Tag Archives: trivia

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 28 July 2024

The Olympics are on.

So for your team names this week, we want you to make an Olympic event more dangerous.

Relay races with chainsaws as batons

Waterpolo players must wear weight vests

Football is played with an explosive ball

Your javelin throw doesn’t count unless you can also catch it

Replace water stations in the marathon with gin stations

Any wildly ill-advised Olympic events will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 27 July 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Celebrity names can be tough to spell.

Dude Law

Huge Jackman

Donald Grump

Donald Tramp

Joe Bye-done

Koala Harris

Anne Thataway

Dustbin Hoffman

Fatt Damon

Brad Shit

In Diana Jones

Nigeria Lawson

Michelle Yo

Sandra Bollocks

Mark Buffalo

Harrison Fjord

Baked Lively

Emma Scone

Penis Williams

Lady Haha

Celine Dijon

Kendrick Llama

David Blowie

Stevie Kicks

Megan Thee Scallion

Llama Del Rey

Boob Dylan


Seagull Spell

Pretty Chair

Lonely Toaster

Off Target

Ticklish Tank

Broadway Cucumber

Raccoon Yak


One team was caught cheating before we finished reading the first question. They couldn’t make it a single question before looking up Grease on their phone right in front of us.

We had to explain to more than one team that Antarctica is not a country.

There was a picture of a dolphin’s skull, and one team amusing guessed that it was Harold Holt. Well, it would explain why they never found him.

And we have just one team that still has a perfect record after four weeks of our quarterly tournament, and the same team as last week leading on average.

Team Wins Score Average
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 4 295 73.75
Foxolotl 3 226 75.33
Diversity 3 220 73.33
Leader Housen 3 189 63.00
Smith Family 2 142 71.00
Spongebob 2 134 67.00
6 Go Crazy 2 128 64.00
Taco Monsters 2 126 63.00
Miniums 2 124 62.00
Tournament Name 1 82 82.00
Here’s looking at you kid 1 80 80.00
Anti Beer Tax 1 78 78.00
Arondomic 1 78 78.00
Basketball 1 78 78.00
Fish and Friends 1 77 77.00
Team OG 1 77 77.00
Bagpuss 1 75 75.00
Whale Emoji 1 74 74.00

See you next week.

Kingsgrove Trivia – Kingsgrove Hotel – Wednesdays at 7pm

Kingsgrove trivia is on every Wednesday at the Kingsgrove Hotel.

Wherever you’re coming from, it’s hands down the best way to spend a Wednesday evening in Sydney, and it kicks off every week at 7pm.

We take trivia pretty seriously, and they’ve got a great location for it.  Combine thought provoking questions with $20 steaks from the bistro and prizes to compete for, and you’ve got a recipe for a perfect Wednesday night out.

So every Wednesday assemble a diverse team of your friends and pop in for some Kingsgrove trivia in Sydney’s South.  It’s bound to be a great night out if you are into beer and trivia. (And if you’re not, we have no idea why you are still reading.)

If you’re the kind of person who has memorised every Melbourne Cup winner, congratulations. But to be honest, that probably won’t help you. This isn’t an exam. Rather than just spitting out facts, you’ll probably have have to do some lateral thinking. We will ask questions that you won’t see coming. We will ask questions you probably won’t know off the top of your head, but will enjoy arguing about with your friends. The IQ in iQ Trivia stands for interesting questions, and that is what we will provide.

As always, we’ve got a homework question to give you an advantage. If you want to be on the e-mail list, just send an e-mail to [email protected] with Kingsgrove Trivia in the subject line to be added to our mailing list.

And the Facebook page dedicated to this particular venue will have additional information to help you out.

Book yourselves in for the best trivia in South Sydney by calling 9502 4436 or by making a reservation on their website.

And we will see you at 7pm every Wednesday at the Kingsgrove Hotel.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 21 July 2024

Recently one of our teams made a spelling mistake on a James Bond question and referred to Sean Cannery.

So we’re making that our team name theme.

For a bonus point, we want you to make a minor spelling mistake in a celebrity name.

Benedict Cucumberbatch

Bread Pitt

Nicolas Rage

Leonardo DiCatrio

Meryl Sheep

Colin Birth

Keanu Leaves

Any misspelled celebrity names will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 20 July 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Coming last in trivia stings a lot less when you win $140 in the jackpot.

And it’s also nice when you finish first and also win the jackpot, though the other teams are more likely to hate on you.


It was a nice change of pace to have compliments as team names.

You’re like the cool side of the pillow

You look like you’d follow a word limit


Nice ass

Your mother is a nice lady

You’re less awful than Hitler

You wouldn’t steal a car

I bet models call you for advice

You look like you never shit

You have golden retriever energy

You’re as tasty as KFC

Childhood me would have wanted your life


Scandalous Feet

Feisty Dog

Sparkling Current

Blue Poo

Frightening Spectacles

Toucan Cuckoo Clock

Immature Melting


The Frenchman working behind the bar gave away the answer when we asked teams to identify the language of a cover version of a Beatles song.

We asked what Australian state the Gawler Ranges were in, and one team asked us to explain what we meant. I mean… there’s not really much to explain. Just pick a state.

One team managed their first ever win after a year or so of coming 7th… right before they move out of town.

And we’ve got three teams over the 200 mark three weeks into our quarterly tournament, and one team way up at 82 on average scores.

Team Wins Score Average
Foxolotl 3 226 75.33
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 3 221 73.67
Diversity 3 220 73.33
Leader Housen 3 189 63.00
6 Go Crazy 2 128 64.00
Taco Monsters 2 126 63.00
Tournament Name 1 82 82.00
Here’s looking at you kid 1 80 80.00
Smith Family 1 79 79.00
Anti Beer Tax 1 78 78.00
Basketball 1 78 78.00
Team OG 1 77 77.00
Bagpuss 1 75 75.00
Whale Emoji 1 74 74.00

See you next week.