Tag Archives: week in review

This Week in iQ Trivia – 31 December 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


It’s not as much fun winning a jackpot when it’s the first week, but a win is a win, especially when you also come in first in the quiz.


You came up with a lot of awful Christmas gifts.

A date in Romania with Andrew Tate

Garlic Candy

A heater in Africa

Used Underwear

A gym membership


Ukrainian Mountain

Figgy 2022


We saw a 6 year old girl try in vain to convince her parents that she knew an answer, when she DID know the answer.

One team chose the special subject and came first this week, in spite of not getting one of the questions on their own handpicked subject.

One team translated every question into Korean for one of their parents.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 24 December 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


First place and the jackpot is always a good result.


So many Christmas lyrics make no sense

He sees you when you’re sleeping? He’s violating your right to privacy.

Frosty the Snowman (you don’t say meaty the human)

Silent Night isn’t silent because people are singing

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire is how the fire alarm goes off

I’m dreaming of an all inclusive Christmas

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas sounds a bit racist

What the hell is “gay apparel” anyway?

Mistletoe is not consent

Santa Baby?  Santa is not your sugar daddy

Gravy made from just flour, salt, water, and tomato sauce would taste sh!t

10 drummers is 10 too many

He’s making a list that he couldn’t eve check once

Nobody wants figgy pudding

Who plays a drum for a newborn child?


Beautiful Gnocchi

Okonomiaki Orifice

Sad Milk

Riding Reindeer

Reindeer Cracker


One of our teams assembled with one player having come to trivia on crutches, and another wearing a profoundly ugly Christmas sweater in Sydney in December.

One team won a prize, but realised they would rather choose the last place subject, so they swapped their prize for the subject. In a few weeks we will see if that transaction paid off.

And we asked a dental question, and one of our players who is actually a dentist was sweating on getting it right. Luckily he did, so we guess he gets to continue practicing dentistry.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 10 December 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowledge about Italian soccer paid off.

When you are an ex-bartender you’re going to have an advantage when we ask about liqueurs.


How can we make the World Cup worse?

Put landmines on the field

Let Elon Musk buy it

Put the Trumps in charge

Have Indonesia host

No air-conditioning

More immigrant workers

The ball itself is a cup

Mandatory Diving

Russian Roulette instead of penalties

Square balls

Exploding balls

Concrete balls

Commentators have to talk like characters from “Allo Allo”

The whole match is golden goal

Mandatory Vuvuzelas

More ads

Soccer can’t get worse

Make me watch it


Furry Burger

Slippery Pizza

Hairy Curtain

Team Lasagna

Taking a Dive

Armadillo Bill


One team heard Gin & Juice by Snoop Dogg and thought it was Coldplay.

Who founded the House of Gucci? Lady Gaga. Well, she was in the film.

We asked about Star Wars quotes, and one team answered that all five were said by Han Solo. In fact, ZERO were said by Han Solo.

When we asked about famous cheating cyclists whose names are also medieval cavalry weapons, one team said Longbow Armstrong.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 3 December 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


It was a good week for first place teams also taking out the jackpot.


What are you hoping Elon Musk takes over next?

Donald Trump’s 2024 Campaign

Kanye’s Presidential Campaign

The Russian Federation

Fox News


Marvel Movies

Scammer Call Centres

The British Royal Family

The Catholic Church

Crown Casino

Tim Tam Special Flavours


The Federal National Party

One Nation


The Proud Boys

The All Blacks

Tik Tok


Delicious Umbrella

Monday Bananas

Cringe Crab

Swimming Koala

Duplicitous Bird

Pretty Hard Coin Purse

Glorious Arsonists

Nebulous Beatnik


A player who chose a fairly obscure last place subject got neither of the two on it questions correct. This is your opportunity people! You need to capitalise when it’s there.

When asked for countries beginning with A with a long life expectancy, one team said Australia… twice.

Who is this being hoisted on his teammates shoulders after winning the 1966 World Cup?

Ron Weasley.

The role of Niles on Frasier was played by Cuba Gooding Jr.

And the first word a lot of team came up with when asked for common four letter words beginning with HE was “hell”. Which might tell you something about our players.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 26 November 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


What did you used to love that you now hate?


My father


Singing birthday cards

Breast milk

JK Rowling


Bunk beds

Sleeping on the sofa

Family holidays

Having Birthdays

Froot Loops


Waking up early

Channel Nine

Pulling all nighters

Taylor Swift


Test rugby

The Cosby Show

Rolf Harris


Aggressive Cow

Turgid Paper

Geriatric Marmalade Beard

Flying Brick

Cheese Pendulum

Sweaty Rock

Sanguine Penguin


A quick note to everyone. Saying “I was gonna say that” is not the same as saying something.

Asking about countries that begin with M & end with O led one team to make up countries like Mogo & Madagascaro.

When we ask about the Nepalese name for Mount Everest, it helps to be on good terms with the Nepalese bartender.

We played “Shake your booty”. One team who was struggling came up with “Shake your butty”. Meh, close enough.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 19 November 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing the periodic table really pays off.


What did you used to hate that you now love?

My parents

Early bedtimes

Trips to Bunnings

Straight whiskey


Alone time

The silent treatment


The Tamworth Country Music Festival


Being choked by my daddy


Cancelling plans

Girls in Kindergarten






A damn good spanking


Books with kissing in them

Getting dropped off by your parents


Sexy Chicken

Spongy Cactus

Creepy Cat

Cheating Staphylococcus

Sparkling Snicky

Angry Ted

Salisbury Steak Cloud

Criminal Pot Plants

Inconceivable Couture


We had someone who was literally IN a pub forget what a pub was in a lightning round.

And one team won the lightning round and got five on the gambler’s question… and still finished last.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 12 November 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They won a jackpot at their first show with what they described as a Slumdog moment.


Here’s hoping none of you get to come up with potato chip flavours.

Unsalted Potato

Burnt Hair

Egg Salad & Raisin

Vegemite & Chocolate


Century Egg

Day Old Clams

Wombat Poo Cubes


Butterscotch Lutefisk

Bin Chicken

Venomous Snake

Soylent Green


Clam Juice

Mustard & Vegemite

Durian & Wasabi

Cinnamon & Chocolate

Peanut Butter & Toe Jam

Oysters & Champagne

Strawberries & Cream

Earl Grey


Musk of Elon

Donald Trump Hair Dye #2

Hangover Breath


Gwyneth Paltrow’s Vagina


Scrumptious Chinchilla

Beautiful Library

Tandoori Network

Delirious Battleship

Gangster Potato

Explosive Pterodactyl

Regional Apple Food

Sunny Cashew (a two parter)


A team of players from India cursed themselves for not getting Bangladesh as a country that is spelled with the letter G.

One new team learned why you don’t yell out the answer to a bonus question, when they yelled out Neil Patrick Harris, but didn’t write it down, and the team next to them did.

When asked about religious populations, one team guessed that there were 3 billion Jews in the world. In other news, apparently Kanye West was at one of our quizzes.

And one team who ALWAYS gambles 5 on the gambler’s question forgot to wager 5. They got the question wrong & should have lost, but their screw up wound up working for them as they won by 3.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 5 November 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They won a jackpot because they recalled an obscure scene from The Office.

As soon as they chose “teams” as the topic, we were pretty sure they were going to win the jackpot.


Who would be the worst at representing us to aliens.

Kanye West (a LOT of you went this way)

Andrew Tate

Any random billionaire

Gwyneth Paltrow

James Corden

Rolf Harris


Pauline Hanson in a Burqa

Hanson (Pauline or the band)

Ted Cruz

Rudy Giuliani

Clive Palmer

Tony Abbott in his budgie smugglers eating a raw onion

Liz Truss

Kevin, the guy who cooks fish in the office microwave

Lieutenant Ellen Ripley in P5000 Powered Work Loader

The bloke who pissed off the SCG roof

Nelson Muntz

The Tiger King

Everyone’s drunk uncle

Michael Cera

Adam Sandler

Tom Cruise

Sigourney Weaver

Real estate agents


Papaya Tango

Fabulous Whitney

Short Vagina

Spring has not quite sprung

Unsinkable Margarita

Mullet Fart


When we asked about rugby union clubs, we got guesses including the Canberra Raiders and the Brisbane Broncos. Nope. Wrong code.

A DJ & producer whose name comes from a name the lowest level of Buddhist hell… Calvin Harris.

Who coached the New England Patriots? Emperor Palpatine.

We asked about coastal countries in Europe, and had to talk one team out of saying Switzerland and Austria.

One a bonus question while looking for a US state, we gave hints that it was a northern state, that borders Canada, and begins with the letter M. We still went through several guesses, including some states that were guessed at three times, before we finally gave the hint that it started with M and ended with innesota.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 29 October 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They were glad to have an Italian on the team when we asked a question about Italian cheese.


You made some innocent movies scary.

Nightmare on Sesame Street

Dismembering Sarah Marshall

Lara Croft: Womb Raider

Fileting Nemo

Weekend at Chuckies

The Princess Corpse Bride

Boss Baby Massacre

Midsommer’s Night Dream

Epstein’s Princess Bride

Cloudy with a Chance of Zombies

The Blind Side where Monsters Hide

Babe 3: Silence of the Pigs

Stranger Skins

28 Days of Summer

The Saw Cinq Redemption



Finding Nemo’s Killer

Field of Nightmares

Crazy Rich Zombies

Driving Stakes Through Miss Daisy


Halloween Koala

Goulburn Halloween

Crumbly Chef

Sympathetic Dinosaur

Prejudiced Cannibal Pumpkin

Hand to Hand Euclid


Shakespeare plays beginning with M, how about Momeo & Juliet… and The Mandalorian.

We asked about alcohol, and two teams ordered a drink to “buy” the answer.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 22 October 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They remembered that Nicholas Hoult played Marcus Brewer in About a Boy, because one of their friends had a bowl cut when the movie came out, and still bears the nickname “Marcus”.


Who would you want to represent our planet to aliens?


Sigourney Weaver

Danny Lim the Sign Guy

Mr Rogers

Captain Planet

Early 2000s Kanye

Dennis Rodman

Meryl Streep

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Napoleon Dynamite

Penny Wong

Healthy Harold

Lebron James

John Stamos

Not the French

X Æ A-12 Musk

Boris Johnson

Joe Rogan

Mel Gibson


Julia Roberts

Amal Clooney

Kath & Kim

The Ghost of Steve Irwin

Judy Dench

Bill Nye the Science Guy

Mark Hammil

The Head of Lettuce that outlasted Liz Truss

The iQ Trivia Guy

We don’t have a leader – we’re an anachro-syndicalist commune, we take turns to act as a sort of ‘executive officer for the week”


Mellifluous Spatula

Magnificent House

Squared Circle

Uncopyrightable Contraceptive

Grizzled Bilby

Take Me To Your Leader

Crying Mushroom

Cruise Ship Octopus

Excited Bridge Queen

Noir Mr Rogers


A typo of what we expect was “self defence” came out as “elf defence”.

One team mixed up Bring It On with 1917. Which is a tough mix up to make.

See you next week.