Per capita, how much money was withdrawn from Australian ATMs in 2024?
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Per capita, how much money was withdrawn from Australian ATMs in 2024?
The first new player to comment on the website within $500 of the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia quiz.
I guess about $6000 per capita in cash. Most people of working age probably took $10000 (about $200/week) but babies, young children and older people would have taken much less, or zero,
It’s actually not that high. Partly because cash is being used less and less.
I’ll guess around $2000. A lot of folk just don’t use cash at all these days. I am a rarity in my own circle for still using it.
But $40 cash use a week? Feels about right.
It’s actually more. Though I suspect it’s not exactly evenly spread.
Actually, I forgot most people who use cash probably withdraw it most often at supermarkets not ATMs, so let’s revise down to $1000.
You’re going the wrong way.