Tag Archives: team name bonus point

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 30 October 2022

Related to a recent team name theme, this week we want to know who would be the WORST person to represent our planet to visiting aliens.

Ellen Degeneres

Kevin Spacey

Any of the Kardashians

James Corden

Gwyneth Paltrow

Jake Paul (if you don’t know who he is, you are luckier than we are)

Amber Heard

Dr Phil

Any Social Media Influencer

Tell us who would make the worst impression on aliens for a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 9 October 2022

Recently we saw a story about this mistake made by a street painter outside a school.

Or was it a shcool?

So for your team name this week, we want you to tell us about a screw up at work.

It turns out that family DIDN’T want their grandmother to be cremated

I accidentally charged a customer $200 instead of $2

Unplugged the freezer to plug in my phone charger

I should have checked that I spelled Santa correctly on that Santa’s Village sign

I allowed 10 million people’s personal details to be stolen

Any “you had one job” moments will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 2 October 2022

We’re getting sporty this week.

But we also want to be accurate.

So for your team names this week, we want you to replace a sports team nickname with the dictionary definition of their nickname.

The New Zealand Completely Unable to Reflect Lights

St Kilda People Canonised by the Catholic Church

The Boston Communist Foot Coverings

Any dictionary definitions of sports team nicknames will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 25 September 2022

Recently we asked a question about the highest grossing films with the words “of the dead” in the title.

One team answered with Peter Pan of the Dead.

So this week we want you to add the words “of the dead” to a film title.

The Shawshank Redemption of the Dead

Jurassic Park of the Dead

Jaws of the Dead

Eyes of the Dead Wide Shut

The Sound of Music of the Dead

There Will Be Blood of the Dead

Night of the Living Dead of the Dead

The Wizard of the Dead of Oz

Schindler’s List of the Dead

Any “of the dead” films will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 18 September 2022

You may have seen Hamilton, where white historical figures have been played by black & hispanic performers.

Judging by it’s popularity, people seem to be ok with that.

But for your team name this week, we want you to speculate about some wildly inappropriate casting decisions.

Kevin Costner as anyone with an English accent

Daniel Day Lewis as Princess Leia

Maggie Smith & Emma Watson should have swapped roles in Harry Potter

I can’t believe the role of Ariel is being played by someone who can’t even breath underwater.  When are human actors going to stop taking roles that should go to fish?

Any hypothetical casting ideas will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 11 September 2022

Everyone knows what a Karen is.

This week we’re going to be putting Karens into film. Specifically, we want you to revamp a movie plot by replacing a character with a Karen.

Batman vs Karen

The Lion, the Karen, and the Wardrobe

Karen demands the Infinity Stones because she’s more entitled to them than Thanos

Any introduction of a Karen into a movie gets a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.