Tag Archives: week in review

This Week in iQ Trivia – 5 August 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They lucked out on a question on shoes, but it still counts.

Knowledge of Italian companies paid off.

And 19th century Mexican history turned into cash.


You came up with a lot of double features.

Beauty and the Cocaine Bear

The Fast and the Furious Case of Benjamin Button

Everything, Everywhere All at Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Dude, Where’s The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas?

The King Kong’s Speech

The Empire Strikes Back to the Future

Snatch Adams

Mean Girls Meet the Parents

Avatar: The Way of the Waterboy

Forrest Gump on a Plane

Nightmare on 34th Street



Stranger the Pulp Fiction

Schindler’s Basterds

Get Hard Die Hard

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Borat

The Hangover Games

The Virgin Suicides: First Blood

The Texas Chainsaw Shaft Massacre

The Sound of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre

To Kill a 40 Year Old Virgin

Mad Babe

Indiana Jones and the Brokeback Mountain

A Nightmare on Elm Streetcar Named Desire


Godfather of the Bride

The Sound of Pitch Perfect

From Russia With Love Actualls

The Curious Case of Sex in the City

Cloudy with a Chance of Sex in the City

10 Things I Hate About Nemo

10 Things I Hate About a Boy


Crispy Phalange

Australian Ashes

Voluptuous Celery

Prejudicial Glass

Burning Teacher

Backwards Badger Friction

Spongey Jamaica

Fellowship of the Castle

Juicy Friendship Smile

Outrageous Horse

Dad and Dave’s Musical

Commercial Bran


Someone brought a note from his mum explaining his being late for trivia.

Someone got so excited about our questions so often, that it registered on her Apple watch as a workout.

African countries spelled with the letter Z? How about Moroczo, Zethiopia, and Chadz.

We had an engineer fail to get a pretty straightforward math question, because as he put it, he’s done with being tested on these things.

A player who was a big enough Radiohead fan to have a Radiohead album on vinyl with them at the quiz, didn’t get a Radiohead question.

And one team nearly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by listing five actors instead of five films.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 29 July 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


We won’t be taking your money saving advice.

Buy a house right now

Leaving the EU

Turn off the fridge at night

One square

Hang toilet paper out to dry

Selling your car to buy petrol

Flintstoning the car

Use your toilet brush as a toothbrush

In jail all your meals are free

All on red

Road kill for roast dinner


Unicycling everywhere

Re-electing Joe Biden to control inflation

Share napkins

Put it all in Dogecoin

Save a bus fare by riding on top of it

Vegemite soup

Have a wedding for the presents

Save on alcohol, do drugs instead

Reuseable condoms

Inside out underwear

Asbestos instead of cocaine

One tea bag for three cups

Don’t participate in the jackpot round

Drink water at trivia

Get wasted for free at a company trivia night

You don’t really need therapy

A bartender is cheaper than therapy

Swap toothpaste for homebrand bleach

Rinse and reuse dental floss


Flaming Table

Running Hot Dog

Disco Eels

Daffy Dingo

Aromatic Southern Fried Chicken Burger

Happy Kissing

Twitter Bridge

Q Menu

Renaissance Violin


One team turned up having done the homework question from a quiz in March of 2019. Yes, they were over four years late doing their homework… and they finished last.

Someone did their taxes during our quiz. Yes, their taxes, on their phone. Well, it’s not cheating.

When we asked about Big Bash teams with team names of at least seven letters, we had to clarify that they couldn’t add superfluous letters to get them across the line. And when they couldn’t come up with any, they gave us Butterflies, Sweethearts, Cuite Pies, and Cheeky Boys.

LARP stands for Lingerie And Random Pants, or Living As Ru Paul.

We had a guess that the Robert Burns poem set to music and sung at the New Year was Gangsta’s Paradise.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 22 July 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They won on the first week of the new jackpot.


How have you saved people in your contacts?

Smells like Family Court

Catfish cowboy

Wife number 2?

Eminently forgettable

Waste of time

Weird Spongebob guy

Baby daddy

3am booty call

His brother was better



Mushroom dick

He didn’t like the butt stuff

Micro penis

Loafers no socks

Sh!tface loser

Devil in law

Suspected spam caller

Don’t pick up

Guy from topless fun run

That loud prick from work

Joe the mad racist trivia host


Homer Simpson Riding a Horse

Dastardly Pineapple

Hot Box

Smokey Specsavers

Wonderful Cocaine

Pompous Penguin

Sloppy King David

Dingo Dad

Vibrant Doors

Prophetic Pasta


What doctor was sanctioned by the professional standards committee? Dr Zoidberg apparently.

How long is a standard brick? 220cm. Yes, over 2m or over 7 feet. That’s one hell of a brick!

And we had a couple of dynamite corporate quizzes and fundraisers that introduced a lot of new players to the ways of iQ Trivia. To book your own private quiz, contact [email protected]

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 15 July 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about Bulgarian currency won them Australian currency.


How would you make things fair?

Music questions are all from my playlist

Four team members or less

Divide score by number of team members

All answers must be in the form of a cartoon

Everyone has to get drunk at pub trivia

Only questions on Bagpuss and 90s Britpop

Only questions about The Office

No Harry Potter questions

No geography questions

Newcomers get 5 bonus points

No points for TriviArt

Worst TriviArt gets 10 bonus points

Let the German Chancellor also be President

Baby Boomers don’t get to vote

Sack the government and let the APS take over

If you sh!t yourself in a suburban McDonald’s you don’t get to be Prime Minister

Consultants on a public sector wage

Male birth control

Short people basketball

Boxing, but nobody is allowed to punch

Average people get to compete at the Olympics

The Snitch doesn’t end the game and is only worth 50 points

Ban New Zealand from international rugby


Holy Venus

Crocodile Chestnut Tea

Shake a Tail Feather

Saucy Automobile

French French Fries

Disappointed Toilets

Kawaii Car


One of our hosts got plaudits on their German pronunciation of “schmetterling”.

On the other hand, one audience was amazed and borderline offended that one of our hosts couldn’t name a single Neighbours character.

Someone thought Jesse James’ first bank robbery in America took place in 1566.

One team guessed the film Madagascar in the first round, only for us to ask about the film Madagascar in the second half. Psychic!

We we’re pre-emptively asked to repeat question 28 right after we read question 27. Well, strictly speaking we can’t REPEAT question 28, because we haven’t ASKED question 28.

And someone at a corporate show being staged for a logistics company asked us how far 2,000km was. Apparently he’s new.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 8 July 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Czech soccer, Federal Elections, Canadian cities, Superbowls, and ex-Soviet dictators led to a lot of jackpots being won.


There were a lot of team names renaming England for some reason.

England, the home of bad sports and being bad at sports


Whinging Pomland

The Cricket Whingers

Land of the the Eternal Whinger


Isle of Scones

Colonisier Island

Greenland should swap with Iceland

Darwin, the city that disproves evolution

Land of Lucky McCatholics

Braai Nation

Baulkham Hills = Hillsong

Korea: The good one

North Korea REDACTED

Wine Wankers

Zimbabwe: Land of Millionaires

Not So South Sudan = Sudan



Half and hour & 20 years behind Sydney

School shooting range

Maroubra: The Mount Druitt of the East

Italy: Land of hand gesticulations

People’s Republic of Empanadas

Sheep Land

Australia Lite

New ZeaLamb

Chur Bro Island

AFL City

Melbourne = Shelbyville


Sleepy Joe Biden Frying an Egg

Spritely Spiderman

Curly Camel

Sparkling Walrus

Backwards Salmon

Impatient Gherkin

Just Keep Walking

Obtuse Juice

Excited Trivia

Flamingo Rugby

Running Octopus

Adam Sandler Waterloo

Emu Library


On a question about actors who played Presidents, one team guessed Tom Hanks for every film, and was wrong every time.

Countries that used to be part of Yugoslavia? Italy, Sweden, Scotland, Brazil, Colombia. Really?

We asked a homework question on top try scorers in Rugby, but one team answered with top point scorers, because they assumed that was the same thing.

On our bonus round, one team guessed it was William Shatner before finding out it was a comic book character armed with a hammer who was played by Chris Hemsworth.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 1 July 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about 19th Century battles won them $60.

And remember, spelling matters.


What kind of crazy easy Jeopardy categories did you come up with?

Ingredients in Rum & Coke

National capitals that are Paris

Cities ending in “berra”

Famous Opera Houses in Sydney

Artists with expensive concert tickets that rhyme with “drift”

Countries that celebrate Canada Day

Organs you use to see

Body parts you smell with

Serial killers whose name rhymes with cannibal

Shapes that end with “quare”

Letters of the alphabet that come after Y

Colours that are blue

Fruits that are orange

The Pope’s religion

Actors with the last name Pitt

Nautical disasters involving the Titanic

Cut rate submersibles lost while exploring the Titanic

Bronwyn Bishop’s favourite mode of transport

How many points are you gambling on the gambler’s question?

Foods that are steak

Days ending in day

Movies about dirty dancing

Terrorist attacks that happened on September 11th

Famous Shanias

Presidents who have been indicted for breaking the Espionage Act

Opposition leaders who look like potatoes

Prime Ministers who have eaten raw onions

Australian female Prime Ministers

Australian Prime Ministers who have sh!t themselves at McDonald’s


Succulent Pogo Stick

Sultry Spaghetti

Large Microwave

Crazy God

Runny Trouser

Crash Test Dummy Spit

Abstract Cowboy (or Cow-Buoy)

Sexy House

Cyber Platypus

Vicious Vehicle

Humid Soup


We asked whether one of our hosts owned any gold, and more than one team asked to see their teeth.

On a special subject question on sex toys, someone guessed that vibrators were made out of phosphorus? Yeeeeeaah… no!

Despite singing ABCDEFU loud enough for everyone to hear, one team was convinced it was an Olivia Rodrigo song.

When asked for a seven letter word starting with C, one team gave us an eight letter word starting with A.

When we asked about the people who might be in a cage fight, one team noted that Elon Musk & Mark Zuckerberg don’t actually count as people.

And we had a picture question on the “I’ll have what she’s having” lady from When Harry Met Sally, and one team was convinced it was a man.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 24 June 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about 80s sitcom Family Ties may never have paid off before, and it may never pay off again. But it paid off this week.


Here’s what you never want to do.

Treat our trivia host with dignity and respect

Share a lift with Kyle & Jackie O

Become an influencer

Eat a durian

Go on a Disney cruise

Hang with Harry & Megan

Skydiving without a parachute

Eating bugs

Climb Mount Everest

Early Retirement

Holiday on Bali

Become mayor of Mount Druitt

Go to war

Attending a Maroons win at Lang Park

Pass a kidney stone

Albo tramp stamp

Visit the Titanic in a cut price sub


Bart Simpson Flipping Pancakes

Saucy Equestrian

Minimalist Tree

Longstocking Pipe

Frosty Reception

Incredulous Genes

Penguin Submarine

Eloping Vase

Insidious Queen

Periodic Balloon


When we asked a question about the solar system, one player asked if we were asking a trick question, and was told that we don’t ask trick questions, but we will allow you to trick yourself… and he went ahead and tricked himself.

A player asked a host with no hair if they could demonstrate what a Pompadour hairstyle looked like. Uhhhh… no.

We asked about Hitler & Stalin living in the same neighbourhood in Vienna, and one team said it sounded like the premise of an awful sitcom.

We asked for South American countries, and one team put Chile twice. Well, they were right once.

And instead of studying up on Macedonia, one team studied up on Montenegro, because they misread the homework e-mail.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 17 June 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They didn’t think they were right, but they still won.


We were worried that this week’s team name might be a tough one, but you really came through with the jokes.

I had a joke about a 95 year old with a steak knife but it was a shocker.

I had a joke about a bus driver and it really kills.

I had some jokes about chemistry but they argon.

I had a joke about oxygen & potassium… it’s OK.

I had a surrealist joke, but broccoli.

I had a joke about a failed delivery but you didn’t get it.

I had a joke about dementia but… who are you?

I had a joke about Sydney Trains but it takes too long.

I have a joke about cows but you’ve already herd it.

I have a joke about dog parks but it’s full of crap.

I had a joke about darts but it missed the mark.

I’d make a joke about the public service but PWC has already done it.

I had a joke about vacuums but it sucked

I have a joke about microbiology but I’m not sure it’s cultured.

I’d tell a dick joke but it’s waaaaaaay too long.

I have a joke about Viagra but it’s too hard.

I have a joke about a broken clock but it’s the wrong time.

I had a joke about an unsharpened pencil but it’s pointless.

I have a joke about roller coasters but you have to be this high to hear it.

I had a joke about erectile dysfunction but it flopped.

I had a joke about coke but it blows.

I have a joke about archery, it hits the target.

I have a joke about Matthew McConaughey, and it’s alright alright alright.

I had a joke about catholic priests but only kids get it.

I had a joke about COVID and everyone got it.


Blue Blows Bubbles

Cringe Timbuktu

Decaying Haloumi

Cooking Leg

Prefectionist Lieutenant Legs

Pitch Doctor

Pacifist Beatle

Frightful Saddam Hussein

Delicious Table

Burlesque Mathematics


We asked about body counts in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and had to clarify that we weren’t talking about how many people Legolas and Aragorn had slept with.

And a team who finished last had a team name that indicated they thought the earth is flat. No big surprise there.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 10 June 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


What boomer views do you agree with?

Tik Tok is an online insane asylum

Influencer is not a real job

No avocados until you pay your mortgage

You shouldn’t look at your phone while walking

Avo toast is too expensive

Kids should be outside

Not everyone gets a ribbon

Interest rates are still very low

I shouldn’t need a subscription to my car’s features

Cyberbulling isn’t real

I hate Telstra

Bloody hoons

It’s ok to hit your kids if they’re being c*unts

I have too many passwords

Children should be seen and not heard

Soft serves are too expensive

I don’t like people on my lawns

Neighbours should be quiet after 10pm

Sometimes I actually need to speak to the manager

Don’t watch concerts through your phone screen

Video Ezy was better than Netflix

21st century music is sh!t


Mr Beast Fighting a Beast

Pompous Fish

Curly Accountant

Downstairs Kermit Goat (NSFW)

Burning Man

Birthday Potato

Tessellated Sauna


We asked about Star Trek characters, and one team thought “a dark haired chick with cleavage” was George Takei. Oh my!

Sixty seconds is one… millisecond?

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 3 June 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Lucky guess or not, knowing about Qatari geography paid off for a one man team.


What wouldn’t you spend money on even if you had $1 billion in the bank?

My parent’s respect

A personalised number plate

Health insurance


PWC stocks


Pre-cut fruit

A jar of olives

Petrol station sushi


Toe shoes

A Tesla

Extended warranties

Only Fans

Cocaine & hookers

Goon bags

Bella Delphine’s bathwater

A Rolf Harris painting

Pauline Hanson’s knitwear range

A gym membership

MAGA Merchandise


Donald Trump at the Dentist

Bodacious Plate

Funky Comrade

Sexy Saloon

Fork Policy

Ballsy Balloon

Bumper Sticker

Beautiful Cake


How do you spell Tchaikovsky? Chaicoughski?  Well, that’s close enough.

Dutch cities with animals in the name? How about Hamsterdam?

The German word for bath is spelled the same as what Michael Jackson song? Thriller.

A teacher forgot to do their homework… and it cost them a prize.

See you next week.