All posts by iqtrivia

This Week in iQ Trivia – 25 January 2025

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.



First place and a jackpot for knowing about Ethiopian dictatorships.

Who wants $200?


We made fun of Mark Zuckerberg a lot with some non fact checked facts.

Mark Zuckerberg is actually a nice guy

Zuckerberg has a friend

Zuckerberg’s breast augmentation botched

Zuckerberg was on the grassy knoll

He got his kids off Facebook Marketplace

Zuckerberg has an outie belly button

Zuckerberg sheds human skin, assumes place as lizard overlord

Zuck is a corpsef*cker

Zuckerberg announces he’s reached puberty aged 41

Zuckerberg/Musk – Wedding confirmed

Zuckerberg/Trump/Musk – The threesome nobody wanted

Ex girlfriend confirms Zuckerberg is “Ken doll smooth”


Drunk Bagpipes

Trivia Host on Mars

Funny Lasagna

Cool Cat

Trump Engineer

Chase Hat


What colours are in the team named of Major League Baseball clubs? How about Fuchsia?

And What objects in our solar system have human being been to? Apparently the sun according to a couple of teams.

And our leaders are holding on to their lead, but there’s a long way to go before our quarterly tournament is decided.

Team Wins Score Average
6 Go Crazy 3 236 78.67
Midwives and Friends 3 223 74.33
Masterminds 3 212 70.67
Smith Family 2 160 80.00
Al’s Team 2 154 77.00
Timothy Soup 2 154 77.00
Ted’s Team 2 133 66.50
Leader Housen 2 129 64.50
Senator Roney 1 84 84.00
Mark Cuckerberg 1 79 79.00
Fish and Friends 1 78 78.00
Diversity Council 1 74 74.00
Flash Red Ponies 1 73 73.00
The Lucky Baby 1 73 73.00
Tournament Name 1 73 73.00
New Years Trivolution 1 70 70.00
Luke’s Undies 1 67 67.00
Fam Bam 1 65 65.00
Leon and Val 1 61 61.00
Crevin 1 60 60.00

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 19 January 2025

You’ve probably heard that Facebook is getting rid of fact checkers.

Well, now that nothing is going to be checked, we want you to use your team name to come up with some news about Mark Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg: I killed Epstein and I’m currently killing Diddy

Mark Zuckerberg admits he’s always been an alien wearing a human suit

Toilet paper is overrated. In the Zuckerberg house we use our hands

Zuckerberg has explosive diarrhoea at Engadine Maccas

Hitler was really on to something says Zuckerberg

Any stories about Mark Zuckerberg that need not be remotely true will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 18 January 2025

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.



Knowing how to do math without panicking means a jackpot win.

First place and a jackpot.

It doesn’t matter how you do in the quiz. You can still win the jackpot even if you finished last.


Slightly altered film titles…

Frying Nemo

A Fridge Called Wanda

The Wizard of Orifices

The Fast and the Frivolous

Forrest Grump

Debbie Does Dubbo

Parrots of the Caribbean

The Sound of Mucus

Kiss Ass

Manic Max

Schindler’s Lisp

Star Whores

The Boy in the Striped Pajero

Inception (one word different from Interstellar)

Pulp Fact

The Dork Knight

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Minge

The Texas Chainsaw Massager

The Texas Chainsaw Manicure

Priscilla Queen of the Dessert

12 Years a Slay

Nine Countries for Old Men

No Circumcisions for Old Men


Macabre Pineapple

Mysterious Skis

Cheerful Flood

Charming Pub

Opulent Percussion

Shark Heaven


We asked about characteristics of men who own cats, and one team flagrantly stereotyped a cat owning man on their team and got 5/5.

Olivia Rodrigo was described as “sad girl”.

When we asked for biblical names that are popular now, one team went with Hayden.

And our quarterly tournament still has six teams with a perfect record.

Team Wins Score Average
6 Go Crazy 2 162 81.00
Al’s Team 2 154 77.00
Timothy Soup 2 154 77.00
Midwives and Friends 2 146 73.00
Masterminds 2 146 73.00
Leader Housen 2 129 64.50
Smith Family 1 80 80.00
Fish and Friends 1 78 78.00
Flash Red Ponies 1 73 73.00
Tournament Name 1 73 73.00
New Years Trivolution 1 70 70.00
Luke’s Undies 1 67 67.00
Ted’s Team 1 66 66.00
Crevin 1 60 60.00
Le Francais 1 59 59.00
Inky & the Brain 1 57 57.00
Debbie Does Christmas 1 48 48.00

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 12 January 2025

This week’s team name theme was inspired by an answer in a recent “wrong answers only” bonus round.

Instead of saying The Incredible Hulk, one team came up with “The Introspective Hulk”.

For this week, we want you to take a film or TV title and change one word to another word beginning with the same letter.

Psychiatrists of the Caribbean

The Abusive Spider-Man

Iron Mum

The Woke Witch of the West

The Grand Brisbane Hotel

Any slightly changed film or TV titles will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.