Tag Archives: triviart

This Week in iQ Trivia – 9 November 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


What are some new ballot measures you would like to see voted on?

People who use their phones at trivia should be locked up

Sending an e-mail at 4:59 on a Friday

Parmi or Parma

Slow walking is now a crime

Every quiz should have one question on Titanic

Freeze Paul McCartney

Pineapple on pizza is settled once and for all

All Canberrans get a free trip away during Summernats

America gets yeeted into the sun

No vaping in the moshpit

People with mullets must enact the same grooming technique for their whole body

Band train replacement buses

Hitting people who play videos on public transport without earphones with hammers is now legal


Shirt Debt

Spaghetti Samurai

Bendy Cat

Beyonce Trump

Irish Toilet

Boned Penguin


One of our teams guessed at the fuel capacity of and Airbus A380 as 2 litres. Yep. A whole plane flies across the Pacific on less fuel than a 6 pack of beer.

And as long as we’re on the subject of numeracy, people thought a $1 coin made of pure gold would weigh 45kg.

Someone tried to make a case that lynching should be considered an indoor sport beginning with L.

Last week’s leaders are still on top, but there’s plenty of time left to go in our quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Score Average
6 Go Crazy 6 430 71.67
Diversity Council 5 357 71.40
Leader Housen 5 351 70.20
The Smith Family 4 292 73.00
Flashy Red Ponies 4 277 69.25
Al’s Team 3 217 72.33
Foxolotl 3 211 70.33
Smash Bros 3 201 67.00
Julius Caesar 2 153 76.50
No Idea 2 152 76.00
Glee 2 151 75.50
Karen, Sharon, and Darren 2 147 73.50
Thor’s Thundercats 2 145 72.50
Tribe 2 144.5 72.25
Bandits 2 143 71.50
Shannon and Co 2 135 67.50

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 2 November 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You can come last and then win the jackpot.

Knowing about the political career of Silvio Berlusconi paid off.


You came up with a lot of mundane halloween costumes.

Woman who was told “you look really tired” when she didn’t put makeup on

Person pretending to text to avoid making eye contact

Man who missed his bus because it came early

Woman whose heel broke on her way to work

Guy trying to make it look like he’s not looking at a girl’s ass

Drag queen on their day off

Person with a loose sock that keeps slipping in their shoe

Woman who gets her hair done and tells the hairdresser she loves it and then cries in the car

Man waiting for a machine at the gym

Person in back seat trying to avoid a conversation with their Uber driver

Person who said the right answer but didn’t write it down


Cow Folktale

Dusty Lemon

Sand Anaconda

Spooky Pumpkin

Alpaca Wine

Bottled Pumpkin


Churchill became Prime Minister, Hitler visited Paris, and John Lennon was born… in 1984.

A team that was mostly Hindu got a question on Hinduism wrong.

Who played President Franklin Roosevelt in Pearl Harbour? Meryl Streep. Yeah she’s got range, but does she have THAT much range?

A picture of a young Christopher Walken was mistaken for a picture of a young Morgan Freeman.

And we’ve got one team at the top of the table in our quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Score Average
6 Go Crazy 5 359 71.80
Diversity Council 4 287 71.75
Leader Housen 4 275 68.75
The Smith Family 3 218 72.67
Al’s Team 3 217 72.33
Foxolotl 3 211 70.33
Flashy Red Ponies 3 206 68.67
Glee 2 151 75.50
Karen, Sharon, and Darren 2 147 73.50
Tribe 2 144.5 72.25
Bandits 2 143 71.50
Smash Bros 2 138 69.00
Shannon and Co 2 135 67.50
Give Lonnie a Pencil 2 98 49.00

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 26 October 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


What are some scary Halloween costumes?

Renters who know their rights

An unannounced phone call – Gen Z

Magpies – Australians

Green flags – Girls with daddy issues

Songs released since 2000 – Some trivia players

The sun to gingers

Unions – Jeff Bezos

Apples – scary to doctors

Boundaries – Indian parents

Medium density zoning – NIMBYs

Facts – MAGA voters

Black Ariel

Condoms – Men

Consent laws – Bruce Lehrman

P. Diddy’s home videos

P. Diddy


French Pumpkin

Blueberry Physiotherapy

Tormented Troll

Smooth Goblin

Hindu Steve

Black Widow Jeopardy


We were reminded that many people struggle with quantities, when someone guessed that one serving of Vegemite was 50g. That’s a serving of Vegemite about the size of a Mars bar.

What does the R in NRL stand for?  National.

Beginning with K what kills Superman? Ketamine.

We overheard this… “Well I answered the question right. I just didn’t listen to the question.” Yes, they were right about a question we didn’t ask.

One of our team argued about whether Jack Nicholson won an Oscar for The Shining or Chinatown. Thirty minutes of discussion and they were both wrong.

And our quarterly tournament has a new leader.

Team Wins Score Average
6 Go Crazy 4 287 71.75
Al’s Team 3 217 72.33
Diversity Council 3 215 71.67
Foxolotl 3 211 70.33
Flashy Red Ponies 3 206 68.67
Leader Housen 3 202 67.33
Glee 2 151 75.50
Tribe 2 144.5 72.25
The Smith Family 2 143 71.50
Give Lonnie a Pencil 2 98 49.00
James & the Quizzly Bears 1 81 81.00
Julius Caesar 1 79 79.00
Nag’s Soup 1 78 78.00
Tournament Name 1 77 77.00
Karen, Sharon, and Darren 1 76 76.00
Making Phone Calls 1 75 75.00
Spongebob 1 75 75.00
Miles 1 74 74.00
No Idea 1 74 74.00
Shannon and Co 1 74 74.00
Bandits 1 73 73.00
Basketball 1 71 71.00
Big Bang Theory 1 71 71.00
Thor’s Thundercats 1 71 71.00

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 19 October 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


The won first place with a huge score, and then got not one but TWO questions in the jackpot.


Your minor changes to place names were major.







United Kinkdom







The Sutherland Shite



The Vatican Tity

F*ckland, NZ


Salty Priest

Phantom Dynamite

False Spring

Ibis Lifeguard

Fantastic Pylon

Tire Fence


One team started playing their daily Worldle game as they were waiting for the final scores to be calculated, and they were shown a silhouette of South Korea 20 minutes after we asked a question about a silhouette of South Korea.

South Africans who have won the Nobel Peace Prize? Not Oscar Pistorius or Elon Musk as some teams guessed.

One team with a real live Greek person was the only one to get a question on Greek mythology wrong.

And we’ve got three teams at the top of the table in our quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Score Average
6 Go Crazy 3 216 72.00
Foxolotl 3 211 70.33
Flashy Red Ponies 3 206 68.67
Glee 2 151 75.50
Al’s Team 2 144 72.00
Diversity Council 2 144 72.00
Leader Housen 2 142 71.00
Give Lonnie a Pencil 2 98 49.00
Julius Caesar 1 79 79.00
Nag’s Soup 1 78 78.00
Tournament Name 1 77 77.00
Karen, Sharon, and Darren 1 76 76.00
Spongebob 1 75 75.00
Shannon and Co 1 74 74.00
No Idea 1 74 74.00
Bandits 1 73 73.00
Tribe 1 72 72.00
Basketball 1 71 71.00
Big Bang Theory 1 71 71.00
Thor’s Thundercats 1 71 71.00
The Smith Family 1 70 70.00

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 12 October 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


To win a jackpot you need knowledge. Or you need to be lucky.

They managed an educated and lucky guess on the Berlin Wall, and then a second lucky guess on Star Trek and won over $200 on the jackpot.


You were full of unethical life hacks

Shopping with grandpa’s disabled parking sticker

Moving in with your grandparents and blaming their Alzheimers for their misappropriated funds

The cheapest electricity is your neighbours

Travel everywhere by courtesy bus

Prepaid Opal cards at the airport

Use a mannequin to drive into the carpool lane

Be a girl and go on dates to get free meals

Just steal from Woolies

Using Costco samples as your main source of protein

Release your gases to clear the masses

Wanking on the bus gets you two seats


Cold Pickle

Unreliable Beelzebub

Fired Pineapple

Auld Paper Coins

Poodle Bong

May be an image of text


One team brought a furry teammate. Not sure how helpful she was, but she was a very good girl.

A question on annual spending per person at Woolworths supermarkets got guesses ranging up to $400,000. Hot damn! Inflation is really taking hold.

One team did the homework for the previous week, and it cost them a prize.

And we now have six teams on two wins in our quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Score Average
Glee 2 151 75.50
Foxolotl 2 150 75.00
Diversity Council 2 144 72.00
6 Go Crazy 2 143 71.50
Leader Housen 2 142 71.00
Flashy Red Ponies 2 140 70.00
Al’s Team 1 77 77.00
Tournament Name 1 77 77.00
Karen, Sharon, and Darren 1 76 76.00
Spongebob 1 75 75.00
Shannon and Co 1 74 74.00
Basketball 1 71 71.00
Big Bang Theory 1 71 71.00
Thor’s Thundercats 1 71 71.00
We used to be second 1 69 69.00
Mad About You 1 67 67.00
The Goose is Loose 1 67 67.00
Misappropriated funds 1 66 66.00
The BGTs 1 65 65.00
Milf Manor 1 64 64.00
Horst’s Hermits 1 62 62.00

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 5 October 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


First place and the jackpot meant they had a pretty good night.


What would be on TV in hell?

The DVD symbol never quite hitting the corner

The moment of my conception

Your grandparent’s sex tape

The 24 hour Taylor Swift channel

Non stop Wiggles

Baby Shark


Gilmore Girls at double speed

Swans in the AFL Grand Final

The Bolt Report on repeat

Embarassing Bodies featuring me

Diddy tapes

Danoz Direct all day

Flay School

Deal or InferNo Deal

Real Housewives of the 4th Circle of Hell


Woody Toy

Cobra Women

Swan Dive

Pegasus Moo Deng

Tesla Fish

Oompa Loompa Timepiece


One team knew the answer to one of our jackpot questions, but weren’t sure how to spell Mississippi, and so they changed their answer to North Dakota. Yep.. They actually did that.

How do Shakespeare character most frequently die? Someone guessed AIDS.

European cities that hosted the Olympics? How about Beijing & Sydney.

And our final quarterly tournament for the year started.

Team Wins Score
Al’s Team 1 77
Spongebob 1 75
Shannon and Co 1 74
Leader Housen 1 72
Glee 1 72
Big Bang Theory 1 71
Foxolotl 1 70
Diversity Council 1 68
6 Go Crazy 1 67
Mad About You 1 67
The BGTs 1 65
Milf Manor 1 64
Horst’s Hermits 1 62
Flashy Red Ponies 1 61
Any Football Ever 1 59
Wisconsin 1 58
Give Lonnie a Pencil 1 48

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 28 September 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


It was a big week for jackpots for teams who know about…

Sydney Sweeney

Trans-Tasman Cricket

70s Films


What makes you feel old?

Literally anything on TikTok

The music at iQ Trivia

My knees

Joint pain

The midnight pee club

Hearing someone say I was born in the late 1900s

Leaving a voice mail

A colleague saying they were born after the Sydney Olympics

Hearing “no cap skibidi toilet” on a regular basis

Being hungover after one pint

Not getting asked for ID

Being called “sir”

Maroon 5 on the oldies station

Oasis getting back together

Skinny jeans

Asking “what are the kids wearing these days” at age 23

Legal adults who don’t know what 9/11 is

Hearing “you look really good for your age”

The Gen Z heart/hand symbol

Asking for a Gaviscon at pre-drinks


Parallellogram Smash

Moist Mouse

Furious Bullet Train

Sheepish Serpent

Rusty Asparagus

Balloon Dracula

Birthday Encyclopedia


Sometimes when reading out letter, we give the letter in the phonetic alphabet. That’s helpful. Especially when we say “L as in Lima” and the answer is actually Lima.

We played a mashup including the Pornhub intro music, and someone thought it was Playschool. Nooooooope!

One two separate occasions, teams argued for 5 minutes over where to allocate their points in our bonus round, when not one of their answers was correct.

And after 13 weeks we have winners in our quarterly tournament, though it was really close.

It’s the Richard Gere Appreciation Society, taking first place and the highest average with an 80 point win in the final week.

Team Wins Score Average
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 9 666 74.00
Leader Housen 10 662 66.20
Flashy Red Ponies 10 661 66.10
Smith Family 8 591 73.88
6 Go Crazy 9 586 65.11
Diversity 7 508 72.57
Bagpuss 6 442 73.67
Foxolotl 6 437 72.83
Whale Emoji 5 353 70.60
Menace to Sobriety 5 334 66.80
Tribe 4 291 72.75
Spongebob 4 275 68.75
Thor’s Thundercats 4 274 68.50
Towelhead 3 226 75.33
We went to the dentist 3 221 73.67
Shannon & Co 3 218 72.67
Ted’s Team 3 217.5 72.50
Mara’s Angels 3 216 72.00
Captain Kathie’s Mandolin 3 199 66.33
Team Knox 3 192 64.00
Sigma 3 184 61.33
Fish and Friends 2 153 76.50
Here’s looking at you kid 2 150 75.00
Zed & Co 2 149 74.50
Al’s Team 2 146 73.00
Wine not on 2 146 73.00
The Other Ted’s Team 2 143 71.50
The Clowns 2 140 70.00
Julius Caesar 2 139 69.50
Trivia Minions of Doom 2 138 69.00
Pecans 2 136 68.00
No Idea 2 135 67.50
Wimbledon 2 132 66.00
Karen, Sharon and Darren 2 130 65.00
Val and Leon 2 128.5 64.25
Taco Monsters 2 126 63.00
Miniums 2 124 62.00

A new quarterly tournament begins next week. Make sure you include your tournament team name in the corner of your answer sheet every week so your winning scores are counted.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 21 September 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about national populations paid off.


There was not a bit of truth in any of your team names.

The Prime Minister is secretly five identical middle aged white guys.

Al-Qaeda built the twin towers just to knock them down.

They put pineapple on pizza.

He lures children into his gingerbread house.

Voting Democrat causes cancer.

You really want three raccoons in a trenchcoat running the country? Look at their tiny hands!

They assassinated Mr Greedy.

Dinosaurs are in witness protection.

The Sydney property market is accessible.

The Female Orgasm


Amphibious Diet Pepsi

Feral Air

Holy Penis Owl

Discount Tombstone

Moo Deng Tetris


When we asked about a Jane Austen book, one player piped up and said “who is Jane Austen”. To which we responded “look, this question may not be for you.”

Our bonus round involved naming South American countries, and one Brazilian player pointed out that the bonus round was unfair in his favour… and then proceeded to get it wrong.

We asked about countries with stars on their flags, and one team said Japan, and we couldn’t really say they were wrong.

And there’s one week to go in our weekly tournament and it’s still close. There are four teams with a chance to win the top prize, and a few more in the running for the highest average prize.

Team Wins Score Average
Leader Housen 9 594 66.00
Smith Family 8 591 73.88
Flashy Red Ponies 9 586 65.11
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 8 586 73.25
6 Go Crazy 7 512 73.14
Bagpuss 6 442 73.67
Foxolotl 6 437 72.83
Diversity 6 436 72.67
Tribe 4 291 72.75
Whale Emoji 4 281 70.25
Menace to Sobriety 4 277 69.25
Thor’s Thundercats 4 274 68.50
Towelhead 3 226 75.33
We went to the dentist 3 221 73.67
Shannon & Co 3 218 72.67
Mara’s Angels 3 216 72.00
Spongebob 3 207 69.00
Captain Kathie’s Mandolin 3 199 66.33
Team Knox 3 192 64.00
Sigma 3 184 61.33

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 14 September 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing a little bit of math and how not to panic won them money.


What’s something you like that nobody else finds attractive.

Miners (not minors)



Low self esteem



Crooked noses

Dad bods

Double chins

Webbed feet

Short shorts & hairy thighs

Unshaved legs

Baby talk

Body odour

Steve Buscemi eyes




Cake Election

Dry Kangaroo

Gregarious Australia

Muscular Hot Chip

Cowboy Tycoon

Rodeo Slay

Chihuahua Tank


When they heard a 90s song, one team guessed that it was Creed, Nickelback, and Pearl Jam, none of which were correct.

Instead of answering Taylor Swift, one team answered “a childless cat lady”.

What sport has the most drug violations? Breakdancing according to one team. Well, it would explain Raygun.

And our quarterly tournament is as close as it can be. It’s a tie, broken only by the fact that Leader Housen has a higher maximum score. And in third place we have a team just four points behind.

Team Wins Score Average
Leader Housen 8 520 65.00
Flashy Red Ponies 8 520 65.00
Smith Family 7 516 73.71
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 7 509 72.71
6 Go Crazy 7 452 64.57
Bagpuss 6 442 73.67
Foxolotl 6 437 72.83
Diversity 5 364 72.80
Whale Emoji 4 281 70.25
Menace to Sobriety 4 277 69.25
Thor’s Thundercats 4 274 68.50
We went to the dentist 3 221 73.67
Shannon & Co 3 218 72.67
Mara’s Angels 3 216 72.00
Tribe 3 213.5 71.17
Spongebob 3 207 69.00
Captain Kathie’s Mandolin 3 199 66.33
Team Knox 3 192 64.00
Sigma 3 184 61.33

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 7 September 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


What’s something everyone but you seems to find attractive.


Straight men

Timothy Chalamet

Channing Tatum

Juicy Couture tracksuits

High heels

Natural tans

Finance bros

Whale tails



Long nails


Brazilian butt lifts

Uncomfortable underwear

British accents


Elderly Skatepark

LARP on Mars

Windy Eggplant

Angry Wombat

British Dragon

Perky Shoe

Obtuse Pie

Hippopotamus Reindeer

Kafkaesque Snuffleuppagus


On a question about British Prime Ministers and Hugh Grant characters, a team of Brits managed to pick just 3/5 correctly, which is barely better than average. (They still won though.)

One team saw a picture of Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas, and guessed that it was Rishi Sunak.

Two minutes after we played a song, it came up on the jukebox and half the room heard it in full all over again.

One team only knew Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven because of the Simpsons. Which is a perfectly fair place to pick up knowledge on higher culture.

And our quarterly tournment has three weeks left and there are still plenty of teams in the running both for the overall title and for the highest average.

Team Wins Score Average
Leader Housen 7 458 65.43
Flashy Red Ponies 7 448 64.00
Smith Family 6 444 74.00
Foxolotl 6 437 72.83
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 6 436 72.67
6 Go Crazy 6 382 63.67
Bagpuss 5 378 75.60
Diversity 4 292 73.00
Whale Emoji 4 281 70.25
Menace to Sobriety 4 277 69.25
We went to the dentist 3 221 73.67
Shannon & Co 3 218 72.67
Mara’s Angels 3 216 72.00
Tribe 3 213.5 71.17
Spongebob 3 207 69.00
Thor’s Thundercats 3 202 67.33
Captain Kathie’s Mandolin 3 199 66.33
Sigma 3 184 61.33

See you next week.