This Week in iQ Trivia – 16 November 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


After months, they finally took home a jackpot.


You came up with plenty of election related films & TV series.

No Country for Young Women

The Lying King

Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue

Mr Grift goes to Washington

Mission Impossible: Elect a woman

Gerrymandering Maguire

How to lose an election lead in 10 days

Zack and Miri Make a Party Political Broadcast

The Princess and the Fraud

Veepers Creepers

What we do in the shadows of far right normalisation

Forrest Trump

Mulholland Drive to the Polls

Catch me if you candidate

The good, the bad, and the crossbench

Spongebob Swingstates

Orange is the new Barack

Tory Story

The Texas Voting Massacre

Fresh off the Vote

Das Vote

Voteback Mountain

Trump Wars: No New Hope

Lord of the Swing States

January 6th Sense

A Clockwork Orange Man

Vote Actually


Bubbly Architecture

Happy Dog

Slippery Microwave

Long Island Iced Tea Construction

Reserved Unicorn


Right before one of our music questions, someone interrupted our host to ask if we were going to play the music before they had to guess. Yes, they thought this might be trivia for psychics.

One player really struggled with the idea of not shouting out answers. The whole room heard her suggestions for the first four questions clear as day before she figured out people could hear her.

We were also asked on the second question of the quiz if google was allowed.

And our leaders are still one win ahead in our quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Score Average
6 Go Crazy 7 502 71.71
Diversity Council 6 422 70.33
Leader Housen 6 415 69.17
The Smith Family 5 366 73.20
Flashy Red Ponies 5 351 70.20
Al’s Team 4 294 73.50
No Idea 3 216 72.00
Foxolotl 3 211 70.33
Smash Bros 3 201 67.00
Shannon and Co 3 197 65.67
Julius Caesar 2 153 76.50
Glee 2 151 75.50
Bagpuss 2 147 73.50
Karen, Sharon, and Darren 2 147 73.50
Thor’s Thundercats 2 145 72.50
Tribe 2 144.5 72.25
Bandits 2 143 71.50
Menace to Sobriety 2 134 67.00
La Francais 2 105 52.50
Give Lonnie a Pencil 2 98 49.00

See you next week.