Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.
What’s going to happen in 2025?
Luigi Walks
Scientist cures cancer with vaccine – Banned in US
Canada becomes 51st state
Canada becomes 7th state of Australia
Greenland builds a wall
Flooding in Queensland
Elon Musk gets a BBL
Tariffs are Coming
Ravens win Superbowl (Lamar Jackson kills Travis Kelce)
Microplastics added to food pyramid
Biden dead at 83
Giant tapework found in Biden’s frontal love during autopsy
Australian Election Cancelled: All Candidates Suck
Denmark buys USA
Ozempic leads to erectile dysfunction
Tin Tin Dragon
Suspicious Drones over Wyong
Tingly Dragon
Curly Glass
Wicked Resignation
Salad Sticks
This picture of cosplayers dressing as Team Rocket was described as “French Squid Game”.
In what state is Hawaii 5-0 set? Cleveland.
If you want to complain that trivia is too hard when we ask about a Mike Myers film beginning with S, where he plays a character beginning with S, and then we add the additional hints that he has green skin, is an ogre, and the film is animated… maybe trivia is not for you.
See you next week.