scrumptious Foot

Safer Aircraft

Orca Moon

Outrageous Dobby

Cheese Football Monkey

Alienated Kitty


At one venue, the winning score came from the bar staff, who managed to win despite working throughout the quiz.

US states ending in A… Omaha, LA, Texas, and Canada.

A major character in High School Musical was Hannibal Lecter. That’s wrong, but it would have been awesome!

See you next week.