Tag Archives: week in review

This Week in iQ Trivia – 2 March 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


A few jackpots went off.

Knowing about Islamic countries pays off sometimes.


Where WASN’T Taylor Swift

Mumbling on the pavement in Braddon

A commercial flight



Scomo’s house

A Trump rally

Engadine Maccas

El Jannah

Dickson Woolies

Coles (aisle 5)

Having a colonoscopy

On Kanye’s level

At a Kanye concert

Dapto Dogs

In my Dms

Couple’s counselling

Maggie Gyllenhaal’s scarf closet

At her father’s arraignment


Whale Preschool

Bushfire Swimming

Glittery Sylvester Stallone

Twisted Hamster

Crunchy Camel

Pokemon Taylor

Empathetic Bronchitis

Vegetative Cat


Sometimes we ask easy questions that we intend to be a cinch for everyone. Like what year ending in 29 that the Oscars were first awarded… and one team answered 1919.

When you don’t care about reality TV, you come up with fake names. Like Ultimate Banana, Sexy Time, and King Gopher: Munching Lettuce on the Down Low.

And in a week with lot’s of Taylor Swift content, we had a lot of teams get really annoyed… at themselves for not knowing as much as they thought.

And after 8 weeks of our quarterly tournament, there’s just one point in it.

Team Wins Points
4 Go Crazy 7 518
The Smith Family 7 517
Leader Hosen 6 395
Ted’s Team 4 305
forrestj7 4 300
Summer Hill Seven 4 295
Foxalottle 4 292.5
Menace to Sobriety 4 277
Tournament Name 3 228.5
Cuck 3 224.5
Superstars of Yacht Rock 3 218
Tribe 3 214.5
The Good Dragons 3 214.3333
Spongebob 3 213
Taco Monsters 3 199
Team Knox 3 197

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 24 February 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They seem to specialise in winning jackpots.


You made plenty of dumb Google searches.

What’s the number for 000?

What are the ingredients of a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich?

What is Obama’s last name?

Are The Rock and Dwayne Johnson brothers?

What are potato scallops made from?

How long is an episode of 60 minutes

Is cocaine safe?

Is it ok to make AIDS jokes in 2024?

Is candida a flower?

What suburb is the Summer Hill Hotel in?

Did I poop out my baby?

Does poop contain DNA?

What date is New Year’s Eve?

Are there any spare Taylor Swift tickets?

What’s that song that goes da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da?




Cillian Murphy Microbe

Scuba Korean BBQ

Smelly Sock

Flamingo Sauce

Kinky Ice Cream

Disastrous Steak

Diet Trump


One player’s first stop after getting out of hospital after a broken arm was one of our quizzes.

An Australian cricket captain with initials GC? Glenn Close.

Two American teams aggressively guessed on the first clue of our bonus round this week, and were wrong.

And we have two teams at the top of the table with 6 wins in our Quarterly Tournament.

Team Wins Points
The Smith Family 6 448
4 Go Crazy 6 443
Leader Hosen 5 331
Ted’s Team 4 305
Menace to Sobriety 4 277
Cuck 3 224.5
Summer Hill Seven 3 221
Foxalottle 3 220.5
forrestj7 3 219
Superstars of Yacht Rock 3 218
Tribe 3 214.5
The Good Dragons 3 214.3333
Spongebob 3 213
Team Knox 3 197

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 17 February 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


What should we call Earth?

Experimental Planet 011011000110

An actual planet (unlike Pluto)

Elon’s Playground

The Lance Armstrong (one blue ball)

Hitler’s Tomb

Jesus was here

Clown World

The planet we live on

House of Idiots

Planet McPlanetface


The planet where Usher wears roller skates

Temporarily Habitable Rock

Planet of the Vapes

The last place you will see before you die

Taylor Swift’s planet that we’re all just living on

The 72nd Time Winner in a Row of the ‘Miss Universe’ Competition


Delighted Corkscrew

Pretty Lizard

Multilingual Butterfly

Heavenly Frolicking

Vivacious Cockatoo

Weird Monochrome Glass

Sticky Pudding

Silly Table

Loquacious Wardrobe

Pony Superbowl

Tetris Clock


We found out that one of our players counts on her fingers with all her fingers out, and then putting them down with each passing number.  Which is objectively weird.

You know that book Alison in Wonderland?

If you talk constantly and then complain that you can hear anything, we’re not going to take you seriously. If we ask you for a language beginning with J in which “thank you” translates as “arigato” and you leave it blank, our questions being too hard might not be the problem.

We noticed that one of our team had the same women every week, but different guys. It turns out the ladies were finding guys on Tinder and inviting them to trivia. So if you match with some 20 something girls in Sydney, you might wind up at one of our quizzes.

And after six weeks, somehow we have a tie in our quarterly tournament, with two teams tied on 5 wins and 368 points.

Team Wins Points
4 Go Crazy 5 368
The Smith Family 5 368
Ted’s Team 4 305
Menace to Sobriety 4 277
Leader Hosen 4 266
Cuck 3 224.5
Summer Hill Seven 3 221
forrestj7 3 219
Superstars of Yacht Rock 3 218
Tribe 3 214.5
The Good Dragons 3 214.3333
Spongebob 3 213

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 10 February 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Three Brits got a question on British demographics. Big surprise.

Knowing about Californication paid off.

Was it a lucky guess on German cities? Maybe. But it still counts.


There were a lot of clever sports team names.

Kansas City Taylor Swift Boyfriends

Tasmanian Siblings

Boston Irish Stereotypes

Northern Beaches NIMBYs

Cairns Skin Cancer Patients

Canberra Public Servants

PWC Tax Evaders

Glebe Greenies

Melbourne Hookturns

Melbourne Aussie Rulers

Parramatta Punch Ons

Canberra Penis Owls

Ulaan Baatar Cavalry

Vatican City Pedophile Hiders

Penrith Eshays

West Coke Eagles

St Kilda Wooden Spooners

LA Fakers

Canadian Nice Guys

Bryon Bay Influencers

Somalia Pirates

Male Matildas


Abstract Owl

Mashed Inn

Itchy Baby

Banjo Bees

Curly Spoon

Amphibious Slut

Fresh Travesty

Renaissance Pocahontas

Book Illusion


When we asked whether people would rather have no thumbs, or only thumbs, one team based their decision on what option would make lifting a pint glass easier. They had their priorities straight.

What question did Elmo ask that went viral? “Where the bad bitches at?”

What ship did Jason take to search for the Golden Fleece? The Titanic.

A lot of teams were absolutely certain that Dawson’s Creek was set in North Carolina. Some were so certain they were almost smug about it. And then they came undone when they realised that we didn’t ask where Dawson’s Creek was filmed, but where it was set.

The Smith Family currently leads the quarterly tournament with 301 points off 4 wins.

Team Wins Score
The Smith Family 4 301
4 Go Crazy 4 287
Menace to Sobriety 4 277
Ted’s Team 3 230.5
Cuck 3 224.5
forrestj7 3 219
Tribe 3 214.5
The Good Dragons 3 214.333
Leader Hosen 3 194
Superstars of Yacht Rock 2 151
Team OG 2 148
Spongebob 2 146
Foxalottle 2 145.5
Summer Hill Seven 2 143
Taco Monsters 2 126
WHA 2 110

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 3 February 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Weird insults are more fun than weird compliments.

If you were a spice you’d be flour

You look like you listen to Joe Rogan & Andrew Tate

I hope your wife brings a date to your funeral

You have a face like a half sucked mango

You make me look intelligent

You speak French like a Spanish cow

You’re baby’s so cute, he doesn’t look a thing like you

As interesting as a butter knife

Are you sure your nose goes with that face

You’re why the gene pool needs a lifeguard

You should use glue instead of chapstick

You’re the reason we know God has a sense of humour

You’ve got less brains than JFK


Hobbiton Gorilla

Hilarious Table

Morose Salad

Blacksmith Pepper Pixel


Stretchy Brazil

Bogus Geometry


We asked about Australian Prime Ministers and got answers of Steve Irwin & The Stingray.

The number of days since Jimmy Carter was President was estimated within less than 100 out of nearly 16,000.

On the other hand, one team thought there were 205 goals kicked in the 2023 AFL Grand Final. That’s a LOT of goals.

Perhaps the most creative answer we’ve gotten in the categories bonus round for things in the sky beginning with the letter S… Snakes on a Plane.

And here’s where we stand in the quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Total
Ted’s Team 3 230.5
The Smith Family 3 225
Cuck 3 224
4 Go Crazy 3 213
Menace to Sobriety 3 210
Team OG 2 148
The Good Dragons 2 146
forrestj7 2 141
Tribe 2 140.5
Leader Hosen 2 137
WHA 2 110

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 27 January 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Whether they actually knew how badly the Rabbitohs did over about 40 years, they won a jackpot for getting the number of wooden spoons right.


You’ve gotten some weird compliments.

Your lips are nice, like Kylie Jenner before filler

You have surprisingly musical nostrils

Your cervix is the perfect size

Those are some wonderfully wide nostrils

You have cute ears

You have really cute kneecaps

I like your hair. It reminds me of Big Ben.

You have cute freckles on the surface of your face

You have the perfect length of teeth

You look like Owen Wilson

Are you Ben Elton?

Hey, you look like Nicolas Cage

My grandmother things you have great feet


Queensland Margarita

Thirsty Cup

Duplicitous Bagpipes

Kerfuffleish Osama Bin Laden

Scomo’s New Job

Silent Brew


When we asked about the number of holes in men’s belts, one player had his belt off within 3 seconds. He was suspiciously quick at getting his gear off.

When we asked teams to name five Australian cities, we had to explain that we didn’t want you to name one city five times.

A ballet beginning with G? How About Grease? And SB? Maybe Soulja Boy.

The Mario Puzo novel set in New York with the initials TG? The Grinch. And surely A Tree Grows In Brooklyn is a less compelling title than All Them Girls Is Bangin’.

And Cuck is still leading our quarterly tournament with 3 wins in 3 weeks.

Team Wins Total
Cuck 3 224.5
Ted’s Team 2 152
The Smith Family 2 152
Team OG 2 148
Tribe 2 140.5
Leader Hosen 2 137
4 Go Crazy 2 135
Menace to Sobriety 2 134
WHA 2 110
TracyMorton 1 81
Thor’s Thundercats 1 78
Adam’s Team 1 77
China Shipping 1 77

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 20 January 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


I bet you’re good at trivia

Damn! You look like you communicate your feelings in a healthy way

I bet you only give genuine compliments

You look like you have a good relationship with your father

Damn! You can parallel park on the first try

You look like you change your sheets everyweek

Damn! I bet you’re even woke when you’re asleep

You look like you donate to OzHarvest

Check out the intelligence on her

You look like you know how to change a tire

I bet you give up your seat to pregnant ladies on the bus

You look like you return your shopping cart

Damn! You look like you can fold a fitted sheet

Hey baby, are you O negative? Because you’d be a universal donor and should donate blood as often as possible, but it’s your choice

Hey baby, you look like you have your work/life balance in check

You look like you have your life in order

Damn girl, you look like one of those girls who goes to the grocery store and then when you get home, put all the stuff in small tupperware containers with little labels on them.


Pink Pelican

Adventurous Banana

Crispy Paris

Pretty Escalator

Hairy Tree

2024 Goals

Pizza Crossbow

Crunchy Unicorn

Whoopee Cushion Statue


In reading out the answers we read out the two most common computer passwords, and distinctly heard one player say “hey that’s my password!”

When we asked about how many days had passed since the $1 coin was introduced, we got guesses ranging from 32 to 1 billion. So possibly last month, and possibly 2.7 million years ago.

Now, we’re hosting trivia in a bar. Alcohol is present. Enthusiastic gesticulating happens. But if you knock over drinks on to your answer sheets… twice… you might want to calm down.

And our quarterly tournament is continuing, with three teams leading as repeat winners at the top of the table.

Team Wins Total
Cuck 2 151
Team OG 2 148
WHA 2 110
Thor’s Thundercats 1 78
Adam’s Team 1 77
Canterbury Guys 1 77
The Smith Family 1 77
Ted’s Team 1 75
forrestj7 1 73
Mara’s Angels 1 72
Tournament Name 1 72
Whale Emoji 1 72

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 13 January 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They picked the most American sounding nut they could to win a jackpot.


Here’s your proposed new animal combinations.

Boa Constrictor Tortoise



Cat Catfish



Porpoisaurus Rex






Cockroach Anteater


Lamblob Fish



Grizzly Tits


I tried to mix monkey and person and all I could come up with was AIDS


Pineapple Ghost

Crunchy Meatball

Porpoise Catapult

Jumping Boa Constrictor

Platypotamous Tennis


One team editorialised a bit and said that Macquarie & Westpac were in the business of stealing other people’s money.

We asked about Jains, as in the religion, and had to explain that it’s not a religion for people named Jane.

And our quarterly tournament is off and running. Here’s where we stand after one week.

Team Wins Total
Cuck 1 78
The Smith Family 1 77
Horsefly 1 76
Ted’s Team 1 75
Whale Emoji 1 72
Luke’s Mates 1 70
Menace to Sobriety 1 69
We’re just here to have a good time 1 69
Leader Hosen 1 67
4 Go Crazy 1 67
Tara Causer 1 64
WHA 1 52

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 6 January 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You’ve had some really awful house guests.

Claims Emily Post Says Foot Rubs From The Host Are Just Good Manners

The couch is uncomfortable. I’ll take your bed.

Peed on the floor


Clipping toenails at the dinner table.

Where’s my dinner?

They watered our fake plants.

This Sandwich is Delicious, now you should make yourself one


Clown Zoo

Salty Cowboy

Decaf Pickle


Words beginning with BO, one player guessed Bong, and Bondage. Which might say a thing or two about them.

On an alphabetical list of Rugby World Cup playing countries, we had to explain that Bangladesh has never been to the Rugby World Cup.

When asked when the actress who played the grandmother in Titanic was born, we had guessed ranging from 1876 to 1973. Which would have made her either 24, or 121 years old when they film was released.

And a Scotsman failed to recognise Auld Lang Syne being played on bagpipes. He’s a bad Scotsman.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 30 December 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


It may have been luck, but this team who finished second last took home the jackpot.


A lot of you had a pretty lacklustre Christmas.

I’m not sure that’s gravy

Sunny the dog ate an entire Toblerone

Ran out of alcohol

Alcoholic aunt

Exploding turkey

Granddad set fire to the turkey

Dodgy prawns

Boardgame blowout

My Trump loving family showed up

Cat sh!t on the Xmas tree


New Years Eve – Goulburn Style

Fuzzy Viking


When presented with five 50/50 choices, the best any team did at one quiz was two. Just two. Statistically, that’s worse than random chance, and that’s the best anyone did. One team got zero out of five.

When given a question about Ritalin, one team reacted in such a pronounced way that we thought something was up. Turns out half the team was currently ON Ritalin.

And one team argued for a VAR decision when they claimed to have said USA in the bonus round. We didn’t hear it, nobody in the room heard it, and all the gaslighting in the world isn’t going to make us think you said it when you didn’t.

See you next week.