Tag Archives: week in review

This Week in iQ Trivia – 27 May 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


What if there were no men for a year?

No more penises on TriviArt

          ” (from an all male team)

No countries, only cliques

Fewer penises stuck in vacuum cleaners

Scissor city

Safe dark alleys

Who run the world? Girls.

Unmowed lawns

Aligned cycles


Peace and quiet (we got the same thing last week too)

Toilet seats are down

Dildo sales skyrocket

Once there were strippers

Warmer temperatures in office buildings

Less rape

Equal Pay

A distinct lack of misogyny

Three and a half women

Black widows get awfully lonely

Dad & Dave’s becomes Mum & Margaret’s

Luke would still be hosting trivia

Our favourite trivia host would get a promotion

No more mansplaining


Creepy John Smith

Terrorist Tour

Glassy Apple Buddy

Delicious Dildo

Cartoon DJ

Bombastic Wobbleboard

Moist Fork

Crispy Baseball

Sexy Vegemite

Freudian Crickets

Invisible Lion


The Canterbury Tales were written by Megan Markle in 2023… apparently.

One of our bonus round questions was about Scandinavian capitals. Every team either put three points on it and said Stockholm and were wrong, or put Copenhagen and were right but put zero points on it.

Albinos and Gingers were put on the same level as Vampires in a Google auto-complete question.

And one team recognised an instrumental version of Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves in the first half, and guessed Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves three more times for the audio questions in the second half. It seems someone is a big fan.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 20 May 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Winning a jackpot on your birthday is even more of a win than usual.


What if there were no women in the world for a year?

Everyone would die

Femboys become the dominant lifeform

Have you read Lord of the Flies? Basically that

Still the same number of CEOs

No reality shows on TV. HALLELUJAH!

Free from the Kardashian sisters for a year

Divorce rates would plummet

The gender pay gap would be solved

Japanese body pillows

A lot less whisky, a lot more gin

Piled up laundry

Dirty bed sheets

Safer roads

Nothing would be found

Golf club sales surge

No leftovers

McDonald’s shares skyrocket

Paper plates

Dishes everywhere

Peace and quiet

Bechdel who?

Upright toilet seats everywhere

Worst Best brothels ever

The rise of the gays

Fewer men in the closet

We achieved gender equality

Blue balls

Sex dolls

Tinder collapses, Grindr explodes

Lots of strong right arms

The fappening

Pornhub servers would crash


Green Dog

Bended Knee

Children’s Story Reader

Irrelevant Hovercraft

Excited Chicken

Pineapple Puppet

Slimy Barrel

Spicy Dwarves


As soon as we asked people to name gold producing countries, we heard a voice from the back of the room asking “why?” Why? Well, asking questions is kind of what trivia is about, and you chose to come here. (At any rate, they wound up winning on their first try.)

One team found out why you should bring your kids to trivia, when their daughter immediately recognised Old Town Road by Lil Nas X when they had no idea.

Where do Vikings go when they die? Odin’s pool room apparently.

When we asked about four letter words said by trap shooters when they’re ready for a target, we got guesses of c*nt and f*ck. Which would certainly change the atmosphere at the shooting range.

And one player who bid 14 in the bonus round not only got zero, he said nothing and sat right back down when he realised he couldn’t name a single NRL player. It was one of the greatest moments of hubris we have ever seen.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 13 May 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You’re pretty good at giving dubious compliments.

You’re a Canberra 10.

You’re a North Queensland 10.

You’re a solid 7 at Mooseheads.

I saw another girl with your dress and she looked amazing.

I love your confidence.

You are a good wife for an angry feminist.

I love your glasses. They really make you look smart.

It was… interesting.

Grey really suits you.

Your Instagram really makes you look fun.

If you work really hard I’m sure you’ll get to the top of the bell curve.

You’re so brave for wearing that outfit.

You’d look good with some make up on.

You’re not as dumb as you look.

You’re smarter than you look.

You’re smart for a girl.

Sure I’ll come, I have nothing better to do.

Oh you ain’t that old.

Those manboobs look good on you.

You really grew into your ears.

You actually smell nice today.

I always feel more intelligent after talking to you.

Nice Crocs.

Your perfume smells like my nanna.

You look like you’d make a good librarian.

It’s brave of you to come back to trivia.

You really let other shine at trivia.

You’re a really good trivia host for a woman.

I don’t care what other teams say, Joe is an OK trivia host.

I’ve been to worse trivia nights.


Sweaty Paperclip

Bristly Phalanges

Superfluous Pediatrician

Muddied SUV

Orange Confusion

Bouncy Penny Farthing

Golden Orange

Let It Snow

Dodgy Mermaid

Boozy Birthday

Birthday Cigarette

Colourful Beer

Birthday at the Morgue

Decadent Cat


Five letter words ending in ART? One team opted for shart? Which might tell us something about them.

After choosing literature as their subject in a jackpot round, one player could only respond with “oh f*ck” when he actually heard the question.

The most prominent female character in Captain America… one team insisted it was Princess Leia.

While we were giving hints on a bonus question, we mentioned the country we were looking for was in Europe. The next guess… ZIMBABWE!

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 6 May 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about former African capitals turned into money.


We heard a lot of drug & animal references. One of our hosts took longer to do the marking because she had to look them up.




Laughing Gas Hyena

Hash Puppies


Meth Millipede

Meth Mammoth

Xanax Zebra

Codeine Cod

Codeine Cows

Codeine Crayfish

Benzo Bonobo

Ketamine Sloth

Ketamine Kangaroo

Ketamine Koala

Ketamine Komodo Dragon

Ketamine Honey Badger

Ketamine Blowfish


Jack Daniels Rabbit

Horse Tranquiliser

Smack Frog

Love Vole

Whiskey Wolverine

Hash Hamster

Nurofen Panda

Fentanyl Capybara


Ice Penguin

Molly Monkeys

Crack Fox

Kush Kangaroos

Psilocybin Platypus

Qualuude Quetzalcoatl

Ayahuasca Axolotl

Horse Horse

Peppa the Paracetamol Pig


Marijuana Iguana

Rohypnol Rhino


PCP Python



Unpossible Peanut

Rambunctious Ryan Gosling

Bouncy Balloon

Grand Me

Grimace Growth

Spicy Pancreas

Happy Machine Gun

Reigning Beer

Koala Potato

Fancy Porcupine

Crown Inflation

Running Rock

Star Wars Original Character

Jedi Cockroach


Who was the main character in Braveheart? Mel Gibson, declared one team with great confidence. (This is why you listen to questions.)

Cities in song titles? Dubbo Rock City, and One Night in Hobart.

Instead of saying Alan Rickman on an audio question, someone said Snape. Which is fair. Snape and Alan Rickman are pretty much the same person.

And one player asked us “is there someone whose job it is to come up with these questions?” Yes. Yes there is.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 29 April 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about Aaliyah films & KFC really paid off.


The knights of the round table would have been very different if you were there.

The Redundant Sir Daryl the Redundant

Sir Joel the Lightweight

Sir Gus the Wrong

Lady Rachel the Stubborn and Sir Damon the Drunk

Sir Myles the Well Travelled

Sir Tom the Shivering

Lady Stephanie the Mathematical

Sir Matt the Excellent

Sir Alex the Awesome

Sir Ben the Village Idiot

Sir Man Boobs the One Win Wonder

Sir Tom the Petty

Sir Dave the Jester

Sir Loin the Rare

Lady Lexie the Liability

Sir Cumference the Rotund


Cromulent Astronaut

Wilting Jellyfish

Platypus’ Garden

Golf Tsunami

Eating Potatoes

Sunshine Medicine

Superfluous Coffee

Champion Donald Trump

Cosmic Kiss


On a simple question about rolling two dice, the likelihood of getting an odd result is 50%. Only 3 teams out of 11 got it right. Two more teams scratched out the correct answer and put in something else. We had guesses ranging from 25% to 94%.

We got players from Finland and Greece to read the homework answers in their native languages.

A coastal city in NSW home to 50,000 that starts with P? Pacific Ocean! Well not until there’s a lot more climate change.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 22 April 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Celebrity beers. You came up with plenty.

Benedictine Trappistbatch

Jodie Fosters

Vanessa Carleton Draught

David Hasselfroth

Malcolm XXXX

Spongebob Squarepint

XXXX Whitaker

Steven Coldbeer

Chris Four Pines

Anthony Hops-tins

Oprah Tinfrey

Alice Coopers

Isaac Newtowner

Leffe Goldblum

Monica Brewinski

Jack Black Forest Porter

Hillary Duffman

Beer Grylls (always drinking piss)

Young Henry FOrd

Michael Pale-ale

Philip Seymour Hopman

Arnold Schwarzenlager

Megan VB Stouton

Beers Morgan

Katherine Heinekens

Beerbra Streisand

Froth Whitlam

Robert DeBeero

Reece Witherschooner

XXXXtina Aguilera

Christian Ale

Alexander Hamiltin

Malt Disney

Sidney Porter

Dolly Carton

Mischa Carton

Tinny Turner

The Dalai Lagers

Tom DeLongeneck

Stout Morrison

Anthony Alebanese


Rancid Peach

Frisky Mall

Bill Kermit Onomatopoeia

Horny Tasmania

Wankerish Daisy

Flirty Frog

Venus Mousetrap

Bubbly Placenta

Happy Hat

Sewage Tornado

Sinister Rubber Ducks

Orchestral Suite


One player changed her flights to leave on Wednesday rather than Monday so she could attend trivia on Tuesday.

When we asked about Australian and the options were Simon Baker, Anthony LaPaglia, and Hugo Weaving, one team hedged their bets and went with Hugo Baker. Which took names from both wrong answer. They skilfully avoided the correct answer.

One team guessed that Miranda Kerr was 93,000 days old. Which is over 250 years. If that’s true, Miranda Kerr is a vampire.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 15 April 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


We had more than one team win first place and a jackpot.


Here are your proposed holiday mascots.

The International Women’s Day Mansplainer

Canberra Day Penis Owl (chosen by two teams at the same quiz)

Canberra Day Skywhale

New Years Day Beroccas

New Years Day Sloth

Reconciliation Day Racist

Boxing Day Boxer

Queen’s Birthday Drag Queens

Quentin the Queen’s Birthday Quokka

Queen’s Birthday Corgi

Coronation Day Corgi

Rodney the Ramadan Raccoon

Labour Day Pokie

May Day Flies

Bank Holiday Bank Robbers

Australia Day Aardvark

World Radio Day Video Star

Chinese New Year John Cena

Pierre Poutine (Canada Day)

Boxing Day Kangaroo

Thanksgiving Smallpox Blanket

πday πthon


Drowned Mink

Flexible Cat

Suspicious Fish

Checkered Toad Scratch

Conspicuous Lizard

Autumn in Goulburn

Chocolate Wrestlemania

Loose Leanne

Sparkly Straw

Hairy Burgers

Antiquated Cocktail


One team argued so intensely about whether or not their answer should be soccer or football that they tore their answer sheet in two. (For the record, on principle we accept either.)

We got a guess that the Texas Rangers were involved in the sport of shooting. Yes, we get that Texas is closely associated with shootings.

A bartender got a question on Absolut Vodka wrong.

A Thai person got a question on the Thai flag wrong.

Accountants got a math question wrong.

A Foo Fighters song was described as “I’m a sad white boy in a band”.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 8 April 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


When you win on your own, you don’t have to share your jackpot winnings with anyone.


You really enjoyed fish themed team names.

Prince Herring & Megan Mackerel

Piranha Nicole Smith

Salmon Rushdie

Anthony Abalone

Anchovio Banderas

Dolphin Lundgren

Dwayne “The Rock” Lobster

Kim Carpdashian

Pike Myers

Pike Milligan

Pikell Jackson

Jon Bon Jellyfish

Smelt Gibson

Carpara Streisand

OJ Shrimpson

James Codon

Michael Schumackerel

Yo Yo Mahi Mahi

Michael Flathead

Leigh Scales

Finding Leonard Nemo

Fishtina Aqualera

Sturgennifer Aniston

Robert DeNemo

Stingray Romano

Stingray Martin

Stingray Charles

Nikkoi Minaj

Ringo Starfish

Anchovy Hopkins

Leonardo Carpdaprio

Angler Merkel

Cod Stewart

Jessica Albacore

Sushi Baron Cohen

Sasha Barramundi Cohen

Fillet Sea-mour Hoff-mantaray

Samuel Eel Jackson

Snow Whitefish and the Seven Dwarfs – Dory, Seelpy, Guppy, Bashfilet, Sneezahorse, Mahi Happi, and Cod


Amazing Potato

Succulent Clownfish

Winning Copper

Grover Slay

Flamboyant Cake

Sinking Origami

Feisty Scooter

Crucified Guitar

Slow Rat

Easter Burlesque Plant

Easter Dragon

Avocado Kitty


Periodic table elements beginning with S? How about Sunshine?

How many time zones does India have? You’ll have to be more specific than “heaps”. (Especially when it’s only one.)

When we announced the answer to a question was an Adam Sandler film, one player loudly declared “OH DAMN IT!” Which, to be fair, is usually a fair reaction to an Adam Sandler film.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 1 April 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Maybe they were lucky, maybe they were smart. But answering a question on Edward Scissorhands won them a jackpot.

Nine teams got it wrong, and one got it right. Result… $171.

Lucky guess or not, knowing about basketball paid off.

Who knows about Israeli Prime Ministers? They did.


Horsey celebrities? You came through.

Glue Jackman

Foalip Seymare Hoofman

Whinnie Houston

Bonnie and Clydesdale

Harold Colt

Edgar Allen Pony

Princess Mare-y


Herbert Hoofer

Pony Soprano


Jurgen Klipp Klopp

Ted Brumbie

Dustin Hoofman

Kan-neigh West

Gwyneth Paltromino

William H Macy-Biscuit

Phillip K. Horse Dick

Sylvester Stallion

David Hasslehoof

Hugh Hoofner

Whipney Houston

Whippy Goldberg

Pony Collette in Mareial’s Wedding

Pony Hawk


Megan Thee Stallion

Leonardo Phar Laprico

Sarah Jessica Parker


Frozen Frog

Elmo Pain

Girthy Cat

A Day At The Races

Capybara Doppelganger

Brilliant Surfboard

Stiff Disney

Prestigious Placebo

Monster Accountant


One team perfectly calculated a hypothetical BMI in a jackpot round, and then wrote the digits in the wrong order.

Another team got two correct answers, but came up short because they were one letter off on one of them.

The reggae band Magic was described as “that one hit wonder that played the song about marrying her anyway”.

One of our hosts was gifted a bottle of wine for getting married.

Instead of Jon Lovitz, we got an answer of “the fat Jewish guy from Rat Race”, which is definitely not wrong.

We asked about adjectives in song titles, and one team came up with You’re Making Me Horny, Don’t Worry Be Horny, and Drop It Like It’s Horny.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 25 March 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They didn’t actually win this much cash. But they’ll claim they did.

Knowing about Inspector Rex paid off.


You came up with a lot of feline celebrities.

Feline Dion

Leonardi DiCatprio

Purrdro Pawscal

Bentio Meowsolini

Anne Cattaway

Catty Freeman

Bengaldict Catnippatch

Benedict Cumberscratch

Bendicat Tummyscratch

Catty Purry

Catnip Everdeen

George Catstanza

Elle McPurrson

Catye West

Gwyneth Pawltrow

Eddie Purrphy

Chairman Meow

Pussy Elliot

Cat the Bounty Hunter

Calicoco Chanel

Catrick Star

Cat Blanchett

Puma Thurman

Scratching Post Malone


Runny Gluten Free Bread

Ugly Bulbasaur

Samsung Foam

Eric Catman

Slimy Hope

Blue Cow

Erotic Hammer

Mighty Salmon

Loquacious Cheshire


We had to remind one player that when she sings the answer to a music question, other people can hear her. Then we had to remind her two more times.

On the other hand, another team asked us to sing a national anthem.

When we played a 90s band, one player said “I have no idea, so let’s just say Oasis.” Naturally, it was Oasis.

See you next week.