Monthly Archives: March 2019

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 3 March 2019

There are a lot of people whose name has become a verb.

For your team name we want you to turn someone’s name into a verb, and tell us what it means.

Kardashian: To succeed despite a lack of talent.

I was going to have a quiet weekend, but I wound up Charliesheening all Saturday.

ScoMo: To replace someone for a very short period.

Kanye: To interrupt someone’s speech.

Putin: To steal everything you get your hands on.

Turning someone’s name into a verb will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 2 March 2019

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You used to believe some pretty stupid things

Women pee out their behinds

My dessert stomach was a separate stomach

The world used to be black & white

My dog actually went to live on a farm

Iron Man was a documentary

Famous people don’t poop

I thought Trump would be a good President

Peter Dutton

Trickle down economics

I thought it was called penis butter on toast

Peeing during sex results in pregnancy

That I could take a difference

I love you

America is part of the Philippines

Quarantine was a bug you could catch

Wet hair causes meningitis

Directors had to wait for actors to age if the character aged in a movie

Cats were female dogs

I thought my uncle was just wrestling with me

George Pell was innocent

George Pell would be a great babysitter


Scruffy Looking Death Star

Thirsty Tupperware

Fluffy Elephant

Geometric Railway

Squishy Bridge

Happy Russian

Horny University

Suspicious Jug of Beer


We mentioned the twist ending of The Sixth Sense and someone complained. YOU DON’T GET TO COMPLAIN ABOUT SPOILERS FOR A 20 YEAR OLD MOVIE!

One team guessed that Australia produces 146 tonnes of bananas per person every year. That works out to over 2,000 bananas per person per day.

And one team came last out of a dozen teams this week. Three weeks ago they came first out of a dozen teams. You really never know what is going to happen from one week to the next at iQ Trivia.

See you next week.