This Week in iQ Trivia – 16 July 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Hot damn are you petty when it comes to relationships.

They put the milk in first

My mum liked them more than me

Said “mint” too often

They ordered a prosciutto pizza and then removed the prosciutto

They clapped when the plane landed

Kept tomato sauce in the cupboard

He did Crossfit

He watched everything with subtitles on

They were bad at trivia

He drove a Datsun

They didn’t like chocolate

Chewed too loud

He watched me reverse park

She found out about my other girlfriend

He wore a cap in bed

Ugly feet

They liked meat lovers pizza

Allergic to peanuts

He played golf simulator instead of trivia

Not eating their vegetables

He lived on the south side

Had a rose quartz iPhone

They used too many acronyms

Held their fork the wrong way

They spelled it Parma not Parmi

He looked better in my underwear than I did

He liked me


Cringey Toupee

Mellifluous Mozambique

Ingrained Shoe

Sleepy Lobster

Flamboyant Gary

Famous Sporting Moment

Naughty Beer

Plump Diamond Ring

Disappointed Tourists in Paris

Mischievous Pilot


One of our hosts got a nice message from one of their teams.

A team that fancied themselves as being good at history got 1 out of 5 when we asked them to put a series of events in order. (Which is why you should never say what you’re good at.)

A passer by who wasn’t playing heard a question on English cities and yelled out “AMSTERDAM”. Luckily, nobody listened to him.

One team saw a picture of Prince Andrew as a young helicopter pilot in the Falklands War, and guessed that it was Harry Potter.

And one team wrote out all the lyrics to Advance Australia Fair to try to get a question right… and then didn’t.

See you next week.