Tag Archives: week in review

This Week in iQ Trivia – 17 September 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They won cash.  Other people’s cash.  Which is the best kind.


Movies about Karens…

Crazy Rich Karens

Karenheit 9/11

10 Things I Hate About Karen

Dr Karen: Or how I learned to stop worrying and speak to the manager

Attack of the 50 Foot Karen

The Karen’s Speech

Honey I Shrunk the Karens

Karen’s on a Plane

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Karens

Harry Potter and the Deathly Karens

A Christmas Karen

Karen: Love and Thunder

Return of the Karens

Karen demands the rules of Fight Club be changed

Four weddings and a Karen

Karen Karenina

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Karen

Karen Unchained

There’s Something About Karen

Karen’s Go Wild

Dude, Where’s my Karen

Karen’s of the Galaxy

Mad Karen: Fury Road

Karen up the Khyber

Pirates of the Karen-bean

Karen Pilgrim versus the World

Good Karen Hunting

Karen of the Jungle

Breakfast at Karen’s

The Karen Wears Prada

When Harry Met Karen

Star Wars: Revenge of the Karen

Scent of a Karen

Karen Without a Cause

How to Train your Karen

Karen loses the almanac she stole from Marty McFly

The Fellowship of Karen’s Ring

Three Men and a Karen

Karen Does Dallas

Citizen Karen

Karen and the Last Crusade

The Blair Karen Project

The Adventures of Karen, Queen of the Desert

The Karenator – Come with me if you want to see the manager

Snow Falling on Karens

12 Years a Karen


Furry Mr Squiggle

Sassy Monarch

Visceral Book

Wobbly Television Cock

Sticky Dwelling

Squeaky Wine

Flamboyant King Charles

Sparkly Canberra

Spicy Liberal Salt Shaker

Jacked Trombone


Faced with a dilemma question on whether Dumbledore or Gandalf had a better beard, 17 teams wound up with a tie. How? Because one team said “Hagrid.”

A disease caused by pressure on the eye? Gonorrhoea.

Bolivia borders Germany.

And when presented with 5 consecutive 50/50 questions, one team got literally all of them wrong. There’s just a 1 in 32 chance of doing that by accident.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 10 September 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Two consecutive wins, and two consecutive jackpots.


Here’s what you would to to mess with people if you were a burglar.

Cut tiny holes in all of their tea bags

Swap the coffee powder with grandpa’s ashes

Replace family photos with pics of John Stamos

Replace family photos with pics of Alexander Downer

Leave all their appliances running

Gladwrap the dunny

Change all the volumes slightly

Swap all the tupperware lids for slightly larger ones

Swap all the book covers

Use all of the toilet paper except for one square

Give NRL Grand Final tickets to Parramatta fans

Clog the toilet

Take a dump in the litterbox

Put all the linen in the kitchen

Remove the fridge lightbulb

Change the toothpaste for wasabi

Unscrew all the jars

Log them out of all of their accounts

Prawns in the curtain rods

Unpair their socks

Mix the cereals

Swap their salt & sugar


Rusty Dinosaur

Desecrated House

Slimy No

Spicy Car

Licking Ladder

Backflipping Pineapple

Psychedelic Taxidermy

Discombobulated Red Bull


We were hired to write & deliver Japanese trivia.

One of the players was amazed that we were able to write questions about Japan despite not being Japanese.

And a special bonus round asked players to name the most common surnames in Japan. The final two players were the Japanese Consul to Sydney, and a girl who didn’t speak English.

And this week in questions we can’t believe we had to answer… “Does Germany count as a country?”

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 3 September 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


First place AND a jackpot was a good night.


You combined a lot of jobs.

Deliveroo doula

Travel agent & human trafficker

Teacher comedian

Fertility doctor & sperm donor


Boxer & prosthodontist

Boxer & brain surgeon

Nudist colony leader & seamstress

Stripper nun

Nuclear physicist stripper

Priest & sex therapist

Garbage man chef


Abortionist taxidermist

Hairdresser therapist

Soccer diver

Drug dealing cop

Assassin mortician

Hooker judge

Trivia host & spy

Lumberjac environmentalists

Acupunturist & tattoo artist

High school teacher & drug dealer (like Walter White)

Coroner & pie maker


Prehistoric Pervert

Shambolic Antlers

Golfing Banksy

Furry Book

Speckled Albuquerque

Scary Fencepost

Bougie Goblins

Cute Melbourne

Curvaceous Ice Cream

Anti-climactic Deceptive Prawn


When they found themselves with a 1 point lead after the first bonus question, one team chanted “STOP THE COUNT! STOP THE COUNT!”

When we asked about Galway, one team sang Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran to find out if it mentioned what side of the country Galway was on.

Weight classes in boxing beginning with C? Forget Cruiserweight. It’s Chubbyweight or Chonkyweight.

We heard a new team saying the answer to a numerical bonus question several times, without writing it down, only to be beaten to the punch by a team who overheard them… and wrote it down.

And one team asked us what percent of teams gamble 5 points on the gambler’s question. Anecdotally we feel like it’s a lot, but that made us wonder what the answer would be if we looked at it scientifically. And that’s exactly what we’re going to to. Keep reading the week in review posts to find out.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 27 August 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They can’t speak Arabic, but they got a question on Arabic speakers.


Scott Morrison has been pretty busy.

Pfizer executive

@scomo_69 on OnlyFans

Archbishop of Canberra

Avatar of Mark Zuckerberg

Head of marketing for Chicken Tonight

Minister for Curries and Cronyism

Minister for Women

Minister for Trivia

Minister of Magic

Minister of Dark Arts

Minister for Miracles

Federal ICAC Commissioner

The 8th member of BTS

Brothel manager

Head of Morrison’s Landscaping

Barnaby Joyce’s illegitimate child

Dude that cleans windscreens on Northbourne Avenue

Secretary of the Department of Hose Holding

Hawaiian Minister for Tourism

Hula dancer

Tackle coach for Cronulla Sharks

New York Trade Commissioner

Stealing grants & sh!tting pants

Engadine Maccas cleaner


Siamese Great Danes

Crusty Breakfast

Moose Hoodie

Cantankerous Tractor

Handsome Mullumbimby

Tropical Barnaby Joyce

Dancing Bench TriviArt

Stinky Pig Gets Rich

Frightening Cambodia

Burlesque Dreadlocks


In keeping with our team name theme, one team guessed that I Love Rock & Roll was performed not by Joan Jett, but by Scott Morrison.

One team nearly won a jackpot, but they spelled their answer Garry instead of Gary… because someone on their team was named Garry. They would have gotten credit any other time except for in the jackpot round.

When we asked how long hugs are ideally supposed to take according to a scientific study, several teams tested the theory in the most scientific way they could think of… by hugging.

When faced with a question on Maggie Smith, one team could only come up with “that old English actress who isn’t Judi Dench or Helen Mirren”.

And we’ve had heaps of interest from corporate groups for trivia, including one show that was done on less than 24 hours notice. Let us know when you need us and we will get something together for you.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 20 August 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


It wasn’t a lot, but they walked out with cash.


You came up with a lot of films with different animals in the title.

Reservoir Frogs

Reservoir Cats

Reservoir Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Clifford the Big Red Hog

The Silence of the Clams

The Silence of the Cicadas

The Silence of the Armadillo

The Silence of the Cock


Cat Fishing in the Yemen

How to Train Your Son

Frog Day Afternoon

Squidbob Squarepants

Harry Potter and the Chamber of the Dog

All Rats go to Heaven

All Cockroaches go to Heaven

Kung Fu Slug

Kung Fu Crab

Kung Fu Chicken

To Kill a Beaver

Iron Beagle

Gone with the Donkey

Croching Giraffe, Hidden Whale

Crouching Otter, Hidden Blobfish

Crouching Koala, Hidden Kangaroo




The Naked Molerat King

The Ass King

The Hyena King

Teenage Mutant Ninja Platypuses

Teenage Mutant Ninja Penguins

Babe, Giraffe in the City

The Maltese Dog

The Sea Lion, the Wizard, and the Clothing Rock

A Panda Called Wanda

Three Men and a Cougar

Dances with Public Lice

The Centipede Centipede

Pigeonman Begins

Rise of the Planet of the Yaks

Pup Fiction

The Fantastic Mr Fish

Dog Dog

Cockroach Dundee

The Daddy Longlegs of Wall Street

101 Floofy Malamutes

101 Pugs

101 Sperm Whales

101 Crustaceans


Bamboozled Anglerfish

Icky Oyster

Revolting Mountain

Sinister Knife

Cylindrical Diana Ross

Tall Banana

Bouncy Willie Wonka

Millennial Yetis

Loud Lamp


We asked about Horatio Hornblower, and one team guessed the answer was Ozzy Osbourne.

In addition to correctly answering a question on the kimono, one team wrote their answer in Japanese. Which we confirmed as accurate.

A Google auto-complete question was looking for “lawyer” as an occupation, and a number of guesses were prostitute and drag queen.

When asked about major actors in The King’s Speech, one team guessed that Chris Rock had a starring role.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 13 August 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


A lucky guess still counts, even if you know nothing about Uzbekistan.


All of you have done some pretty stupid things.

Looking for your phone with your phone’s torch

I put the whole chopping board in the oven

Forgot to put my team name on my answer sheet at trivia

Left my card in the card reader

I ate brown paint thinking it was chocolate

Send an e-mail sh*t talking someone to the actual person

Called my partner by my exes name

Proposed to my wife

Said “I love you” on the first date

Forgot a condom… twice

Called my ex instead of my mum

Jumped a foot in the air when I had 6 inches of headroom

I used nail polish remover as eye makeup remover

I called the teacher mum

Lighting the filter end of a durry not once, not twice, but three times in the same night

Tried to make toast in the microwave

Poured boiling water in the coffee jar

Put the cereal back in the fridge & the milk in the cupboard

Put my dirty clothes in the dishwasher

Drove back to my old house

Sexted my mother in law by mistake

Jumped into an Uber, it wasn’t an Uber

Named my trivia team “Trivia Newton John”

Left my credit card in the freezer for four months after putting groceries away

I accidentally booked a landscaping company instead of the Four Seasons Hotel for a press conference


Becoming Sheep

Hairy Fairy

Saucy Sesame Street

Juicy Bin

Hot Nicaragua

Drunk Canada

Basic Arrow

Fluffy Big Ben

Hebrew Rhombus


We had a team guess that the medical drama House starred The Rock. That would have been a VERY different show.

One of our teams seems to be getting used to winning bar tabs.

And one team argued the answer on a question about the Millennium Falcon, on the basis that it doesn’t actually exist.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 6 August 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about oil companies paid off.


Pizza films? You came through.

Edward Pizzahands

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Pizza

Five Easy Pizzas

Schindler’s Pizza

The Hunt for Red Pizza

The 40 Year Old Pizza

Ocean’s Pizza

In Cold Pizza

Pizza Actually

Harry Potter and the Pizza of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Pizza

Harry Potter and the Pizza of Fire

Fantastic Pizzas and Where to Find Them

The Lord of the Pizza: Fellowship of the Pepperoni

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Pizza

Debbie Does Pizza

Pizza Does Dallas

Teenage Mutant Ninja Pizza

Jurassic Pizza

Dial M for Pizza

Dude, Where’s My Pizza

Pizzas on a Plane

No Pizza for Old Men

Mystic Pizza


Sexy Pickle

Gamey Squid

Useless Bacon

Horny Sydney

Buoyant Tupac

Voluptuous Motorcycle

Mysterious Tuba

Biased Doctor


We asked a slightly risque question about pegging at some of our shows, and we’re pretty sure some people got it wrong rather than admit to knowing what pegging is.

Apparently doing air guitar helps you identify a song when you only get to hear the guitar part of We Will Rock You.

One team left the homework on the Chinese Zodiac up to one member of their team who was Chinese, assuming he would know it without googling. It sounds like ethnic stereotyping, and maybe it was, but it worked. He did know it without googling.

When we asked a beer question and told the room the bar sold this exact beer, one player went to the bar to order “the Trivia Special”. Hey, that’s just buying a drink.

Faced with trying to name Pierce Brosnan Bond films, one team said Mamma Mia… which would have been a VERY different film.

And one team of first timers announced at the start of the show that they were going to cheat. They came in last. So if they cheated, they really suck at it.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 30 July 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Winning a jackpot on a lucky guess is still winning.

It pays to know about monsters.

People keep winning.


You’re pretty choosy when it comes to dating.

He’s a 7 but he cooks & cleans up, so he’s a 10.

They’re a 10 but they organised Splendour this year. 2.

He’s an X but he doesn’t understand Roman Numerals… III.

He’s a 10 but he’s a Manly supporter, so he’s a 4.

She’s a 10 but she thinks the earth is flat… 3.

He’s a 10 but he’s not completely circumcised, so he’s a 6.

He’s a 10 but he wears socks with sandals… 2.

They’re a 10 but they work in retail… 6.

She’s a 10, but her rash is a -10.

He’s a 10, but his dad is an 11.

They’re a 10 but they clap at the end of the movie… 5.

She only known binary, she’s a 10.

They’re a 10 but it’s out of 100.

She’s a 6 but due to inflation she’s a 10.

He’s a 10 but he uses a flip phone… 7.

She’s a 10 but she has a 100 day streak on Duolingo. 6.

He’s a 10 but he uses Lynx… 2.

He’s a 10 but he gambles zero on the gambler’s question. Zero.

He’s a 10 but he convinces you to change your trivia answer and he’s wrong… 6.

They’re a 10 but they’re crap at trivia… 3.


Horrendous Fire

Cuddly Rabble Rouser

Salty Communism

Salacious Tapeworm

Shiny Glass

Dastardly Anthony Albanese

Squishy Apple

Silver Flamingo

Depressed Mona Lisa


We played Dirrrty by Christina Aguilera, and one team guessed that it was the Australian National Anthem. That would make official occasions VERY different.

One team answered Korea to a question where the answer was Japan… and then tried to claim that they were the same thing. Uhhhh… no. We pretty sure both hundreds of millions of Korean & Japanese people would disagree with you.

And our current events question about Quadball? One team thought that was dodgeball played on quad bikes. It’s wrong, but someone REALLY needs to invent that sport.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 23 July 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


The biggest news this week was the biggest jackpot in iQ Trivia history going off at $598 by a team who knew just enough about soap opera settings.

And they knew Malaysian states well enough to win $50.


Who is vastly overestimating their importance assuming they would be evacuated from an earth wide apocalypse?

Bill from iQ Trivia

Kanye West



Me (obviously)

Millions of middle aged straight white men

Ellen Degeneres

Boris Johnson

Prince Andrew

Greg Norman

Michael Scott

DJ Khaled and his wife

Jared Leto

Amy Schumer

Greta Thunberg

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Tucker Carlson

Rupert Murdoch

Rudy Giuliani

John Barilaro

Donald Trump

The Sussex’s

Ted Cruz


Pete Evans

Elon Musk


Bulbous Cicada

Catastrophic Cardigan

Frothy Beer

Homophobic Curtain Rod Lightning

Crepuscular Bobblehead

Hearts on Fire

Spiky Farmhouse

Dressy Reptile

Smooth Pinapple

Drunk Whale Riots

Hot Simian Owlbear


One team shot from last place at halftime to first place at full time. The gambler’s question did its thing.

Beginning with the letter G, what currency was used in the Netherlands before the Euro? Ganja, according to one team.

One player was caught googling the cast of Inglourious Basterds right after we asked a question about it. He claimed he was on Hinge. (You’re not making us like you more.)

A team of Sri Lankans didn’t answer Sri Lanka on a cricket question when it was one of the five correct answers.

And one team argued about whether to risk it and go for a fourth point in our minefield bonus round or play it safe with the three points they thought they had. They argued for a good five minutes before opting to play it safe… and then realised that all three of the answers they went with were wrong.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 16 July 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Hot damn are you petty when it comes to relationships.

They put the milk in first

My mum liked them more than me

Said “mint” too often

They ordered a prosciutto pizza and then removed the prosciutto

They clapped when the plane landed

Kept tomato sauce in the cupboard

He did Crossfit

He watched everything with subtitles on

They were bad at trivia

He drove a Datsun

They didn’t like chocolate

Chewed too loud

He watched me reverse park

She found out about my other girlfriend

He wore a cap in bed

Ugly feet

They liked meat lovers pizza

Allergic to peanuts

He played golf simulator instead of trivia

Not eating their vegetables

He lived on the south side

Had a rose quartz iPhone

They used too many acronyms

Held their fork the wrong way

They spelled it Parma not Parmi

He looked better in my underwear than I did

He liked me


Cringey Toupee

Mellifluous Mozambique

Ingrained Shoe

Sleepy Lobster

Flamboyant Gary

Famous Sporting Moment

Naughty Beer

Plump Diamond Ring

Disappointed Tourists in Paris

Mischievous Pilot


One of our hosts got a nice message from one of their teams.

A team that fancied themselves as being good at history got 1 out of 5 when we asked them to put a series of events in order. (Which is why you should never say what you’re good at.)

A passer by who wasn’t playing heard a question on English cities and yelled out “AMSTERDAM”. Luckily, nobody listened to him.

One team saw a picture of Prince Andrew as a young helicopter pilot in the Falklands War, and guessed that it was Harry Potter.

And one team wrote out all the lyrics to Advance Australia Fair to try to get a question right… and then didn’t.

See you next week.