This Week in iQ Trivia – 24 October 2020

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


What’s a perfect name for a job? Have a look.

Lachlan Smith the locksmith (and sure enough… we got a donation from Lachlan Smith.)

Doug Graves – Undertaker

Father Mark Fiddler

Rob Berry the career criminal

Skye Astrologers

Lane Walker, Prostitute

My childhood dentist was Dr Ohno

Dr Richard Payne

Katz Miayu – Veterinarian

Marina Stepanova – Hurdler

Ruby Princess – the Royal Family’s official jeweller and travel agent

Enrique Inglazier (works with glass)

Geologist Pierre Stone

Sue Ridge Sanitation

Mark Cyst – Left wing politician

Teresa Green – Gardener

Page Turner the librarian

Ben Dover the plumber

Dr Ben Dover – Proctologist

Dr Dick P Enis – Urologist

Anthony Weiner (the dick pic guy)


Soft Park

Secret Churchill

Slumpy Italy

Sassy Candle

Bad Ass Wrappers

Fishy Bubble O’Bill

Humorous Paris

Bad Bunny

Slithery Gin & Tonic


Most of you know that when the bonus question has a numerical answer, you get one guess. When the answer is 6, guessing 5 is likely to get you a win. Unless you’ve already guessed 10, and someone else used their one guess to go for 9.

We asked who was in the “what’s in the box” scene in Se7en… and one team answered with Gwyneth Paltrow. Well, they’re not wrong.

When we asked for eight letter words beginning with DOM, we had to explain to three teams that “dominatrix” has ten letters.

Eating a packet of Tim Tams came in handy when we asked a question about the number of calories in Tim Tams.

See you next week.