This Week in iQ Trivia – 8 April 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


When you win on your own, you don’t have to share your jackpot winnings with anyone.


You really enjoyed fish themed team names.

Prince Herring & Megan Mackerel

Piranha Nicole Smith

Salmon Rushdie

Anthony Abalone

Anchovio Banderas

Dolphin Lundgren

Dwayne “The Rock” Lobster

Kim Carpdashian

Pike Myers

Pike Milligan

Pikell Jackson

Jon Bon Jellyfish

Smelt Gibson

Carpara Streisand

OJ Shrimpson

James Codon

Michael Schumackerel

Yo Yo Mahi Mahi

Michael Flathead

Leigh Scales

Finding Leonard Nemo

Fishtina Aqualera

Sturgennifer Aniston

Robert DeNemo

Stingray Romano

Stingray Martin

Stingray Charles

Nikkoi Minaj

Ringo Starfish

Anchovy Hopkins

Leonardo Carpdaprio

Angler Merkel

Cod Stewart

Jessica Albacore

Sushi Baron Cohen

Sasha Barramundi Cohen

Fillet Sea-mour Hoff-mantaray

Samuel Eel Jackson

Snow Whitefish and the Seven Dwarfs – Dory, Seelpy, Guppy, Bashfilet, Sneezahorse, Mahi Happi, and Cod


Amazing Potato

Succulent Clownfish

Winning Copper

Grover Slay

Flamboyant Cake

Sinking Origami

Feisty Scooter

Crucified Guitar

Slow Rat

Easter Burlesque Plant

Easter Dragon

Avocado Kitty


Periodic table elements beginning with S? How about Sunshine?

How many time zones does India have? You’ll have to be more specific than “heaps”. (Especially when it’s only one.)

When we announced the answer to a question was an Adam Sandler film, one player loudly declared “OH DAMN IT!” Which, to be fair, is usually a fair reaction to an Adam Sandler film.

See you next week.