What common three letter English verb has a present tense that becomes the past tense when you move the first letter to the end?
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What common three letter English verb has a present tense that becomes the past tense when you move the first letter to the end?
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A picture of what would come next?
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What better known word is the opposite of the word nocent?
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These are definitions of words that are also counties in Ireland. Name the counties.
A material used to make wine stoppers.
A layer of soft feathers on a bird.
A humourous five line poem.
A condiment made from vinegar, oil, and eggs.
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What’s older? COVID, or the phrase OK Boomer?
(That is the WHO declaring it to be a pandemic or the popularisation of the phrase?)
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What is older? Sloth in terms of the sin, or sloth in terms of the animal?
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Is a factoid true or false?
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100 people are waiting in a queue. Which one is the preantepenultimate one?
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The first encyclopedia to be published in Polish in the 1740s contained a number of unsual definitions. How did it define a horse?
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We’re going to define a word that was added to dictionaries in 2022. What is the word?
To throw with force (Y, 4 letters).
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