All posts by iqtrivia

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 3 November 2024

Americans are voting this week, and given that a lot of states are holding votes on specific issues, we thought your team name should propose something you think should be voted on.

Cybertrucks never have the right of way

Ordering a steak well done comes with a prison sentence

A declaration of war necessarily involves the two leaders of the country wrestling for it

A ban on using the word “moist”

Failure to give a courtesy wave after being let in to traffic results in a suspended license

Any proposed ballot measures you would like to see will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 2 November 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You can come last and then win the jackpot.

Knowing about the political career of Silvio Berlusconi paid off.


You came up with a lot of mundane halloween costumes.

Woman who was told “you look really tired” when she didn’t put makeup on

Person pretending to text to avoid making eye contact

Man who missed his bus because it came early

Woman whose heel broke on her way to work

Guy trying to make it look like he’s not looking at a girl’s ass

Drag queen on their day off

Person with a loose sock that keeps slipping in their shoe

Woman who gets her hair done and tells the hairdresser she loves it and then cries in the car

Man waiting for a machine at the gym

Person in back seat trying to avoid a conversation with their Uber driver

Person who said the right answer but didn’t write it down


Cow Folktale

Dusty Lemon

Sand Anaconda

Spooky Pumpkin

Alpaca Wine

Bottled Pumpkin


Churchill became Prime Minister, Hitler visited Paris, and John Lennon was born… in 1984.

A team that was mostly Hindu got a question on Hinduism wrong.

Who played President Franklin Roosevelt in Pearl Harbour? Meryl Streep. Yeah she’s got range, but does she have THAT much range?

A picture of a young Christopher Walken was mistaken for a picture of a young Morgan Freeman.

And we’ve got one team at the top of the table in our quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Score Average
6 Go Crazy 5 359 71.80
Diversity Council 4 287 71.75
Leader Housen 4 275 68.75
The Smith Family 3 218 72.67
Al’s Team 3 217 72.33
Foxolotl 3 211 70.33
Flashy Red Ponies 3 206 68.67
Glee 2 151 75.50
Karen, Sharon, and Darren 2 147 73.50
Tribe 2 144.5 72.25
Bandits 2 143 71.50
Smash Bros 2 138 69.00
Shannon and Co 2 135 67.50
Give Lonnie a Pencil 2 98 49.00

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 27 October 2024

It’s Halloween this week, and we’re going to be dealing with costumes.

But we’re also going to introduce you to the Japanese custom of “mundane Halloween”, for people who want to dress up, but don’t want to go all out in dressing as a zombie or vampire or any of the standard Halloween tropes.

Instead, they dress as very ordinary things.

Any mundane Halloween costumes will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 26 October 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


What are some scary Halloween costumes?

Renters who know their rights

An unannounced phone call – Gen Z

Magpies – Australians

Green flags – Girls with daddy issues

Songs released since 2000 – Some trivia players

The sun to gingers

Unions – Jeff Bezos

Apples – scary to doctors

Boundaries – Indian parents

Medium density zoning – NIMBYs

Facts – MAGA voters

Black Ariel

Condoms – Men

Consent laws – Bruce Lehrman

P. Diddy’s home videos

P. Diddy


French Pumpkin

Blueberry Physiotherapy

Tormented Troll

Smooth Goblin

Hindu Steve

Black Widow Jeopardy


We were reminded that many people struggle with quantities, when someone guessed that one serving of Vegemite was 50g. That’s a serving of Vegemite about the size of a Mars bar.

What does the R in NRL stand for?  National.

Beginning with K what kills Superman? Ketamine.

We overheard this… “Well I answered the question right. I just didn’t listen to the question.” Yes, they were right about a question we didn’t ask.

One of our team argued about whether Jack Nicholson won an Oscar for The Shining or Chinatown. Thirty minutes of discussion and they were both wrong.

And our quarterly tournament has a new leader.

Team Wins Score Average
6 Go Crazy 4 287 71.75
Al’s Team 3 217 72.33
Diversity Council 3 215 71.67
Foxolotl 3 211 70.33
Flashy Red Ponies 3 206 68.67
Leader Housen 3 202 67.33
Glee 2 151 75.50
Tribe 2 144.5 72.25
The Smith Family 2 143 71.50
Give Lonnie a Pencil 2 98 49.00
James & the Quizzly Bears 1 81 81.00
Julius Caesar 1 79 79.00
Nag’s Soup 1 78 78.00
Tournament Name 1 77 77.00
Karen, Sharon, and Darren 1 76 76.00
Making Phone Calls 1 75 75.00
Spongebob 1 75 75.00
Miles 1 74 74.00
No Idea 1 74 74.00
Shannon and Co 1 74 74.00
Bandits 1 73 73.00
Basketball 1 71 71.00
Big Bang Theory 1 71 71.00
Thor’s Thundercats 1 71 71.00

See you next week.