Tag Archives: triviart

This Week in iQ Trivia – 25 April 2020

If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


The Coronavirus isn’t all bad. You managed to find quite a few positives to it.

Hourly naptimes

I get to work in my underwear

PJs as work attire

No one can tell if you’re still in pyjamas

It’s ok to drink alone

No bra all day

Now there’s no weird guy falling asleep on me on the train

Morning margaritas

I get to stay home and catch up on my Netflix

All the time I need to perfect my new Animal Crossing New Horizons Island

Never having to decide on a hug, handshake, or wave

I can drink naked

Day drinking

Drinking more high end bleach

I’m living an introvert’s dream

Not having to make nebulous small talk with co-workers

No pants trivia

I can dress up like a shark with no consequences

Bat soup prices have never been lower

It’s better than Ebola


Brutalist Flerken

Guilty Armageddon

Waxy Cruiseliner

Floppy President

Unstable Muppet


The Korean phrase “kamsa hamnida” doesn’t mean “thank you”. No. It means “come and have some ham.”

Shakespeare’s Trolius and Cressida was retitled as Time and Corona. And if Shakespeare was writing now, he would most likely write about the Coronavirus.

And one of our hosts was asked if they were single… in the middle of a show… because apparently “trivia host” is one of the sexier occupations.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 18 April 2020

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


How should you measure 1.5m of social distance? Here’s how.

12.5 million Coronavirus’

1/67th of my AVO

Clive Palmer’s circumference

11.5384615 bananas

1500 grains of rice

3% of an Olympic swimming pool

Keep 3 cubits apart

2 Hobbits in a trenchcoat

1500 micropenises

Shaq’s condom

The length of 7 hotdog dogs

Keep one Danny Devito apart

Don’t be within groin kicking distance

Keep Donald Trump’s toupee collection away

One pool noodle

If I swing my pool noodle and you get we you’re too close

One large chihuahua and seven medium sized chihuahuas

6 hugging koalas

A fully grown capybara

If I can hit you with my hockey stick

If my sword can stab you

Urinal gap is law now

Half a silent fart away

How long a guy says a 1m ruler is


Sadistic Hobbit

Artisanal Capybara

Encoded Hand Sanitiser

Pendulous Hobbit

Foamy Nun


When faced with a new team playing online from Melbourne, we managed to come up a Melbourne specific question on the fly to placate those who felt their city had been excluded.

We got a long explanation from one player who explained the differences between asteroids, meteors, and meteorites. Expertise and explanations were rewarded with a bonus point.

A couple of teams seemed to forget how to count when we asked them to name NRL clubs with eight letters. “Rabbitohs” has nine letters.

One player who turned up late and without a team managed to get a bonus question right, and donated his bonus point to another team. (Who would have won anyway even without the point, but it was still a nice gesture.

And we all had a good laugh at one of out players when we asked about a club The Ramones played at. The wanted to know what sport we were talking about. Then they had the good sense to feel bad about asking such a silly question in front of everyone.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 11 April 2020

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


We dare you to try out these Coronavirus themed pick up lines.

Stay home if you sicc. Come over if you thicc.

U alone, or just social distancing?

ICU in my dreams.

Is your name Covid, because I’m infected with love.

Baby I wanna spend my life with you… starting in 6 months.

You looking for toilet paper? Because I can be your Prince Charmin.

Hey baby, did you fall from heaven, because you seem out of breath.

You can’t spell ICU without U and I.

You can’t spell quarantine without U R A Q T.

Baby it’s COVID 19 outside.

Infect me daddy.

Hey baby, wanna go viral?

Are you an N95 mask, because I want you on my face.

I call my dick Covid 19. Give it a minute and you’ll see exponential growth.

I’m just a girl, standing 1.5 metres in front of a boy, asking him to move back another metre.


Rusty Snowglobe

Caffeinated Dog

Sadistic Egg

Portly Virus


Our featured team in our weekly challenge quiz came prepared with a sign indicating what they think of their regular host.

One of our hosts was complimented on their pronunciation of the Welsh town of Llandudno.

One team threw out a random guess of “30 Rock” on a bonus question about a TV series before we even read out any of the clues. The answer… “30 Rock”.

How do you spell “Bee Gees”? Someone believed autocirrect when it gave them “Beige”.

And confusing units of measurements gave someone 6,250km instead of 6km.

We had a surprisingly long debate over whether or not “gone” rhymes with “one”.

And Cicero’s famous dictum “Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto” was translated as “iQ Trivia is the best”. Well, we’re not Latin experts, but that sounds about right.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 21 March 2020

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


We had a lot of team happy to have won toilet paper.


Some of these new names for the Coronavirus got a bit… dark.

Boomer Remover


Why you shouldn’t eat bats virus.

The Worst Thing to Happen to Team Bagpuss Since Bill Virus

No Wuhandshake

Wuhand Sanitiser

Tsingtao Virus (aka TS-VID19)

Peter Dutton Christmas Island Virus

The Gladys Virus (because it shuts things down)


Elephant Cartwheel

Sultry Flamingo

Diseased Basketball

Virulent Nun

Ugly Scroll


Puff the Magic Dragon lived in a land called Gallilee. (Perhaps he was friends with Jesus.)

One team mistook Mel Brooks for Mel Gibson. One of the more galling comparisons you could make.

And at one of our shows, the last place subject was “West Ham United (Things Team Bagpuss Won’t Know)”. So, to be sure, for one of our questions we individually asked every other team the question, and explicitly didn’t allow Team Bagpuss to hear the question. They could guess, but to be sure they were at a disadvantage, we didn’t let them know what the question actually was… and they still got it right, assuming that we would likely ask a question about Bobby Moore.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 14 March 2020

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Who knows what the flag of Malawi looks like? These two teams knew.

And he knew about the CSIRO.

And for all of you teams who pose with your jackpot winnings with thumbs up and the like… the bar has been raised… by Hali here.


What’s a dumber thing to panic about that toilet paper?

Y3K. It’s not to early to start panicking

Buying a flock of pigeons for Y2K

4G went down so we went and bought all the Ethernet cables

Netflix is raising their prices, so we need DVDs stat

We bought up Blockbusters VHS tapes in case our NBN drops out for a minute

Duck and cover for the nukes

Hoarding straws

Save toilet paper by using both sides

Queen’s portraits cause republic

The took our jobs so we voted for ScoMo

Voting to keep franking credits

Umbrellas for climate change

Global warming is becoming so bad that I’m moving to a pineapple under the sea

Stocking up on dog treats when it’s raining cats and dogs

Where can I get a bidet

Panic installing a bidet

Buying a year’s supply of Chinese food before all the Chinese restaurants go out of business

Reduced to Clear Milk

RBA cut rates, put everything into Beanie Babies

Bees dying off? Hoard wasps

Procreating rapidly to combat the zombie apocalypse

The Vegemite shortage of 2020

I’ll survive this water shortage by drinking my own piss

Daylight savings is coming, better stock up on curtains

And… Team Bagpuss are so scared of missing trivia that we’re going to kidnap Bill. Shhhhhh, don’t tell him


Glistening China

Spontaneous Corona

Spicy Trees

Regrettable Dildo

Bollocksed Heart

Transcendental Hair

Peculiar Cheese

Holy Eye


The iconic scene in Die Hard of Hans Gruber falling do his death was given as Love Actually. Well, both include Alan Rickman, but that would have been a VERY different romantic comedy.

Countries containing the letters OR? Well there’s Mordor. Does that count?

One of our hosts had to break a tie about whether they’d rather sing all their words or dance all their movements, so they tried out both for a question. The verdict, dancing during a question is easier to maintain than singing a question.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 7 March 2020

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Once in a while, knowing about cigar sizes pays off.


Here’s how you hit the genetic jackpot

Allergic to avocados so I can afford a house

Advanced UV radiation detection (because I’m so pale)

Born human

Just ask me, I’m a test tube baby

Male pattern tallness

Covid 19 immune

We have photographic memories (they’re just not developed yet)

Not being gay in Iran

Being ethnically ambiguous

Right handed not wrong handed

My magnificent mandibular mane

I never needed braces

We’re high all the time

Two X chromosomes

I don’t cry when cutting onions

I am the only non bald person in my family, and that includes my sister.

Brains and bust

My boobs were so big I had to give them back

I have a beautiful pancreas

White males

My privilege has so many checks it’s tartan


Skinny Vegemite

Dancing Bottles

Sleepy Umbrella

Sultry Coronavirus

Oliver Cromwell: Bin Man

Jumping Food

Pretty Spatula

Spicy Teletubby

Sloppy Turtle


One of our player guessed we were about to play a song associated with the can can, and then we played Offenbach’s Orpheus in the Underworld, which you probably know as “that can can song.”

On the other hand, half of the room recognised Mary Poppins singing, but not Julie Andrews as the singer. Who ARE you people?

Two teams called Cartman from South Park “Carlton”. Perhaps from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

We are often asked to spell parts of the question, and we’re happy to oblige. But if you ask us to spell something in Mandarin… you’re making some pretty bold assumptions about our knowledge of Asian languages.

A method of childbirth beginning with the letter L? It’s not Lamaze. It’s “leave it alone” or “let ‘er rip”.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 29 February 2020

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


We are very interested in hearing your misspelled songs. (Warning, there will be some salty language.)

My Corona (several times)

I got flu babe

Every breast you take

My fart will go on

Two strong farts

It’s a beautiful gay

Electric boobs, B B B Benny and the Chest

Another one bites the bust

New York, concrete jungle wet dream tomato

Under the fridge

Tony Danza

Smells like spleen spirit

Poops, I did it again

Sweet hole Alabama

I wanna duck you like an animal

Uptown f*ck you up

Truly, manly, deeply

Like a sturgeon

Motel California

Hit me with your best shit

Happy birthday to poo

Shit me baby one more time

Baby shart doo doo doo doo doo doo

Come in Eileen

C#nt tree roads

Dark side of the poon

Don’t let your son go down on me


Vague Penis

Bouncing Dog

Smokey Bird

Grumpy Ship

Mouldy Government

Dying Pants

Clean Elephant Fallopian Tubes

Funny Dog

Big Headed Beer


The Impossible Dream by Elvis was given as “The Improbable Dream”.

When we asked about inscriptions on British coins, one player who had been there recently went digging through her change looking for one with the right inscription only to come up empty handed. (You never known when looking at coins might pay off.)

We asked about versions of Masterchef, and one of our teams came up with Junior Masterchef, Celebrity Masterchef, and Masterchef Accurate Payroll.

We asked a question about religion, and one team gave us “that Indian one”. First of all, you’re thinking of Hinduism, and second, the Talmud is associated with Judaism.

And someone left their shoes at trivia. Look, we know trivia can be so absorbing that you can lose track of everything else, but dammit man! You’ve GOT to remember your shoes! Nobody wants them hanging around.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 22 February 2020

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They came in first place & won a jackpot of $120. Everyone is going to be gunning for them next week.

And they won on their first time, which should be encouraging for all those new teams who think they can’t win.  It’s JUST one question.


There were a lot of cases of mistaken identity.

Alan Jones and the Temple of Doom

Scott Van Morrison

Charlie Chaplin and the Chocolate Factory

Breaking News: Leonardo DiCaprio’s Mona Lisa has been stolen!

Little Women on the Prairie

Jack Sparrow the Ripper

Sena Patrick Thomas as Doogie Howser MD

Paul Kelly Clarkson

Tennis champion Roger Moore

The 40 Year Old Virgin starring Steve Jobs

John Paul II, George, and Ringo

Bohemian Rhapsody by Prince

Sponge Bob Menzies

We loved Nelson Mandela in the Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption Mother F*cker! Starring Samuel L. Jackson

Harley Quinn Davidson

I love John Wayne Gacy’s western movies

Weird Al Gore Vidal

iQ Trivia with Joe Stalin

Obama bin Laden

Bernadette Cumberbatch

Snow White and the Seven Wonders of the World

Daniel Craig as Harry Potter

Marilyn Manson singing Happy Birthday Mr President

Louis Armstrong landed on the moon

Lance Armstrong landed on the moon

Marie Claire, that famous scientist who won two Nobel Prizes

A Brief History of Time by Steven Segal


Vexatious Humpback Whale (courtesy of lawyers)

Breezy Turtle

Slippery Rooster

Suspenseful Fig

Sweaty Cow

Canadian Bob Ross

Crunchy Saucy Potato

Moist Floppy Butthole

Sweaty Platypus

Incredible Light Rail


One of our winners was a team who drove nearly an hour to see one of our hosts in Canberra.

When we asked about countries of birth in the Australian census and reminded people that they should get at least one, about half of the teams still forgot to put down “Australia.”

One player was sent up to answer a bonus question & was so certain they were wrong they were embarrassed to show us. Turns out they were right.

We got one of the more direct (though very much not safe for kids) answers to one of our jackpot questions.

And one team had to put up with an interloper who was a fan of Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs. When we played the line “most people I know…” and asked for the next line, he leaned in all creepy like & said “think that I’m crazy.” They thought he was ACTUALLY crazy & ignored him. Note to trivia interlopers everywhere… if you want to give people a hint, it’s best if you don’t do it in the creepiest way possible.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 15 February 2020

If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They knew a lot about film to win a jackpot on their first try.

Two teams got the first question at one venue, before one guessed a country as Thai & the other guessed Thailand on the second. We told them Thai is not a country, but that the answer was an Asian country beginning with TH… and it was… The Philippines. So… yeah, no jackpots this week. Also, we are terrible people.


We sincerely hope nobody ever decides to make products based on your team names.

Harry & Megan

Durian & anything

Cocaine & lunch with mum

Puppies & cocaine

Sandpaper tissues

Sandpaper toilet roll

Chilli undies

Red hot chilli condoms

Tabasco condoms

Chilli wank

Szechuan cockrings

Hot sauce bidet: Together at last

Avocado on toast

Salt & caramel

Meat pie ice cream

Meat shampoo

Add lyme disease to your Coronavirus

The AFL women’s competition


Alarm clock silencers

Ilya & trivia hosting

Ilya & his mum

Team Bagpuss goes with everything… except sobriety

Squidward & the will to live

Milk & orange toothpaste

Croc condoms

Windex nasal spray

Windex ketchup

Tomato sauce ice cream

Fish & gummy bear wrap

Mango mi-goreng

Tuna chocolate

Vegemite Tim Tams

Microbead lubricant

Mum & dad

Prawn cider

Baby roller derby

Indian food & anal sex


Boring Knife

Pretty Gland

Wooly Plant

Spicy Lobster

Fluffy Fireman

Cheesy Sydney

Spiky Koala

Saucy Porcupine

Juicy Sweden

Scary Dildo


A question on cricket dismissals is going to be tough on German & American tourists who have never seen cricket, but they did come up with methods of dismissal including strike out (close enough to bowled), hit by the ball (close enough to LBW), pooped on the field, dancing naked, and insulting the referee (which isn’t really close to any actual method of dismissal in cricket, but is certainly ill advised.)

New Jersey was described as “that state where all the horrible people live.”

We had to explain to someone that Canberra was NOT the capital of South Australia, and they still gave Canberra as an answer. We also had to convince them that Germany was a country.

Name a large German car manufacturer? How about Aldi? Well, we wouldn’t be surprised to see them selling cars in that wonderful centre aisle.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 8 February 2020

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


When you hand in your jackpot answer sheet two seconds late, we won’t accept it. Not even if you’re new. Not even if the answer is correct. Not when we’ve set out some very specific rules. Luckily they took it all with good humour & we had a drink afterwards.

This team, on the other hand, not only came first, but won a jackpot on a question they had no idea on but got with a random guess.

You ARE allowed to hate them.


What’s the dumbest way to avoid Corona virus?

Drink tequila instead, but you might get Tequila virus

Boil your Corona before you drink it

I’m heading to the beach with a Pina Colada because alcohol and heat kills the virus

Goop presents: Butt plug kills Corona virus

Switch to VB

Can I get Corona virus by drinking too much Corona? Asking for a friend

A squeeze of lime with your bat soup

Quarantine yourself indefinitely

Black market organ transplants… you can’t get hurt if it’s not your respiratory system

Stick a lime in your ear

Just add lime disease

Go down to the pub and wait for all this to blow over

Drink Coronas, fight virus with virus

Voting for One Nation

Dettol killz germs

Eat your greens & crusts

Holiday at the detention centre

Wear a condom on your face so you can’t get f*cked by Corona Virus

Lick everyone you know

Stay home and watch The Crown

Cough into your mouth

Install anti-virus software

Upgrade your McAfee or Norton

Using Class A drugs to nuke Corona virus


Don’t play Chinese Checkers because it causes Corona virus

Only eat the Australian meanls at your local Chinese

Honey, don’t order the sweet & sour pork

Can’t get sick when your face is wrapped in Glad wrap

Cling. Wrap. EVERYTHING!

Drink bleach, feel peach

Rub lime on your genitals

You can’t catch Corona virus if your genitals are covered in tabasco sauce

Everyone who has died didn’t give me money… just saying

Don’t go to Woolies when baby formula is on special

You can’t catch Corona virus if you already have it


Contagious Giraffe

Muddy Gas

Flagellating Dumpling

Bald Shoes

Invigorating Tortilla Chips

Porky Impeachment

Furry Coffee Mugs


A sportsman’s tattoo and the sport they played got some guesses from people who were clearly hedging their bets. One mentioned the tennis player Sonny Bill Williams, and one mentioned rugby player Nick Kyrgios.

Let’s Hear it for the Boy” was used in a 1984 film. But it wasn’t Footloose. Oh no. It was George Orwell’s 1984 according to one team. (That would have given that dystopian police state a very different feel.)

We asked about the Domino’s logo, and one player quickly ran out to the local Domino’s to check.

A group of Star Wars fans go so lost in their knowledge of Star Wars details that they forgot to listen to what the actual question asked about the death of Emperor Palpatine in Return of the Jedi.

On a current events bonus question, one team used their one guess to say that searches for “Beer Coronavirus” had risen by 450%. The next guess we got was… 450%… again. Yeah, it pays to listen to what others have said.

And one question compared alcohol consumption between Australians who play tennis and average Australians. One team misheard “average” as “aboriginal”. At least we HOPE that was misheard and not intentional!

See you next week.