Tag Archives: triviart

This Week in iQ Trivia – 24 August 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about the founding of BHP was very worthwhile.


There were a lot of stereotypical names. And you were pretty careful to choose jokes you were all allowed to make.

Giuseppe Cannoli

Benito Tortellini

Chuck Eagle Jr

Chad Vanderbolt

McKinleigh Rose Tradwife

Jum Fushnchups


Piccaninny Cadibarrawirracanna

Karen Whingealot

Josh Smith

Krystal Meff (from Queensland)

Diego Sangria

Vincent van der Clog

Muhammad Mohammad

Towel bin Towelhead (chosen by an Egyptian guy so it’s ok)

Paddy McCann

Seamus Finnegan

Pierre Camembert

Antoinette Croissant

Jean Pierre de la Petit Croissant


Velociraptor Jacket

Skatepark Pokies

Fruity Bear

Ice Penguin

Spinning Speech

Furry Alien

Picasso Vodka (complete with a shot of actual vodka)

Titillating Extinguisher


A list of countries with no international land borders. “Does Australia count” asked one team.

When having to come up with an animal beginning with V that are in a lot of kids ABC books, one team went with Velociraptor.

Shakespeare plays ending in T, how about The Taming of the Slut?

And our leaders have a bit more breathing space in our quarterly tournament now, though it’s really close on an average basis.

Team Wins Score Average
Foxolotl 5 365 73.00
Flashy Red Ponies 5 324 64.80
Leader Housen 5 319 63.80
Smith Family 4 303 75.75
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 4 295 73.75
Diversity 4 292 73.00
6 Go Crazy 4 259 64.75
Bagpuss 3 229 76.33
We went to the dentist 3 221 73.67
Whale Emoji 3 219 73.00
Mara’s Angels 3 216 72.00
Spongebob 3 207 69.00
Captain Kathie’s Mandolin 3 199 66.33
Sigma 3 184 61.33
Fish and Friends 2 153 76.50
Here’s looking at you kid 2 150 75.00
Shannon & Co 2 150 75.00
Zed & Co 2 149 74.50
Tribe 2 145.5 72.75
The Other Ted’s Team 2 143 71.50
Menace to Sobriety 2 141 70.50
The Clowns 2 140 70.00
Thor’s Thundercats 2 138 69.00
Pecans 2 136 68.00
No Idea 2 135 67.50
Team Knox 2 130 65.00
Val and Leon 2 128.5 64.25
Taco Monsters 2 126 63.00
Miniums 2 124 62.00

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 17 August 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They celebrated their jackpot win with breakdancing. Look for them the next time it’s in the Olympics.


You played a lot of unique roles in films.

Guy who gets rejected by lead actress when she spots Chris Hemsworth

Secondary female character to pass the Bechdel Test

Teacher who has wife and kids but is definitely gay

Squeamish onlooker at roadside birth

Guy with punchable face

The villain’s high school love interest who triggered their origin story

Argumentative prick at a trivia night

Guy who Wilhelm screams while falling off a cliff

Mayor who wants to keep the beach open

The guy eaten by Bruce in Jaws

Extra who keeps making eye contact with the camera

The dude in Titanic who hit the propeller

Cranky old man yelling at teenagers

Serial killer’s landlord

Bouncer who admits nobody

School shooting victim #48

Indiana Jones ethnic stereotype #5


Candle Music

Raygun Lawyer

Horrendous Discus

Centipede Flag

Egypt Puppy

Forrest Fat Folds


When given a series of yes/no questions about films, one team got all five wrong. That’s pretty rare, but it also meant that they thought that the events of 12 Years a Slave took place in the 1960s.

We had to explain to one team the Scotlandia is not a country beginning with S and ending with A.

One of our winning teams wanted to take their answer sheet back to the office to frame it.

And our leaders had an off week and didn’t add to their totals, but we do have a new team in the lead on average winning score.

Team Wins Score Average
Foxolotl 4 297 74.25
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 4 295 73.75
6 Go Crazy 4 259 64.75
Flashy Red Ponies 4 254 63.50
Leader Housen 4 252 63.00
Bagpuss 3 229 76.33
Smith Family 3 223 74.33
Diversity 3 220 73.33
Whale Emoji 3 219 73.00
Mara’s Angels 3 216 72.00
Spongebob 3 207 69.00
Captain Kathie’s Mandolin 3 199 66.33
Fish and Friends 2 153 76.50
Here’s looking at you kid 2 150 75.00
Tribe 2 145.5 72.75
We went to the dentist 2 145 72.50
The Other Ted’s Team 2 143 71.50
Menace to Sobriety 2 141 70.50
The Clowns 2 140 70.00
Thor’s Thundercats 2 138 69.00
Pecans 2 136 68.00
Val and Leon 2 128.5 64.25
Taco Monsters 2 126 63.00
Miniums 2 124 62.00

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 10 August 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They forgot to write down their team name on their jackpot answer sheet, so we made them declare that they were idiots who can’t follow simple instructions. But the win still counted.


The next Olympics may have some unusual new events

Listening to your girlfriend describe her dream

Convincing people to join your MLM scheme

Precision Dishwasher Stacking

Finding your size at a samplemsale

Tight space parallel parking

Outpacing the mandatory drug testing unit

Speed CAPTCHA Responses

Fitted sheet folding

Drunk tongue twisters


Fastest U-turn at an RBT

Microwaving leftover pizza

Speed carrying all your groceries in one trip

Putting socks on toddlers


Big Bill

Star Olympics

Grandma Gravity

Ostrich Minion

Anti-Social Pangolin


When we asked about how many Friday the 13ths there are in 2024, half the team methodically calculated things, and half just took a guess. And the results were about the same for both groups.

One team got every question in round 1 right, with the exception of the title of an Ariana Grande song, which they will remember until the day they die.

We had a team come all the way from Cronulla, and they got a question on Cronulla wrong.

Who was Prime Minister in 2001? Steve Irwin wasn’t it?

And our overall leaders in the quarterly tournament are steady, but we have new leaders on highest average.

Team Wins Score Average
Foxolotl 4 297 74.25
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 4 295 73.75
6 Go Crazy 4 259 64.75
Smith Family 3 223 74.33
Diversity 3 220 73.33
Whale Emoji 3 219 73.00
Spongebob 3 207 69.00
Flashy Red Ponies 3 191 63.67
Leader Housen 3 189 63.00
Fish and Friends 2 153 76.50
Bagpuss 2 152 76.00
Here’s looking at you kid 2 150 75.00
Tribe 2 145.5 72.75
Mara’s Angels 2 143 71.50
The Other Ted’s Team 2 143 71.50
Menace to Sobriety 2 141 70.50
The Clowns 2 140 70.00
Thor’s Thundercats 2 138 69.00
Pecans 2 136 68.00
No Idea 2 135 67.50
Captain Kathie’s Mandolin 2 130 65.00
Val and Leon 2 128.5 64.25
Taco Monsters 2 126 63.00
Miniums 2 124 62.00
Sigma 2 120 60.00

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 3 August 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You came up with a lot of ways to make the Olympics more dangerous.

Gymnastics but the mats are Lego bricks

Dressage on a wild bull

Explosive discus

Upsidedown kayaking

Mocking Mohammad in the opening ceremony

Razorwire polevault

Trump shooting

Scoliosis weightlifting

Swimming in the Seine

Kiddiepool diving

Diving with jellyfish

Fencing with lightsabers

Poison arrow archery

Reverse archery

Blindfolded archery

Piranha polo

Equestrian water polo

Water polo but the ball is a toaster


Firehose Fashion

Moist Bronze Peas

Going for Gold

Gremlin Violin

Rainbow Ms Pacman

Aquatic Paris


One team forgot to do their homework on early US Vice Presidents, so they just started listing names they could remember from Hamilton, and wound up getting three of them.

When we ask a bonus question about Belgian cities, it’s a lot easier to win when someone on your team is literally from the first city we mention.

And when presented with the letter R in out category bonus round, one team kept trying to make “roofies” work.

And we’ve got new leaders in our quarterly tournament, but it’s very close as two teams have four wins and the difference is only two points.

Team Wins Score Average
Foxolotl 4 297 74.25
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 4 295 73.75
Smith Family 3 223 74.33
Diversity 3 220 73.33
Spongebob 3 207 69.00
6 Go Crazy 3 196 65.33
Leader Housen 3 189 63.00
Fish and Friends 2 153 76.50
Tribe 2 145.5 72.75
Whale Emoji 2 143 71.50
The Clowns 2 140 70.00
No Idea 2 135 67.50
Captain Kathie’s Mandolin 2 130 65.00
Flashy Red Ponies 2 127 63.50
Taco Monsters 2 126 63.00
Miniums 2 124 62.00
Sigma 2 120 60.00

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 27 July 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Celebrity names can be tough to spell.

Dude Law

Huge Jackman

Donald Grump

Donald Tramp

Joe Bye-done

Koala Harris

Anne Thataway

Dustbin Hoffman

Fatt Damon

Brad Shit

In Diana Jones

Nigeria Lawson

Michelle Yo

Sandra Bollocks

Mark Buffalo

Harrison Fjord

Baked Lively

Emma Scone

Penis Williams

Lady Haha

Celine Dijon

Kendrick Llama

David Blowie

Stevie Kicks

Megan Thee Scallion

Llama Del Rey

Boob Dylan


Seagull Spell

Pretty Chair

Lonely Toaster

Off Target

Ticklish Tank

Broadway Cucumber

Raccoon Yak


One team was caught cheating before we finished reading the first question. They couldn’t make it a single question before looking up Grease on their phone right in front of us.

We had to explain to more than one team that Antarctica is not a country.

There was a picture of a dolphin’s skull, and one team amusing guessed that it was Harold Holt. Well, it would explain why they never found him.

And we have just one team that still has a perfect record after four weeks of our quarterly tournament, and the same team as last week leading on average.

Team Wins Score Average
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 4 295 73.75
Foxolotl 3 226 75.33
Diversity 3 220 73.33
Leader Housen 3 189 63.00
Smith Family 2 142 71.00
Spongebob 2 134 67.00
6 Go Crazy 2 128 64.00
Taco Monsters 2 126 63.00
Miniums 2 124 62.00
Tournament Name 1 82 82.00
Here’s looking at you kid 1 80 80.00
Anti Beer Tax 1 78 78.00
Arondomic 1 78 78.00
Basketball 1 78 78.00
Fish and Friends 1 77 77.00
Team OG 1 77 77.00
Bagpuss 1 75 75.00
Whale Emoji 1 74 74.00

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 20 July 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Coming last in trivia stings a lot less when you win $140 in the jackpot.

And it’s also nice when you finish first and also win the jackpot, though the other teams are more likely to hate on you.


It was a nice change of pace to have compliments as team names.

You’re like the cool side of the pillow

You look like you’d follow a word limit


Nice ass

Your mother is a nice lady

You’re less awful than Hitler

You wouldn’t steal a car

I bet models call you for advice

You look like you never shit

You have golden retriever energy

You’re as tasty as KFC

Childhood me would have wanted your life


Scandalous Feet

Feisty Dog

Sparkling Current

Blue Poo

Frightening Spectacles

Toucan Cuckoo Clock

Immature Melting


The Frenchman working behind the bar gave away the answer when we asked teams to identify the language of a cover version of a Beatles song.

We asked what Australian state the Gawler Ranges were in, and one team asked us to explain what we meant. I mean… there’s not really much to explain. Just pick a state.

One team managed their first ever win after a year or so of coming 7th… right before they move out of town.

And we’ve got three teams over the 200 mark three weeks into our quarterly tournament, and one team way up at 82 on average scores.

Team Wins Score Average
Foxolotl 3 226 75.33
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 3 221 73.67
Diversity 3 220 73.33
Leader Housen 3 189 63.00
6 Go Crazy 2 128 64.00
Taco Monsters 2 126 63.00
Tournament Name 1 82 82.00
Here’s looking at you kid 1 80 80.00
Smith Family 1 79 79.00
Anti Beer Tax 1 78 78.00
Basketball 1 78 78.00
Team OG 1 77 77.00
Bagpuss 1 75 75.00
Whale Emoji 1 74 74.00

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 29 June 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing what roles Ryan Reynolds passed on won them money.


Combine celebrities with countries. You came through.

Nicaragua Minaj

Fiji Hadid

O’Libya Newton John

Cameroon Diaz

Greece Kelly

Denmarky Mark

Argentina Turner

Andorra the Explorer

Will I Ran

Mexicoco Chanel

South Sudan Andrews

Spongebob Squarefrance

Germany Greer

North Korihanna

Michael Jordan

Jessica Albania

Bob Mali


Neil Finland

Dua Libya

Kanye West Indies





American Mosquito

Juggling at Stonehenge

Big Balloon

Fast Octopus

Rabid Current

Boeing Fromage

Sturdy Apple

Pregnant Dick

Discombobulated Tony

Rebel Helios


One team came back from second last at half time to win, in part because most of the other teams didn’t do the homework. DO. YOUR. HOMEWORK.

We found out that one of our players was inspired by the film Bad Teacher to become a teacher.

When we asked about states in US, Presidential elections, one team asked if we were including Australian states. Uhhhhh… no.

And after 13 weeks, one team came in first in our quarterly tournament with a near perfect 12 wins.

Team Wins Score
6 Go Crazy 12 808.5
Leader Housen 9 590
The Smith Family 7 507
Foxolotl 6 447
Spongebob 6 426
Shannon & Co 6 406.5
Mara’s Angels 5 379
Bagpuss 5 364
Superstars of Yacht Rock 5 362
Cormac’s Angels 4 304
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 4 299.5
Wine not on 4 292.5
Al’s Team 4 282.5
Tribe 3 222
Team OG 3 217
We’re Just Here To Have A Good Time 3 215
Time travel is not good for women 3 211
Thor’s Thundercats 3 207
Menace to Sobriety 3 201
Team Knox 3 189
Val & Leon 3 189
No Idea 3 185
Bring a bucket and a mop 3 160

A whole new (and expanded) tournament starts on Monday.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 22 June 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Wednesday was a good night for lucky guesses on 80s TV.

And musicals.


You gave us the futures of many kids characters.

Blinky Bill has Chlamydia

The Sun Baby from Teletubbies has skin cancer

Bananas in palliative care

Powerpuff Pensioners

Optimus past his Prime

Captain Underpants is now a General and Trump’s Secretary of Defense

The Amazing Student Debt Spider-Man

Shaggy goes to jail

Clifford the big red drunk

The kid from the Sixth Sense is now dead himself

Spongebob Sweatpants

The Tasmanian Devil has rheumatoid arthritis

Cartman starts World War 3

Boss Baby applies for Jobseeker

Homer Simpson on Ozempic

Bart binges botox

You’ve been retrenched Charlie Brown

HR Ediblestuff

Banana Bread in pyjamas

After 50 years Sonic has collected all the rings but he’s forgotten why

Ash Ketchum Animal Trafficker

Magic School Bus kids declared dead after bus breaks down in an anus

Snow White develops an allergy to fruit salad


Potbelly Peter Parker

Paddington moved to Alaska and won the fattest bear competition

Jem and the Cararacts

Dora explores a little too far and is arrested at the US border

Alice in the psych ward


Space Moose

Discombobulated Toiletries

Soapy Barbarian

Cheese Boomerang

Bodacious Egg

Naughty Feet

Basil Chess


We gave a series of 50/50 options on a question about Macbeth, and our options fooled a team of Scottish people. The following night, a Scotsman was beaten to the punch on a Loch Ness Monster question.

A day of the week that comes after Saturday? Sabbath. Well that’s more complicated than it needed to be, but yes.

One player was bugging us for a hint on one question, we gave him one, and it tipped him from having the correct answer to having a wrong answer. The lesson… be careful about asking for hints.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 15 June 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You mixed up a lot of interesting movies.

The Silence of the Lambshank Redemption

Mad Mash

My Big Fat Greek Chainsaw Massacre

Dr Strangelove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Actually

Crazy Rich Aliens

James and the Giant Octopussy

101 Reservoir Dogs

Paul Blart Robocop

Snakes on a Plane, Train, and Automobile

The Wolf of Wall-E Street

The Devil Wears Gucci

She’s the Man of Steel

Debbie Does Dallas Buyers Club

Race to Broke Back Mountain

Star Wars: The Emperor’s New Groove Strikes Back

Alien vs Bambi

Mad Max: Forrest Gump

The Pursuit of Happy Gilmore

Tupac’s Last Dancer

Knocked Up in the Air

Shaun the Sheep of the Dead

Dallas Buyer’s Fight Club

The Breakfast at Tiffany’s Club

Fear and Loathing in Seattle

Life of Private Ryan

He’s Just Not That Into Saving Private Ryan

Ocean’s 12 Years a Slave

Indiana Jones’ Diary

Who Framed Jojo Rabbit

Iron Lady Man


Xylophone Biscuit

Happy Brick

Devious Chopstick

Enraged Hopscotch

Tardigrade Toast


When the batteries ran out in the mic at one venue, one team earned bonus points for being the first to produce spares so the show could go on.

We had a bunch of very blokey teams, only one of whom recognised one of the main characters in The Gilmore Girls. Guys, you need more diversity on your trivia teams.

When we asked about who got married to a 67 year old woman recently, instead of Rupert Murdoch one team said “some young hunk” which is about as far as it’s possible to get from the right answer, and another said “definitely not Leonardo DiCaprio” which is actually pretty close to bang on.

And it looks like the winners of the current quarterly tournament can’t be caught.

Team Wins Score
6 Go Crazy 10 713.5
Leader Housen 8 524
The Smith Family 6 430
Spongebob 6 426
Superstars of Yacht Rock 5 362
Shannon & Co 5 331.5
Foxolotl 4 305
Cormac’s Angels 4 304
Mara’s Angels 4 302
Bagpuss 4 297
Wine not on 4 292.5
Al’s Team 4 282.5

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 8 June 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


A French composer came up in an AFL question, and they capitalised on it.

And they won first place, AND the jackpot. So a pretty solid night.


You showed us some pretty low dating standards.

200K in gambling debt, webbed feet

Now Herpes Free!

Criminal record isn’t that bad

She was there and I was drunk

I refuse to answer this in case my wife finds out

Lives with parents, drug addict

At least one surviving ex

Credit card debt higher than IQ

Nipples optional

Supports Collingwood but only when they‘re winning

Graduate of Andrew Tate’s University

Mama’s boy

Looking for warm body (living optional)

Kids, smoker, 40s, I’m in!

Plumber’s crack…must be hairy

Has all their teeth

Onesie wearing nosepicker


Hyper Candle

Legendary Girlfriend

Magnetic Fish

Whimsical Pope

Unlikely Referee Sponsor

Confused Geocache

Edge Break


We were selling clues at a fundraising quiz, and a shocking number of people bought clues only to find out they were already right.

One team finally had members old enough to be able to actually win the 7th place bottle of wine as a prize at one venue. It was a big deal for them.

And our leaders are still on top with just three weeks left in our quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Score
6 Go Crazy 9 641.5
Leader Housen 7 449
The Smith Family 6 430
Spongebob 6 426
Superstars of Yacht Rock 5 362
Foxolotl 4 305
Cormac’s Angels 4 304
Wine not on 4 292.5
Al’s Team 4 282.5
Shannon & Co 4 264.5
Mara’s Angels 3 228
Bagpuss 3 224
Tribe 3 222
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 3 219.5
Team OG 3 217
We’re Just Here To Have A Good Time 3 215
Time travel is not good for women 3 211
Menace to Sobriety 3 201
Team Knox 3 189
Val & Leon 3 189
Bring a bucket and a mop 3 160

See you next week.