All posts by iqtrivia

This Week in iQ Trivia – 17 August 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They celebrated their jackpot win with breakdancing. Look for them the next time it’s in the Olympics.


You played a lot of unique roles in films.

Guy who gets rejected by lead actress when she spots Chris Hemsworth

Secondary female character to pass the Bechdel Test

Teacher who has wife and kids but is definitely gay

Squeamish onlooker at roadside birth

Guy with punchable face

The villain’s high school love interest who triggered their origin story

Argumentative prick at a trivia night

Guy who Wilhelm screams while falling off a cliff

Mayor who wants to keep the beach open

The guy eaten by Bruce in Jaws

Extra who keeps making eye contact with the camera

The dude in Titanic who hit the propeller

Cranky old man yelling at teenagers

Serial killer’s landlord

Bouncer who admits nobody

School shooting victim #48

Indiana Jones ethnic stereotype #5


Candle Music

Raygun Lawyer

Horrendous Discus

Centipede Flag

Egypt Puppy

Forrest Fat Folds


When given a series of yes/no questions about films, one team got all five wrong. That’s pretty rare, but it also meant that they thought that the events of 12 Years a Slave took place in the 1960s.

We had to explain to one team the Scotlandia is not a country beginning with S and ending with A.

One of our winning teams wanted to take their answer sheet back to the office to frame it.

And our leaders had an off week and didn’t add to their totals, but we do have a new team in the lead on average winning score.

Team Wins Score Average
Foxolotl 4 297 74.25
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 4 295 73.75
6 Go Crazy 4 259 64.75
Flashy Red Ponies 4 254 63.50
Leader Housen 4 252 63.00
Bagpuss 3 229 76.33
Smith Family 3 223 74.33
Diversity 3 220 73.33
Whale Emoji 3 219 73.00
Mara’s Angels 3 216 72.00
Spongebob 3 207 69.00
Captain Kathie’s Mandolin 3 199 66.33
Fish and Friends 2 153 76.50
Here’s looking at you kid 2 150 75.00
Tribe 2 145.5 72.75
We went to the dentist 2 145 72.50
The Other Ted’s Team 2 143 71.50
Menace to Sobriety 2 141 70.50
The Clowns 2 140 70.00
Thor’s Thundercats 2 138 69.00
Pecans 2 136 68.00
Val and Leon 2 128.5 64.25
Taco Monsters 2 126 63.00
Miniums 2 124 62.00

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 11 August 2024

This week we’re putting you in the movies.

But not in a major role.

For your team name this week, we want you to tell us what role you would play if you were a minor background character in a film.

Depressed guy in corner

Guy who gets killed to show the situation is serious

Joyless neighbour who calls the police on underage teens

Pedestrian jumping out of the way of speeding car

Girl being catcalled by main villain

Any minor character you would be ideally placed to play will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 10 August 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They forgot to write down their team name on their jackpot answer sheet, so we made them declare that they were idiots who can’t follow simple instructions. But the win still counted.


The next Olympics may have some unusual new events

Listening to your girlfriend describe her dream

Convincing people to join your MLM scheme

Precision Dishwasher Stacking

Finding your size at a samplemsale

Tight space parallel parking

Outpacing the mandatory drug testing unit

Speed CAPTCHA Responses

Fitted sheet folding

Drunk tongue twisters


Fastest U-turn at an RBT

Microwaving leftover pizza

Speed carrying all your groceries in one trip

Putting socks on toddlers


Big Bill

Star Olympics

Grandma Gravity

Ostrich Minion

Anti-Social Pangolin


When we asked about how many Friday the 13ths there are in 2024, half the team methodically calculated things, and half just took a guess. And the results were about the same for both groups.

One team got every question in round 1 right, with the exception of the title of an Ariana Grande song, which they will remember until the day they die.

We had a team come all the way from Cronulla, and they got a question on Cronulla wrong.

Who was Prime Minister in 2001? Steve Irwin wasn’t it?

And our overall leaders in the quarterly tournament are steady, but we have new leaders on highest average.

Team Wins Score Average
Foxolotl 4 297 74.25
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 4 295 73.75
6 Go Crazy 4 259 64.75
Smith Family 3 223 74.33
Diversity 3 220 73.33
Whale Emoji 3 219 73.00
Spongebob 3 207 69.00
Flashy Red Ponies 3 191 63.67
Leader Housen 3 189 63.00
Fish and Friends 2 153 76.50
Bagpuss 2 152 76.00
Here’s looking at you kid 2 150 75.00
Tribe 2 145.5 72.75
Mara’s Angels 2 143 71.50
The Other Ted’s Team 2 143 71.50
Menace to Sobriety 2 141 70.50
The Clowns 2 140 70.00
Thor’s Thundercats 2 138 69.00
Pecans 2 136 68.00
No Idea 2 135 67.50
Captain Kathie’s Mandolin 2 130 65.00
Val and Leon 2 128.5 64.25
Taco Monsters 2 126 63.00
Miniums 2 124 62.00
Sigma 2 120 60.00

See you next week.

Interesting Question of the Day – 5 August 2024

Bananas are slightly radioactive because they are rich in potassium, some isotopes of which are radioactive.

How many bananas would you need to eat to get the amount of radiation exposure you would have gotten 1km from ground zero when the Hiroshima bombing took place?  5, 50, 500, 5,000, or 50 million?

The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia quiz.