This Week in iQ Trivia – 2 October 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You came up with a lot of low stakes conspiracy theories.

Michael Cera wandered onto a set, was too awkward to tell people he isn’t an actor, and now  he’s an actor

Lip balm actually dries out your lips so you have to buy more

Covid was a ploy to promote the masked singer

The McDonalds ice cream machine is broken because of a massive global cartel

Hot dogs contain meat

Timbits Cure Syphilis

The spider in my hallway knows the truth about 9/11

Australia is an elaborate hoax to trick Americans

Metaconspiracy… they’re all true!

Dog was originally spelled CAT

Dinosaurs Built the Pyramids

Moon landing was real

Bigfoot is actually a giant ground sloth

Barnaby Joyce is deputy PM again because of his secret file called ENGADINE MACCAS

Keanu Reeves is a Time Lord

Guy Sebastian was patient zero

Katy Perry and Zooey Deschanel are the same person and you cant convince me otherwise

Donald Trump was actually Sacha Baron Cohen


Norwegian Cyclist

Raining Bruce

Birthday Fight Club


We asked about the most common words beginning with “bro”, and a LOT of teams went for brothel. Which might indicate something about our players.

A dilemma question on a hypothetical fight between a UFC champion and a pack of Justin Biebers showed us that most of you just want to see half a dozen Justin Biebers get their collective asses kicked.

And one of our winner came in with a 79 point win, largely because they enlarged their team to have some “young uns”. Diversity helps your trivia team people!

See you next week.