This Week in iQ Trivia – 4 November 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They won first place, then they won the jackpot, then they got booed. But in a good natured way.


You had plenty of advice for horror movie characters.

For f*ck’s sake put the lights on

Mind your own business about what they did last summer

Don’t take the golden eye out of the unnaturally large holy woman’s skull

Service your car regularly

Winter custodian at the Overlook Hotel might sound like a cool job, but…

Don’t read the tome bound in human skin

Ditch the high heels

Be the killer

If you kill someone, tell the cops

Sprint in a zig zag

Maybe don’t live alone in the woods

Call the cops

Never follow the scary sound

Never split up to cover more ground

Garlic necklace

Nuke it from orbit

Don’t be Jamie Lee Curtis

Don’t go in there

Don’t get a job at the mechatronics place where 5 children were murdered

Don’t f*ck in the forest

Don’t skinny dip with friends at night in a remote lake

Don’t be black

Be white and a virgin

It looks dead but cut the head off anyway

Check the backseat

You already own enough creepy dolls

Burn all porcelain dolls


Verklempt Orange

Silly Sausage

Vegas Mashed Potatoes

Flailing Kangaroo

It’s Not Coming Home

Chonky Lizard

Filipino Barbie

Mummified Mermaid

Wombat Barnacle


We asked for the European capitals represented by flags, and one team guessed Sydney.

Countries that border Romania? Bulgaria? Correct. Bolivia… nope.

Weight classes in boxing beginning with C? Surely Chonkyweight.

One team were such big Britney Spears fans, that they guessed “Oops I Did It Again” no less than 3 times, when we didn’t play it once.

See you next week.