Tag Archives: triviart

This Week in iQ Trivia – 27 October 2018

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They knew how many inches were in a mile (or they knew it close enough to be within the margin of error we allowed.)

And they knew enough about Miss Universe to take home over $400 and then deafen half the room with their squeals of delight.


You had plenty of warnings about yourselves.

Caution: Very hot

Appearance may cause uncontrollable horniness

Choking hazard: Small parts

Objects appear larger than they are

May contain nuts

May contain traces of cocaine

Sideffects may include nausea

Warning: Unorthodox pronunciation in use

Warning: To prevent discolouration avoid contact with alcohol

The following contains excessive alcohol consumption & coarse language

Sarcasm guaranteed

Must be fed every hour

Emotionally Fragile: Handle with care

Warning: Disgustingly cute together

Warning: Dangerously good at trivia

Side effects include being the f*cking champions and holding the f*cking record. Ask your doctor if Team Bagpuss is right for you.


Silenced Igloo

Nutty Umbrella

Salty Hat

Wet Barbra Streisand

Dank Girl from Titanic

Smelly Plow


One team didn’t know who performs the theme song to Big Bang Theory, but they wrote all the lyrics and added “surely that’s worth a point”. Yes. Yes it is.

Another team went way beyond writing the next line in the Phantom Planet song California, by writing the whole verse.

When we asked how many schooners were in 12 pints, one team said 4, proving that they either don’t know anything about beer or they are terrible at math.

And these four won for the first time ever after months of coming to iQ Trivia, and were stunned into silence.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 20 October 2018

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


This team knew a lot about Czech cities and won cash.


It takes one to knot one

A date worse than death

Another one bites the crust

You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few legs

A cat has nine wives

Funk it

Like two chips passing in the night

Opening a can of words

Tits and bobs

Too many cocks spoil the broth

I can’t twink straight

Don’t quit your gay job

Cup of hoe

What’s up Coc?

Butter out than in

Two sheeps to the wind

The grass is greener on the other ride

I’m a kid in a candy stove

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drunk

Eat around the bush

You miss 100% of the shits you don’t take

The captain goes down with the shit

Let he who is without sin cast the first scone

Feck you Bill!

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck food?

Flogging a dead whore

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fist and you feed him for life.


Slimy Elephant

Fried Demons

Squeaky Birkenstock

Silk Horse

Floating Public Transport

Smiley Bawbag

Flaming Lips

Crying Pumpkin

Sticky Trump


We had given a hint that there would be a question that might make players shout hallelujah as a hint that hallelujah would be an answer to one of our questions. And sure enough, an hour later, one new player shouted out “HALLELUJAH” while we were in the midst of asking that question, and everyone caught on that this was the hallelujah question.

We gave one team a point for saying that funnel web spiders could cure hangovers by causing death, because it is technically correct.

When we asked for national capitals beginning with the letter C, more than one team forget to say Canberra… you know… the capital of the country they were actually in at the time.

We overheard one player say “this is the first time I’ve ever wished I watched more Vin Diesel films.”

And finally, two teams racked up very high scores this week. One managed to beat the old record score by one point with 79.

Unfortunately for them, that was the day after this team beat their old record by two points with a new record score of 80.

We’re sure this competition will continue for a long time to come.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 13 October 2018

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


We had plenty of inappropriate suggestions about what could be projected on the Opera House.

Visit Melbourne

Tourism NZ

Nauru Pleasure Cruises: No one turned back

Manus Island

Now Hiring: Prime Minister of Australia (Contract Role)

Sexy Sails Stripjoint

Horny Mum’s within a 5km radius

The White Australia Policy

Rolf Harris’ Greatest Hits

John Farnham’s Comeback Tour Dates at RSLs around Western Sydney

Degenerate 12 Leg Multis

Alan Jones & the 2GB Breakfast Show

Sebastian Joyce’s 1st Birthday Party at Hooters

For a good time call Joe on 04xx xxx xxx

Advertise Here: Call Bill at iQ Trivia 04xx xxx xxx (yes, we were mildly cyberstalked, and no, we’re not giving out our host’s contact details)


Leafy Skipper

Blurry Michelangelo

Spiky Molten Jacket

Fast Ship

Pink Daddy

Sticky Opera House

Pink Motorcycle

Angry Tissue Box

Lively Beer


In a lightning round on the letter M, someone said that Detroit was the largest city in Connecticut, and after being eliminated changed their answer to Kentucky, then changed their answer again to Massachusetts, none of which were correct.

And another player prompted us to make a lightning round question more specific when she said that having 12 shots of vodka would make her feel “relaxed” instead of “intoxicated”.

We asked about the character who say the most words in Forrest Gump, and one team forgot to say Forrest Gump.

A player from Birmingham in England managed to misspell Birmingham, thus contributing to certain stereotypes about people from Birmingham.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 6 October 2018

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


It was a short week this week, but if you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


This team didn’t win the quiz, but they did win the jackpot.

And this team seems to win a jackpot every time they come to trivia. They’ve never won a quiz, but they’ve frequently won jackpots.


You came up with plenty of one line jokes.

Donald Trump is an excellent world leader.

Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be.

Kleptomaniacs take things literally.

My wedding was so beautiful, even the cake was in tiers.

I asked my North Korean friend how things were, and he said he couldn’t complain.

Whiteboards are remarkable.

Life is like toilet paper… you’re either on a roll or taking shit from some asshole.

A man walked into a bar… ouch.

There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary… those who do and those who don’t.

I realised I was dyslexic when I attended a toga party dressed as a goat.

My pet donkey is a real ass.

The bad thing about being modest is you can’t boast about it.


Chicken Moth

Sultry Sparrow

Shiny South African

French Black Sabbath

Slimy Disney World

Bouncy Turtle


One team asked a passerby if they knew anything about A-league clubs, and that passerby has now been drafted on to that team.

Someone misheard us & thought we asked if Keith Richards was aged 118 in this photograph taken in 1962.

Because Keith Richards is obviously a vampire.

A doctor insisted that rhabdomyositis was sufficiently similar to rhabdomyolysis, and to be frank, we were not especially keen to argue with them.

We overheard someone reject a correct option on a gambler’s question, claiming that “if that was true I would have heard about it in pub trivia somewhere.” Well friend, you DID hear about it at pub trivia, and you heard about it at Australia’s most INTERESTING pub trivia.

When one team trolled us by choosing Glass Manufacturing in the 1920s as their special subject, we trolled them back by asking a question about someone from the 1920s whose surname was Glass.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 29 September 2018

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


With a huge team, they had one person who knew the answer to this week’s jackpot question and took home some cash. (And splitting it between that many people didn’t detract from their glee at getting it at all.)


We asked for cases of mistaken identity & you delivered.

Lenin & McCartney

Laverne & Shiraz

Chip & Dale Kerrigan

Simon & Garfield

DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince Harry

OJ & Marge Simpson

Lily & Marshall Mathers

Salt & Peppa Pig

Tom & Jerry Springer

Tom & Jerry Seinfeld

Spongebob & Patrick Stewart

Sonny & Chair

B1 & Vitamin B2

Pinky & the Bagpuss

Mona Lisa Simpson

Penn & Helen Keller

Brad & Thumbelina

Sherlock Holmes & Emma Watson

Tony Abbott & Costello

Larry, Curly, and Scomo

Bill Clinton & Ted (Most Excellent Presidential Adventure)

Harold Holt & Kumar

Kanye & Kim Jong-un

Romeo & Julie Bishop

Peanut Butter & KY Jelly


Juicy Dog

Pointy Pig Doing Ballet

Bent Bananas

Effeminate Potato

Juggling Dicks

Weeping Sunshine

Drunk Lighthouse


An Irishman mistook this photo of the Nile river delta for the Shannon river delta.

You know, because of all those deserts in Ireland.

One of our hosts discovered that he knew more about Hinduism than a couple of actual Hindus.

Two Indian players gambled & lost on a cricket question where the answer was Sachin Tendulkar. (And then chose him as their special subject. Ohhhhhhh the irony!)

A team made up entirely of women from Texas & Finland found themselves regularly consulting a table of Australians on the Australian content, and wound up getting the final prize for having just the right amount of ignorance.

And two players came from interstate for one of our quizzes. (Well maybe there were other reasons, but we’re claiming it.)

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 22 September 2018

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You came up with plenty of films that could add the letter Y.

Gone Girly: Boy Runs Away from Home to Become a Woman

My Fairy Lady

The Dark Knighty: Batman in Lingerie

The Roady to Eldorado: Jack Black is a broke roadie searching for gold

Romeo Andy Juliet – The final step in modernising Shakespeare

The Time Travellers Wifey

Good Willy Hunting – Robin Williams mentors a brilliant young man who draws dicks on chalkboards.

Ben Hurry

Till Death Do Us Party

The Wizard of Ozy

The Fantastic Mr Foxy


Spacey Balls

XY-Men: A Chromosome Story

Finding Nemoy

Predatory: Harrowing Tales from the Casting Couch of Hollywood

GI Joey

The Man in the Irony Mask

Greasy: A story about a girl who never washed her hair

Harry Pottery & the Half Bloody Prince

I Yam Legend: Will Smith Battles an Army of Yams

Legally Blondey: Debbie Harry Sues her Vegas Tribute Band


Drunk Harbour Bridge

Vegetables Asshole

Obtuse Tree

Green Cat

Aggressive Pennant

Mean Giraffe

Candle Doing Fellatio

Bloody Cheese

Juicy Mickey Mouse


When trying to come up with Robert DeNiro films, one team guessed Heat for all three of the questions they didn’t know, and were wrong on all three. Sometimes hedging your bets doesn’t pay off.

A British player got a question on Australian TV, until he allowed his Australian girlfriend to talk him into changing it.

A young Bill Clinton was mistaken for James Dean.

In what we are hoping was a mental slip & not a legitimate case of mistaken identity, one team identified a picture of John Lennon & Yoko Ono at their famous bed in as being John Wayne & Yoko Ono.

A real live Greek person failed at getting a Greek question, and a real live Indian person failed at getting a question on Indian languages.

A German got a question on German cities wrong, and two Russians got a question on Russian cities wrong.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 15 September 2018

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Four teams knew how to do the math on one of our jackpot questions, but three of them did the math wrong leaving these two to take the jackpot.

This team was similarly good (or lucky) at math and took home over $180.

And this team did the same (but didn’t take home quite as much).


You had a lot of questions about to song lyrics.

What if my anaconda DOES want some?

What if my anaconda DON’T like big butts and I COULD lie?

What if my hips DID lie?

What if God DIDN’T save the Queen?

What if my heart WON’T go on?

What if the Rolling Stones COULD get some satisfaction?

What if God WASN’T one of us?

What if video SAVED the radio star?

What if tonight’s NOT going to be a good night?

What if I DON’T wake up when September ends?

What if the horse HAD a name?

What if NWA LOVED the Police

What if BOYS just wanna have fun?

What if the Beatles DIDN’T come together?

What if all my troubles WEREN’T so far away?

What if when I think about you I DIDN’T touch myself?

What if that’s NOT amore?

What if Britney DIDN’T do it again?

What if the Dancing Queen CAN’T feel the beat from the tambourine?

What if it WAS Shaggy?

What if we DIDN’T all live in a yellow submarine?

What if Annie WASN’T OK?

What if I DIDN’T shoot the sheriff, but I DID shoot the deputy?

What if my milkshake DIDN’T bring all the boys to the yard?

What if I get knocked down, but I stay down… and curl into a ball… and cry… a lot?


Slutty Shopping

Thirsty America

Scandalous Carrot with a Hat

Horny Ostrich

Burning Transformer (which was actually set on fire)

Spontaneous Hippopotamus

Fortune Telling Horse

Wobbly Cake

Twerking Cash


One player got a bonus point on a question about the Rubber Duckie song from Sesame Street by doing a remarkably spot on impression of Ernie.

They also got a bonus point for going beyond the call of duty on a history question by identifying the exact date of the Battle of Crecy.

And another player said they were rather proud not to know the next line in a Taylor Swift song.

When we asked how many teeth adults are meant to have, most of the room immediately began counting.

A team got a bonus point for adding a long biography of Chris Pratt’s character from Guardian’s of the Galaxy and a full explanation of the scene we played a clip of, because that level of enthusiastic nerding is worth a point (even if it made no difference to the final result.)

We awarded five entirely meaningless points to one of the chef’s who happened to be in the trivia area when we were playing an audio question on Kung Fu Fighting, because we were sufficiently impressed with his dancing.

And we had another entry in the list of stupid questions we’ve been asked, when we were asked if a war that a song was about was fought before or after the song was written. Because there are a lot of songs written about wars that are yet to be fought.

Finally, one team decided against chipping in for the jackpot round, and after we asked the question, tried to slip in their (correct) answer with all the others, on something other than the jackpot answer sheets we handed out.  ATTENTION ALL iQ TRIVIA PLAYERS, IF YOU DON’T CHIP IN FOR THE JACKPOT ROUND YOU DON’T GET TO HAZARD A GUESS.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 8 September 2018

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Two teams won jackpots after coming in first place.


Here you are at your pettiest. Some of you are horrible, HORRIBLE people!

Listening to Tom Petty. (Well, technically that is VERY petty.)

Burned my Nikes

Put laxatives in my work lunch because my workmate was a thief.

Told our annoying work colleague we were working late but then came to trivia without her.

I correct punctuation on menus.

Taking lids off salt & pepper shakers and leaving them loose

Leaving passive aggressive notes for housemates.

Fillin my sister’s phone up with bad selfies because she asked me to watch her phone.

Putting a red sock in the white wash.

Putting a banana in someone’s bag because they were mean to me.

Left a bad review at a funeral.

Leaving one square on the toilet roll.

Buying bad toilet paper in a sharehouse and deliberately installing it upside down.

Quibbling over bills at restaurants.

Arguing for 10 minutes over a 35 cent credit card charge being applied while using a debit card.

They didn’t take cards so I paid in 10 cent coins.

Unfriend on Facebook because of Farmville.

Leaving the alarm going at 5am to annoy the neighbours.

Ignoring the 12 items or less lane.

Signed my ex up for restaurant emails.

I took the remote when I left my ex’s house.

Changed the Netflix password after breaking up.

Peppered my ex’s bed.

Not letting my friends eat avocado unless I was eating avocado at the same time.

I will flush while you’re in the shower.

Destroyed my sister’s tomato plant because it was growing faster than my carrots.

Putting toenails in my sister’s quiche.

And worst of all… I didn’t like a girl so I rubbed her lip balm on my butthole.


Burnt Penguin

Horny Octopus Cow

Angelic Top Hat

Slimy Television

Squishy Dress

Cows Playing Bagpipes

Superfluous Groot

Sweaty Umbrella


When one of our player commented that we were allowed to ask question about things that happened since the year 2000, we diligently pointed out the several times we explicitly asked about pop culture since then.

As opposed to The King & I being banned in Thailand, one team guessed that the banned film we were looking for was Some Like It Hot on account of it being offensive to ladyboys.

A veteran team demanded an explanation to a logic question, only to realise that they had written down some of the relevant information incorrectly.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 1 September 2018

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Here are your most stereotypical moments.

We eat smashed avocado & don’t own houses.

Casual Racism.

I shooed a blue tongue out of the bathroom.

I once cured a hangover with Vegemite.

Cracking a VB longneck at 20 to 8 in the morning.

I hate Asian stereotypes, but I’m cheap and come here for happy hour.

We’re Asian and we scored 100 in maths.

I went to Asia and got the runs.

I bought into Bitcoin.

I almost hit a wombat at Christmas.

We work in finance and we’re drunk.

We’re lawyers and we round up.

Typical Team Bagpuss trying to put Team Bagpuss in their team name.

We’re American and we like to drink and shoot guns.

This morning I had an English breakfast tea from my Queen’s 50th Jubilee commemoration mug and the bag split which was disappointing. Mustn’t grumble.

Oh you’re from New Zealand. Do you know Dan Carter? Actually I do!

Ordering sushi and being given a fork.

So white my toothpaste is too spicy.

I’m Somalian and I’m NOT terrorising Melbourne.

Random” bomb checks.

You’re from Canada? Australian winter must feel like summer to you.

I’m from Canada and I’m sorry.


Soothing Gong

Spiffy Buttock

Cat Bored of Hat

Leaky Hat

Intrepid Crow

Pole Vaulting Beer

Furry Italy

Sensual Bear


We had to explain to one team that Tasmania is not a coastal city in Queensland.

We gave a point to a team who guessed that the cookbook “Crook to Cook” was written by Martha Stewart instead of Snoop Dogg, because it would be equally accurate.

Instead of sending Peter Dutton a potato, one team guessed that a website had sprung up enabling Australians to send Peter Dutton a halal snack pack.

When they couldn’t remember the name Giovanni Ribisi, one team answered with “the guy who played Phoebe’s younger brother on Friends.”

Instead of lifting the 322kg Dinnie stones in Scotland, more than one team responded that an Australian woman had recently lifted “the glass ceiling.”

Teams got bonus points for accurately writing Tokyo in kanji and for giving their answer of iron oxide as Fe2O3 and got a bonus point for their efforts after we confirmed their accuracy.

We had one guess that the financial term of ETF stood for Enormous Twats of Finance.

And finally, the team of finance twats that inspired that creative answer got every element of a math question right, and then dramatically dropped the ball by doing the sums wrong. DO NOT TRUST THEM WITH YOUR MONEY.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 25 August 2018

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


These newbies were the only ones who entered the jackpot round, and they managed to not talk themselves out of the right answer.

And these veterans won first place AND the jackpot.


You came up with plenty of unimpressive and misspelled super heroes.

The Diddler

The Incredible Hunk

Iron Nan

Slack Panther

Black Manther – A black man on the prowl

Ponder Woman





The Gasp – He’s constantly shocked



Pant Man



Fatman & Robin


Professor Y – Surely he knows more than Professor X


The Flask – Drinks faster than a raging alcoholic

The Flush

The Human Touch – Fighting crime one massage at a time

The Human Porch – Changes into a porch when attacked

Sex Luthor


Sprinting Sword

Salty Pet Flaps

Exhilarating Potato

Boisterous Lashes

Victorious Strawberry

Floppy Tank

Greasy Beer


A Colombian player failed to correctly answer the jackpot question, which was on the coat of arms of Colombia. His teammates won’t let him live that down for a long time.

Dacryphilia was defined as the desire to see people getting “dacked”.

One played complained that a question about famous figures named James was too hard, before being baffled by a closed door. If doors are too complicated for you, trivia will probably be too hard also. (That may explain why they proceeded to cheat repeatedly, to fail at cheating every time they tried, and to come in last before quitting at half time.)

And one team complained that the very first question on the political leanings of American celebrities was “way too hard” and then proceeded to get 5/5 on it. If you get 5/5 on a question, YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS SAYING IT’S TOO HARD!

See you next week.