All posts by iqtrivia

This Week in iQ Trivia – 16 March 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about potato varieties really paid off.


You made up plenty of beauty standards that are honestly no more ridiculous than plenty of existing beauty standards.

Knuckle hair is a green flag

Back boobs are the best

Reverse mohawk

Reverse mullet

Shiny shins

Pube mullets

Tiny forearms are sooooo attractive

Opposable toes

Have fewer ribs

Dimple implants

Bleached nose hair

The bridge of their nose is too thin

Symmetrical ears


One eyebrow bigger than the other

The longest big toe

No eyelashes

Wish your knees bent the other way

The complexion of a sick Victorian child who hasn’t seen the sun in years and will probably die of consumption soon (Timothee Chalamet)


Lemon Ping Pong

Ass Car

Karaoke Phoenix

Teacup Merkin

Pernicious Spoon

Delicious Umm

Tulip Cramp


When asked what they thought people around the world would most want self driving cars to avoid hitting, a surprising number of parents DIDN’T say children.

Before playing an audio clip where we were asking for a science fiction TV series, a historical figure, and the decade it was set, one team wanted to lock in their guess before hearing the clip. They got all three right. (We gave them a bonus point because DAMN that’s unlikely.)

One player was wearing this shirt when we asked a dilemma question about whether they would accept $200,000 to wear a dog cone for a year.

Our bonus round this week involved the Crufts dog show, and one of our venues had Crufts on TV throughout the quiz. Not sure how much it helped.

And The Smith Family are in the lead as we approach the end of our quarterly tournament, but they can still be caught.

Team Wins Score
The Smith Family 9 661
4 Go Crazy 8 583
Leader Hosen 7 460
forrestj7 6 430
Ted’s Team 5 378
Menace to Sobriety 5 337
Summer Hill Seven 4 295
Foxalottle 4 292.5
Superstars of Yacht Rock 4 288
Taco Monsters 4 268
Team Knox 4 263.5
Tournament Name 3 228.5
Cuck 3 224.5
Thor’s Thundercats 3 220
Tribe 3 214.5
The Good Dragons 3 214.333
Spongebob 3 213
Bagpuss 3 199

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 10 March 2024

Let’s be frank, beauty standards are weird.

Double eyelids, thigh gaps, canthal tilts (look it up, it’s stupid). You’ve probably heard of a few.

This week you’re going to use your team name to come up with a new and preferably ridiculous beauty standard.

Her pinky finger is way too long

Guys look better when their collarbones are more prominent

Earlobe implants are where it’s at

It’s way sexier when one nostril is bigger than the other

Any ridiculous beauty standards will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 9 March 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


A lucky guess about Malaysian skyscrapers won them over $100.

Their expert on cities in the Arab world almost left before the jackpot, but he stayed and they won.


You summarised a lot of films with clickbait.

Nazis hate it when you compile this list.

You’ll never guess how old this virgin is.

You’ll never guess what this nerdy physicist did next. The residents of Hiroshima never saw it coming!

Three weird tricks to survive the fire swamp?  Inconceivable!

You won’t believe how many dalmatians are in this movie.

This woman moved in with 7 men. What happened next will shock you!

I can’t believed I was kidnapped with a gimp in the basement

You won’t believe what kind of squad they are!

This unboxing video will shock you!

Local farmboy rescues princess. You’ll never guess what happens next!

15 year old starts jihad. Spice traders hate him.

Dermatologists hate him! Find out how this man defies ageing using this one weird trick!

You’ll never guess how many things I hate about you

You’ll never believe what’s in the wardrobe!


Pepper Shaker Police

Tall Tomato

Decadent Bear

Experimental Funnel Web

Prickly Wardrobe

Flabbergasted Plasma

Sparkly Wine

Mind Boggling Donut


Where is the Matterhorn? On the border of Switzerland… and Belgium.

We asked about daily prayers observed by Jews, and one of our Jewish players didn’t get it.

A largely Catholic team turned their familiarity with the weight of communion wafers into a 5 point score on the gambler’s question, which kept them out of last place.

Beaches in Sydney beginning with L? Loogee, Londi, Lanly.

And we’ve got one team clear in the lead in our quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Score
The Smith Family 8 590
4 Go Crazy 7 518
Leader Hosen 6 395
Ted’s Team 5 378
forrestj 5 367
Menace to Sobriety 5 337
Summer Hill Seven 4 295
Foxalottle 4 292.5
Superstars of Yacht Rock 4 288
Taco Monsters 4 268
Tournament Name 3 228.5
Cuck 3 224.5
Tribe 3 214.5
The Good Dragons 3 214.333
Spongebob 3 213
Team Knox 3 197

See you next week.

Interesting Question of the Day – 7 March 2024

The 1971 case of Katko v Briney involved a burglar breaking into an abandoned house in Iowa and being shot by a gun left by the property owners that was set to go off when a bedroom door was opened. Did the court find in favour of the burglar or the property owner?

The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia quiz.