Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.
If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.
You proposed plenty of character swaps for films.
Priscilla: Queen of the Matrix
Agent Smith: Queen of the Desert
The Passion of Mad Max
Conan the Kindergarten Predator
Shrek Powers
Saving Private Woody
The God Focker
The Catwoman Diaries
Colonel Robert Gould Shaw’s Day Off
The School of Kung Fu Panda
The Danish and where to find them
Bagpuss was just a saggy old cloth cat but Amelie loved him very much
The Greatest X-Man
Zoolander at the Museum
The Cat in the Hat: The Cat who Shagged Me
Indiana Solo
There’s something about Princess Fiona
Qui Gonn’s List
Saving Private Bourne who is imprisoned in the Great Wall on Mars but escaped by Downsizing and Robbing a Casino with 10 Mates who are Puppets
Cranky Flyer
Beautiful Harry Potter
Slimy Lamp
Bizarre Helmet
Moist Towelette
Astronomical Bicycle
Slippery Pirates
We played a clip from Kill Bill and one player insisted it was Babe: Pig in the City. That would have been a VERY different film.
On a math question involving children born on Modern Family, one team not only picked the correct number of children for each character we asked for, they named each individual child.
When we asked a question about red cars, one of our teams boldly proclaimed that “only bellends drive red cars”, not knowing that their host had driven a red car to trivia that night.
And when they found out that the special subject for their show was “submarines”, one team printed off the entire Wikipedia article on submarines.
All that reading, and it didn’t help them with a single question we asked.
See you next week.