Interesting Question of the Day – 29 September 2016

In the American Film Institute list of the 100 Greatest Movie Villains published in 2003, who was the greatest villain who was a real person?


The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.

6 thoughts on “Interesting Question of the Day – 29 September 2016

      1. The bloke in Schindler’s list who was taking pot shots at concentration camp internees from his balcony?

        1. That’s him. Normally we would want his name but an adequately elaborate description might be enough.

          It was Hauptsturmführer Amon Goeth played by Ralph Fiennes, and apparently he played the role so convincingly, that Holocaust survivors who had known the real man couldn’t be around him.

          1. We just put the rank into the previous comment because it makes him sound more villainous.

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