Tag Archives: week in review

This Week in iQ Trivia – 11 May 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about bright stars really helped them.

And we got a reminder that precision is important in the jackpot.


Gwyneth Paltrow may be trawling our trivia nights for possible products.

Sparkling water bidet

Diamond Bidet

A house in Vaulcluse

Gianni Versace Sandlewood Scented Hemorrhoid Cream

Apple’s Afterbirth Face Mask

Submarine Controlled with a Playstation Controller

Solid Gold Drinking Straws

Solid Gold Chris Martin

Joe’s Bath Water

Rose Gold Butt Implants

Baby Blanket made of Swarovski Crystals

CBD Vaginal Falvoured Gummies in the shape of Gwyneth

Herpes by Gwyneth

White Rhino milk cleanser

Lube that guarantees your kids get into private school

Platinum HDMI cables

Cat hair dog sweater

Tears of Orphans


Leprechaun Pasta

Furry Phone

Voluptuous Mother

Dense Jupiter

Lively Barrel

Tremendous Box

Gorilla Mullet

Slippery Cruise Ship

Emu Squeeze


We asked about people who walked on the moon, and one player was absolutely certain that Mark Watney was one of them… only to find out shortly thereafter that not only had Mark Watney not walked on the moon, he wasn’t even real. He was Matt Damon’s character in The Martian.

One team mistook Mr Darcy for Mr Bean. That would have been a very odd literary choice.

One team knew the answer to four out of the five bonus round questions right, but when we asked for the role of Ken, they wrote down the film of Barbie. Which is a reminder to listen to the damn question at all times.

And our leaders maintained top spot in our quarterly tournament, one win clear.

Team Wins Score
6 Go Crazy 5 361
Leader Housen 4 261
Cormac’s Angels 3 231
Mara’s Angels 3 228
Wine not on 3 219
Superstars of Yacht Rock 3 218
Spongebob 3 217
Al’s Team 3 205
Bring a bucket and a mop 3 160

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 4 May 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing Greek doesn’t come in handy often, but it does in trivia jackpots.

Being a navigator in the navy really pays off when we ask a jackpot question on fathoms.


We won’t be incorporating any of your terrible trivia questions.

If I have one cow, how many cows do I have?

What is the highest number?

Who is Bruce Willis’ favourite hairdresser?

Where is Harold Holt?

How many films does Tom Cruise run in?

What is the IQ of a rubber duck?

What colour socks was Lincoln wearing when he was shot

How many Biebers to reach the moon?

What is the meaning of life?

What is my mother’s maiden name?

What significant sporting event took place on 31 February 1983?

How many members are in the Fantastic Four?

What is the average number of letters in a Welsh town?

Is water wet?

How long is 60 seconds?

How many colours in yellow?

How many darts does it take to pop an inflatable dartboard?

How long does it take to get milk?

What city are the Canberra Raiders based in?

On what date did that thing happen?

On a scale of 1-10, what is the capital of France?

Did OJ do it?


Sparkle Waste

NBN on the Moon

Pickled Plate

Fluffy Ball

Bubbly Armadillo

Ostentatious Football

Bodacious Apple

Restless Rabbit

Communist Mario

Impressionist Canada

Orwellian Bagel


One player had been carrying around the Welsh origins of the word penguin for twenty years before it finally paid off on a bonus question.

Teams that have won the NRL Minor Premiership and the Grand Final in the same year? How about Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin?

And when we ran the categories bonus round, we had guesses for the category of “things that are sticky” including oil, and hand lotion. Yeah, those things are the opposite of sticky.

Our quarterly tournament is still going, with one team a win clear in first place.

Team Wins Score
6 Go Crazy 4 281
Cormac’s Angels 3 231
Superstars of Yacht Rock 3 218
Spongebob 3 217
Leader Housen 3 202
Foxolotl 2 154
Met-C 2 152
The Smith Family 2 150
Mara’s Angels 2 149
Time travel is not good for women 2 145
Shannon & Co 2 143.5
The Fellas 2 143
Whale Emoji 2 142
Wine not on 2 141
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 2 140.5
Thor’s Thundercats 2 139
Al’s Team 2 136
Tuxedo 2 135
Team Knox 2 132
Val & Leon 2 128
S Club 7 2 124
Bring a bucket and a mop 2 105

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 27 April 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Living next to a Maltese bakery for years got them a jackpot on Maltese pastries.


There’s a lot of bad advice in song lyrics…

Jump (we had dozens of variations on this)

All you need is love

They tried to make me go to rehab and I said no, no, no

I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more

Travel back in time to the 1830s

Come on Eileen

You can brush my hair, undress me anywhere

Everybody Wang Chung tonight

Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy

Don’t worry, be happy

Don’t go chasing waterfalls

Send in the clowns

F*ck the police

Smack my bitch up

Run to the hills

Beat it

Sell the kids for food

Murder on the dancefloor

I’d catch a grenade for you

When I think about you I touch myself

Hips don’t lie

Don’t take no for an answer

Hit me with your rhythm stick

Shot through the heart and you’re to blame (is victim blaming)

I fell under a bus, I got hit by a train

Hit me baby, one more time


Enlightening Lemon

Hairy Beer

Feral Blancmange

Ugly Disease

Comma Deforestation

Dashing Stethoscope

Toxic Ex

Cheeky Shed

Play Doh Wheelchair

Photophobic Comedian


One player got one look at one of our picture questions, and knew the answer, because it was a picture of a video game he had played earlier in the day.

We played an Ariana Grande song, and one team mistook it for Cannibal Corpse. You know, because they sound so familiar.

Beginning with O, what’s a group of peacocks called? An orgy. It’s wrong, but about half of teams went with it. Hey, if enough people use it, we can make it a thing.

And we’ve got two teams on three wins at the top of the table in our quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Score
6 Go Crazy 3 206
Leader Housen 3 202
Cormac’s Angels 2 155
Foxolotl 2 154
Superstars of Yacht Rock 2 152
Mara’s Angels 2 149
Time travel is not good for women 2 145
The Fellas 2 143
Whale Emoji 2 142
Al’s Team 2 136
Tuxedo 2 135
Team Knox 2 132

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 20 April 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing James Bond themes really paid off.


What minor superpowers did you want?

The ability to walk through 50% of walls (But you never know which walls until you try)

One inch telekinesis

Always knowing the best cubicle in a public restroom

Picking perfect avocados every time

Cooking perfect poached eggs

Accurate lolly jar guesses

Strong nails that never break

Able to chop onions without crying

Waking up with perfect hair

Take a 20 minute nap, wake up totally refreshed

Instant sleep

Perpetual mozzie repellent

Always catching the eye of the waiter

Always being able to find Wally

Always win TriviArt without drawing dicks

Always have $3 in your wallet

Fresh fries every time at Maccas

Never push a pull door

Predict the past

No paper jams

Make all turn signals around you sync up

Insert USBs first time every time

Remember every password you ever created

Your pillow is always cold

Always get the gambler’s question right


Cactus Toilet

Jumping Pizza

Articulate Umbrella

Dead Dinosaur

Chicken Faceoff

Spongey Brick

Bad time for something to break

Slow Turnip

Disco Chihuahua

Unicorn Pizza

Bewildered Lobster

Pickle Syzygy


When we asked about five letter words ending in OPE, we found it distressing that a majority of teams came up with “grope”. Whether that reflects on our players or on society as a whole is a question unto itself.

One team declined to gamble any points on the gambler’s question, stating instead that “gambling is bad”.

And we have one team at the top of the table of our quarterly tournament with three wins.

Team Wins Score
6 Go Crazy 3 206
Foxolotl 2 154
Superstars of Yacht Rock 2 152
The Fellas 2 143
Whale Emoji 2 142
Tuxedo 2 135
Leader Housen 2 134
Cormac’s Angels 1 79
Mara’s Angels 1 78
Wine not on 1 78
Erko 1 77
Prime Head 1 77
The Smith Family 1 77
Spongebob 1 75
Triv Laugh Love 1 75
Bagpuss 1 74
Jojo Siwa 1 74
The Saints 1 74
Tribe 1 74
Who deserved to win the first Australian Idol 1 74

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 13 April 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They keep winning jackpots. Lucky? Perhaps.

They didn’t win the quiz, but they did win cash.


Who would make an awful James Bond?

Jojo Siwa

Stephen Hawking

Danny Devito

Donald Trump

Chadwick Bozeman

Boris Johnson

Barnaby Joyce

Tony Abbott

Kid Rock

Melissa McCarthy

Christopher Walken

Ru Paul

Literally any woman (this team got pretty heavily booed)

Steve Buscemi

Nick Cage

Jason Alexander

Dua Lipa

Susan Boyle


Clive Palmer

Mr T

Prince Andrew


K-Mart Twink

Large Corgi

Dizzy Rat

Bermuda Squirrel

Litigious Flamingo

Yucky Cap

Rainbow Hairspray

Champagne Zoo

Brontesque Green


Most of the room spontaneously did the Chicken Dance when we asked a question about it.

We asked about locations of Big Bash League cricket teams and got guesses including Darwin, Broome, Cairns, and Cape Tribulation.

The biggest cities in the world in 1900? How about Pompeii? Yeah we think you may be off by a couple thousand years there.

And we’ve got four team with two wins in our current quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Score
Superstars of Yacht Rock 2 152
The Fellas 2 143
6 Go Crazy 2 135
Cormac’s Angels 1 79
Erko 1 77
Foxolotl 1 77
Prime Head 1 77
The Smith Family 1 77
Spongebob 1 75
Triv Laugh Love 1 75
Jojo Siwa 1 74
Tribe 1 74
Who deserved to win the first Australian Idol 1 74
Pebs & Pud 1 73
Regicide 1 73
Trivia La Vida Loca 1 73
Whale Emoji 1 73
Olivia Newton Trivia 1 72
Time travel is not good for women 1 72

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 6 April 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Correctly gauging the size of South Australia netted them over $100.

And Tasmanian population growth had what we are pretty sure was lucky guesses. It still counts.


What do you want on the citizenship test?

Whether you kill a huntsman spider if it comes into your home.

Vegemite vs Marmite

Demonstrate the use of the C word in five different ways

Where do you wear a thong?

Who deserved to win the first Australian Idol?

The Nutbush

How many investment properties do you own?

Define an eshay?

How do you pronounce the 26th letter of the Australian alphabet?

What is Goon of Fortune?

Do you want to be an Australian Citizen?

How racist are you?

What is Engadine Maccas best known for?

How many Prime Ministers have we lost at sea?

Name a Kevin Bloody Wilson album

Should we change the date?

The whole 80,000 year history?

Is Australia a continent?

What is the charge for eating a succulent Chinese meal?

Is this democracy manifest?

Why was Jan sacked?

How many locations can you go barefoot?

Is it spelled “No” or “Naur”?

Parma or Parmi?

Dropping your phone instead of your beer.

Who did Rhonda hook up with in Bali?

Spell Wooloomooloo

Do a shoey

What is the proper Drop Bear emergency protocol?


Easter Slurpee

Sticky Whale

Bedazzled Dog

French David Hasslehoff

Boisterous Umbrella

The Little Tugboat that Couldn’t

Voluptuous Door

Tactical Chandelier

Eclipse Spots


We were asked if Tasmania counts as an overseas country. No. No it does not.

Attending trivia on the Easter Monday holiday, one player who normally rolls up in t-shirt & shorts wore a tuxedo just to be opposite.

An American host was asked how many syllables are in Canberra.

Countries that were neutral throughout World War II? How about Germany.

And we started a new quarterly tournament. Here are the current standings after one week.  We’ve got a 4 way tie.

Team Wins Score
Foxolotl 1 77
Erko 1 77
Superstars of Yacht Rock 1 77
Prime Head 1 77
Triv Laugh Love 1 75
Spongebob 1 75
Who deserved to win the first Australian Idol 1 74
Whale Emoji 1 73
Regicide 1 73
Olivia Newton Trivia 1 72
Shannon & Co 1 71.5
Al’s Team 1 68
Leader Housen 1 67
6 Go Crazy 1 66
The Fellas 1 66
Tuxedo 1 64

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 30 March 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


We have winners in our quarterly tournament, with The Smith Family coming in on 10 wins and 732 points.

Team Wins Score
The Smith Family 10 732
4 Go Crazy 9 654
Leader Hosen 9 594
forrestj7 7 500
Ted’s Team 6 447.5
Taco Monsters 6 410
Menace to Sobriety 6 401
Superstars of Yacht Rock 5 371
Foxalottle 5 369.5
Spongebob 5 356
Team Knox 5 331.5
Thor’s Thundercats 4 299
Summer Hill Seven 4 295
Tribe 4 287
Tournament Name 3 228.5
Cuck 3 224.5
The Good Dragons 3 214.3333
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 3 214
Bagpuss 3 199

A new quarterly tournament starts next week.

If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Having someone on your team who knows about Labor Party leaders turned into cash.

Knowing the scientific names of animals was useful for these jackpot winners.


What would you take to space?

An inanimate carbon rod

The Uber Eats app

102 Tampons

Pictures of Trump to scare off aliens

Google Translate because you don’t know who you’ll meet

Reece’s Pieces in case you meet ET

A big pile of porn



Freeze dried wine


Space Nangs

Emotional support cat

Clean underwear

Sydney Sweeney

A parachute


53 Cans of VB to beat David Boon’s record


Bobble Tennis

Stinky Dog

Freaky House

Sexy Platypus

Smooth Operation

Sky Giraffe

Flatulent Trombone

Fruit Architecture


One team got 2 of the 3 questions in the bonus round right, and then gave all three points to the one question they didn’t get.

When they saw this scene from Fight Club, one team was sure it was Sleepless in Seattle. Yeah, that would have been a very different movie.

And BTS was described as “generic white guy band to appeal to teen girls”, which you might consider accurate except for one key word.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 23 March 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about Italian cities and having a Japanese speaking housemate paid off.


There are going to be a lot more Oscars being awarded soon if you have anything to say about it.

Best Actress to Survive an Alec Baldwin Set

Best Movie Title That Inspired a Portmanteau with Another Movie Title

Best Trailer That Gives Away the Entire Plot so you Don’t Have to See the Movie

Best Performance by an Actor who also Wrote the Script

Most Childhood Ruining Remake

Best Supporting Bra in a Superhero Movie

Best Bechdel Fail

Best Ozempic Transformation

Goodest Dog Actor

Best Questionable Bostonian Accent

Best Appearance by a Farm Animal in a Live Action Film

Best Celebrity Only Fans

Best Meryl Streep Performance

Best Full Frontal Nudity

Most Uncomfortable Sex Scene to Watch with your Parents

Best Matt Damon

Best Feature Film Where America Saves The Day Again

Best Canadian City Playing an American City

Best Prosthetic Nose

Most Racially Ambiguous Actor

Best Film to Netflix and Chill to

Best Wardrobe Malfunction

Most Butchered Remake

Best Performance by AI

Best High School Film Filled with 20 Something Actors

Biggest Oscar Snub

Best Ripoff (Remake)

Best Coverup by a Studio Lawyer

Scene Most *REDACTED* To


Bill Ennui

Guatemala Guinness

Sweaty Table

Adjectival Noun

Aged Throbbing Ford

Brain Wave

Magnificent Ladder

Cheese Harmonica

Alien Coconut

Cherries Jubilee


One of our players gave one of our hosts a bottle of home made strawberry mead. For the record, mead is always welcome.

Who is 8 feet tall and hideously ugly? We were looking for Frankenstein, but one team said their dad. We don’t know him, but for all we know he may be Frankenstein.

When we give you options of 1, 5, or 28 to choose from, you should really choose one of them, rather than choosing 11.

When we ask you a bonus question where you get one guess, you get ONE guess. You don’t get three, and you don’t get to use a calculator.

And with one week left to go in the quarterly tournament, it looks like it’s already decided.

Team Wins Score
The Smith Family 10 732
4 Go Crazy 8 583
Leader Hosen 8 526
forrestj7 7 500
Ted’s Team 6 447.5
Superstars of Yacht Rock 5 371
Taco Monsters 5 339
Menace to Sobriety 5 337
Team Knox 5 331.5
Thor’s Thundercats 4 299
Summer Hill Seven 4 295
Foxalottle 4 292.5
Tribe 4 287.5
Spongebob 4 284
Tournament Name 3 228.5
Cuck 3 224.5
The Good Dragons 3 214.33333
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 3 214
Bagpuss 3 199

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 16 March 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about potato varieties really paid off.


You made up plenty of beauty standards that are honestly no more ridiculous than plenty of existing beauty standards.

Knuckle hair is a green flag

Back boobs are the best

Reverse mohawk

Reverse mullet

Shiny shins

Pube mullets

Tiny forearms are sooooo attractive

Opposable toes

Have fewer ribs

Dimple implants

Bleached nose hair

The bridge of their nose is too thin

Symmetrical ears


One eyebrow bigger than the other

The longest big toe

No eyelashes

Wish your knees bent the other way

The complexion of a sick Victorian child who hasn’t seen the sun in years and will probably die of consumption soon (Timothee Chalamet)


Lemon Ping Pong

Ass Car

Karaoke Phoenix

Teacup Merkin

Pernicious Spoon

Delicious Umm

Tulip Cramp


When asked what they thought people around the world would most want self driving cars to avoid hitting, a surprising number of parents DIDN’T say children.

Before playing an audio clip where we were asking for a science fiction TV series, a historical figure, and the decade it was set, one team wanted to lock in their guess before hearing the clip. They got all three right. (We gave them a bonus point because DAMN that’s unlikely.)

One player was wearing this shirt when we asked a dilemma question about whether they would accept $200,000 to wear a dog cone for a year.

Our bonus round this week involved the Crufts dog show, and one of our venues had Crufts on TV throughout the quiz. Not sure how much it helped.

And The Smith Family are in the lead as we approach the end of our quarterly tournament, but they can still be caught.

Team Wins Score
The Smith Family 9 661
4 Go Crazy 8 583
Leader Hosen 7 460
forrestj7 6 430
Ted’s Team 5 378
Menace to Sobriety 5 337
Summer Hill Seven 4 295
Foxalottle 4 292.5
Superstars of Yacht Rock 4 288
Taco Monsters 4 268
Team Knox 4 263.5
Tournament Name 3 228.5
Cuck 3 224.5
Thor’s Thundercats 3 220
Tribe 3 214.5
The Good Dragons 3 214.333
Spongebob 3 213
Bagpuss 3 199

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 9 March 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


A lucky guess about Malaysian skyscrapers won them over $100.

Their expert on cities in the Arab world almost left before the jackpot, but he stayed and they won.


You summarised a lot of films with clickbait.

Nazis hate it when you compile this list.

You’ll never guess how old this virgin is.

You’ll never guess what this nerdy physicist did next. The residents of Hiroshima never saw it coming!

Three weird tricks to survive the fire swamp?  Inconceivable!

You won’t believe how many dalmatians are in this movie.

This woman moved in with 7 men. What happened next will shock you!

I can’t believed I was kidnapped with a gimp in the basement

You won’t believe what kind of squad they are!

This unboxing video will shock you!

Local farmboy rescues princess. You’ll never guess what happens next!

15 year old starts jihad. Spice traders hate him.

Dermatologists hate him! Find out how this man defies ageing using this one weird trick!

You’ll never guess how many things I hate about you

You’ll never believe what’s in the wardrobe!


Pepper Shaker Police

Tall Tomato

Decadent Bear

Experimental Funnel Web

Prickly Wardrobe

Flabbergasted Plasma

Sparkly Wine

Mind Boggling Donut


Where is the Matterhorn? On the border of Switzerland… and Belgium.

We asked about daily prayers observed by Jews, and one of our Jewish players didn’t get it.

A largely Catholic team turned their familiarity with the weight of communion wafers into a 5 point score on the gambler’s question, which kept them out of last place.

Beaches in Sydney beginning with L? Loogee, Londi, Lanly.

And we’ve got one team clear in the lead in our quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Score
The Smith Family 8 590
4 Go Crazy 7 518
Leader Hosen 6 395
Ted’s Team 5 378
forrestj 5 367
Menace to Sobriety 5 337
Summer Hill Seven 4 295
Foxalottle 4 292.5
Superstars of Yacht Rock 4 288
Taco Monsters 4 268
Tournament Name 3 228.5
Cuck 3 224.5
Tribe 3 214.5
The Good Dragons 3 214.333
Spongebob 3 213
Team Knox 3 197

See you next week.