This Week in iQ Trivia – 23 November 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


A lucky guess about London boroughs won $55.


We hope none of you ever get into the business of creating new ice cream flavours.


Night club floor

Toenail, blue cheese, and raisin

Sump oil sorbet

Chicken salt

Black pudding



Tuna durian

Blood blood blood and bits of sick

Salt & vinegar

Salted earwax

Boob sweat

Coogee Bay Hotel Chocolate

Diddy’s baby oil

Alan Jones’ chocolate starfish


Aardvark Button

Frozen Feet

Cricket Salt

Lucky Charms

Gorilla Juice

Orlando Bloom Umbrella

Orange Flying Squirrel


If you’ve never watched the Simpsons, that’s not our fault. It’s one of the most popular TV series of all time, and we’re GOING to ask about it.

Using Shazam when we play an audio question? Yeah that’s cheating.

Audibly asking Siri about regions of France when we run the jackpot round, yeah that’s DEFINITELY cheating.

We played a Baa Baa Black Sheep… and one player demonstrated that it’s possible to twerk to it.

And our leaders are still one win clear at the top of the table.

Team Wins Score Average
6 Go Crazy 8 573 71.63
Leader Housen 7 483 69.00
The Smith Family 6 443 73.83
Diversity Council 6 422 70.33
Flashy Red Ponies 5 351 70.20
Al’s Team 4 294 73.50
Bagpuss 3 224 74.67
Bandits 3 220 73.33
Tribe 3 219.5 73.17
No Idea 3 216 72.00
Foxolotl 3 211 70.33
Smash Bros 3 201 67.00
Shannon and Co 3 197 65.67
Julius Caesar 2 153 76.50
James & the Quizzly Bears 2 152 76.00
Glee 2 151 75.50
Karen, Sharon, and Darren 2 147 73.50
Thor’s Thundercats 2 145 72.50
Menace to Sobriety 2 134 67.00

See you next week.