Interesting Question of the Day – 6 April 2022

Who are these statues of?

Also, why have we lumped them all together. (Hint: It has nothing to do with who or where they are, but it does have something to do with sport.)

The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.

6 thoughts on “Interesting Question of the Day – 6 April 2022

    1. That’s all four, but that’s not the connection.

      Not sure if Buddha has ever backed a team in the world cup.

  1. Jesus

    And this is likely a stretch, but perhaps they represent the Olympic motto of ‘faster, higher, stronger, together’

    1. Well I think it’s technically Julius Caesar rather than Augustus, but I suppose Caesar is close enough.

      As for the connection, it’s something the statues are doing.

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