The 1904 Olympic Marathon had 32 starters.
How many finished?
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The 1904 Olympic Marathon had 32 starters.
How many finished?
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First Kid was a terrible Disney movie. It is also the only movie to feature a US President playing themselves.
Which President was it?
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Did Jesus know what a tomato tastes like?
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Who does Moses look like?
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Dawson Casting is a phenomenon seen in Beverley Hills 90210, Glee, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Grease, The Breakfast Club, and Dawson’s Creek. What is Dawson Casting?
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What is higher? The combined population of everyone currently on earth, or the age of the universe.
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Bryan Adams had a hit with his song Summer of 69. If it was released today, what year would he be singing about?
(So you’re subtracting from the current year to find out how far back he would have to go to get that level of nostalgia.)
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Earl Wild was the first person to play the piano on American television, and the first to stream a piano performance on the internet. How many years passed between those two firsts?
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Giuseppe Reina signed a contract to play soccer for Arminia Bielefeld in which the club had to provide him with a house every year. How did that backfire on him?
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Giuseppe Reina signed a contract to play soccer for Arminia Bielefeld in which the club had to provide him with what every year he was under contract?
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