Tag Archives: triviart

This Week in iQ Trivia – 29 October 2016

Here’s what you may have missed this week.

Team Names

Plenty of teams spent plenty of time coming up with geographic food puns for their team names.

Great Brit-Ham

The Great Barrier Beef

Cordon Bleu Mountains

Shark Finland Soup



North Carrotlina

The Sydney Beans



Papua New Guinness



Cake of Good Hope

Squashington DC



Filipino Poppers






United Steaks of America

United King Prawndom


and the Leaning Tower of Pizza.


Hall of Shame Moments

Two thirds of teams at a charity trivia night thought you could cure amnesia by hitting someone on the head.  (Do NOT go to Our Lady Help of Christians for medical advice!)

The people who thought Nirvana’s most famous song was Smells Like TEAM Spirit.

Guessing Holland on a bonus question, being told it wasn’t actually the name of the country, and then someone else writing down The Netherlands in the meantime.



Surly Banana



Titilating Manrope



Hairy Fish



Stoned Cat




The team closest to high school age won a jackpot at the Oxford Hotel by remembering their high school chemistry.



Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 22 October 2016

Here’s what you may have missed this week.

Team Names

On the theme of “what if Shakespeare made pornography.”  You came up with some real winners, though some of this is NSFW and may offend you if you are a humourless prig.

A Midsummer Night’s Wet Dream (several of these.)

A Midsummer Night’s Cream (and several of these.)

The Taming of the Screw.

The Merchant of Vaginas.

The Merchant of Penis.

Romeo does Juliet.

Boneo and Juliet.

Much Ado About Fucking.

Much Ado About Muffing.

Richard the 69th.

As You Like It Rough.

The Horny Wives of Windsor.

Cockbeth – aka The Scottish Lay.

Much Ado About Nipples.

Henry VIII Inches.

and our two favourites this week…

Two Gentlemen of Verona, One Cup.

and Alas, Poor Yorick, I Blew Him Well.


Interesting Answers

Nick Frost being described as “Simon Pegg’s fat friend who is in all the films in the Cornetto Trilogy.”

Robert Mugabe’s political party is called the NWA.  (If you don’t know, NWA is a rap group and the WA stands for “with attitude.”  We will let you guess what the N stands for.)

The Weezer song “Say it ain’t so” is “The Ode to Mopey White Guys” by “The Mopey White Guys.”

Ski jumping being described in a bonus question as “that skiing thing that goes like this…”


The King of Thailand is King Prawn Pad Thai. (I believe that is a translation.)


Hall of Shame Moments

The Iranian girl who didn’t know anything about Iran’s borders.

Cuba Gooding Jr. being described as “That Black Guy from Jerry Maguire.”

Beginning with F what covers most of a bird’s body?  “Flight.”

Losing a jackpot because you misspelled “Nothing Compares 2 U.”




Wet Sperm



Running Potato



Rebellious Nachos



Shakespearean Pig






We will have more in store next week at iQ Trivia.

Have an interesting weekend.

This Week in iQ Trivia – Week of 9 October 2016

You came through with plenty of proud and not so proud moments this week at iQ Trivia.

Team Names

Asked to come up with an alternate name for the Budgie Nine, there were plenty of clever team names.

The $300,000 Wasted On School Fees Nine

The Asi-Nine

The Nine Grand Pricks

The Flagless Flacid Fanny Five

The Too Pudgy for Budgie Smugglers Nine

The Lumpur Numpties


Hall of Shame Moments

The team that chose a jackpot subject after hearing only one option, and then getting it wrong.

Betting five on the gambler’s question before you’ve even heard it, and getting it wrong.

The guy from Liverpool who didn’t know his Liverpool neighbourhoods.



Happy Pencil


Should have used a rubber.


Well that got dark.


Complaining Flag


Is this the most annoyed Japanese flag you’ve ever seen?


Damn Canadians ruining everything.


Juicy Donuts


If this was done by anyone other than the person who actually drew it, I would assume it was anti-semitic.


Ok, so it’s a bit blurry, but that’s a pretty good Homer.



And on the more vulgar side of things, we have this.


A juice truck doing donuts.

Get down to our shows next week for more opportunities to argue with your friends.

This Week in iQ Trivia – Week of 2 October 2016

It was another week filled with friendly arguments, clever answers, witty team names, and interesting (and occasionally disturbing) art at iQ Trivia.

Team Names

Given the task of giving a movie depression, you didn’t disappoint.

Harry Potter and the Dead Parents

50 First Abortions

Watership Downer

Crappy Feet

500 Days of Winter

Bipolar Express

The Good, the Sad, and the Ugly

Finding Emo

Lord of the Whinge: The Fellowship of the Whinge

Journey to the Centre of my Anxiety

Bridget Jones’ Dead Baby

Sulk Fiction

Cry Hard

And one team came up with no less than 26 options, including Forrest Grump, Casableaka, The Mourn Identity, Weep Impact, 12 Anguished Men, Citizen Pain, Alice in Woefuland, The Dismal Dozen, The Full Mopey, Belittlejuice, Dawn of the Dread, and A Nightmare on Overwhelmed Street.


Hall of Shame Moments

The Filipino guys who couldn’t remember that the Philippines is a large country without land borders.

The guy with a degree from Cambridge who didn’t know what people from Cambridge are called.


Interesting Answers

The team who were asked about the Vice President from November 1963 to January 1965 and left it blank, but later argued that they did so intentionally because there was no Vice President.  (Note: Being a smartass often pays off at iQ Trivia.)



Rambunctious YouTube


A U shaped tube with punk hair and bandaids from being so rambunctious.


Ram-Bunk-Chess U-Tube

Magic Apple



Patriotic Cow


ApoCOWlypse.  Nice use of puns.

Red Snow


You’ll never look at Frozen the same way again.


Stalin auditions to play Jon Snow.


It’s nice when there’s an important health message in TriviArt.


Graphic depictions of dead babies.  Dude… are you ok?


It took us a second to get the drug reference.



And finally, congratulations to 500 Days of Winter for winning a jackpot for knowing more about Australian Housing Statistics than anyone this Wednesday at The Oxford.


Have an interesting weekend.

TriviART – Thrusting Llama

There were some excellent entries in the TriviArt contest yesterday, with many interesting takes on the theme of “Thrusting Llama”


“A little bit lust came” went for a decidedly space oriented interpretation of a llama using thrusters on a spacecraft rather than the obvious sexual angle.


“Lusty Trombones” doubled up on the theme, with a thrusting lama riding a thrusting llama.  (Who knew those Buddhist monks were so good at jousting?)

But for sheer commitment to the theme and attention to detail, it’s hard to look past “hit me with your best sloth” and their llama themed pornography.  (Whether the pic below is NSFW depends on the prevailing attitudes where you work.)


If you’re sufficiently interested, their mock up film is called “The Emperor’s New Shlong” starring Lance Hardwood and Fanny Deep.  The synopsis is as follows.

“The emperor thought things were going well, until his busty sex-ond in charge turned his schlong into a llama with an insatiable lust for barely legal babes.  Now the only way to turn it back is with the wildest sex you’ll ever see on VHS!”

They came up with all of that during the halftime break.

Well done.


At iQ Trivia we have introduced TriviART at some venues.

Basically, at half time while the host is marking, you are drawing your most interesting rendition of whatever the theme is for that day.  (Which is normally the combination of a random noun and adjective suggested by different teams.)

Here’s a few examples of what people have come up with.

“Grumpy Circle”



(The text on the side reads: “Painted in the minimalist style popular at the beginning of the 21st century, “Grumpy Circle” represents the disdain, dissatisfaction, and indeed grumpiness of the angst ridden trivia events prior to their migration to iQ Trivia.  The artists subsequent work reflected the significant change in demeanour of said patrons, and the signature piece known as “Happy Circle” was extensively praised and awarded points.”)

“Quick Gummi Bears”


Gummi Bears here shown escaping earth and invading a new planet.

“Gay Butts”



Frankly, I’m surprised these weren’t dirtier.