Tag Archives: week in review

This Week in iQ Trivia – 11 March 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing the periodic table paid off to the tune of $214.


What gendered activities should other genders take on?

Men need therapy

More men should drink fruity cocktails

Kill your own damn spiders

Have real pockets

Be Prime Minister without being asked why you’re childless

Ask for directions

Lay off the Snapchat filters

Pee standing up

Pee sitting down

Hit the damn bowl when you pee

More female predator drone pirates

Equal pay

Cutting the grass

Fake orgasms

Sandwich makers

Shut up


Pick up the cheque

Go to the pub and drink beer

Brazilian butt lifts

Wipe after pissing

Clean the bathroom daily

Women in three piece suits

Wear skirts more often



The dishes

More women trivia captains


Musical Iceman

Sexy Gladwrap

Sinister Plumber

Viking Panda

Lesbian Lobster

Holy Wall

Cyber Donkey

Snowman Award


We had one team in the bonus round bid 15 straight off the bat, and managed to name 10 countries.

Another bid 10, and then was saddened to find out the subject was field hockey, telling us afterwards that he had no idea what field hockey was.

And one team won on their first try against a room full of veterans.  It can happen.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 4 March 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing who created Pinocchio paid off.


What’s the first rule of Trivia Club?

Tell everyone about trivia

Book early

Go with your gut instinct

Don’t yell out the answer

Shut the hell up

Get your bonus round guess in late and go one higher

Don’t be sh!t

Drink your winnings

It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s whether you beat your trivia nemesis

If you use your phone make sure nobody sees

Always take the beer voucher

Don’t admit you hacked the bluetooth

Always have Spongebob in your team name

TriviArt must be pornographic

Always draw something sexual especially if kids are present

Bribe the host

Always use a stolen pen

Disputes are settled with a thumb war

Don’t let Kev talk you out of the right answers (but they did)

Whoever is holding the pen is right

Sam is always right

Draw a map to prove your point

Bring a brain

Think of a team name at the last possible second

Get there in time for happy hour

Eat, drink, and be merry

Never play sober

Dumb answers are better than no answers

Tank so you come 7th

Always gamble 5, buy your round, put a dollar in the jackpot, and call Bill a c*nt. Rules 2 through 476… see Rule 1.

Never gamble five

Always gamble five

Don’t cheat


Dry Fingers

Treacherous Alan Rickman

Flamboyant Plant

Boston Pumpkin

Ineffable Bar

Rubik’s Pyramid

Bamboozled Chandelier

Mushy Dutch Cricket

Feet Sausages

Betrothed Muppets

Cold Cat


To settle their view on our dilemma question, one player committed to holding an egg in his hand all day on Sunday. We will let you know if he made it the whole day.

Someone tried to game theory the dilemma question, assuming that everyone else would take a deal where they always find $20 when they reach in their pocket, but it’s been taken from someone who needs it. Every other team voted no, and they screwed themselves out of a point.

Someone questioned our math, and half way through explaining it, realised that he was wrong. And admitted as much in front of everyone. Well played!

Just a reminder, when we mention Hitler, even when just reading out an answer, you really don’t need to cheer.

It was remarked that one player who won the bonus round this week really knew a lot about 19 year old girls.

One player thought the six million dollar man was Steve BANNON. No! Very much no!

And one team had to leave early but left us some iQ Trivia cranes.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 25 February 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Thursday was a good night for jackpots.


It’s easy to mistake artists & bands.

Back to Black by Michael Jackson

I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas by Michael Jackson

Kids by Michael Jackson

Sweet Child of Mine by R. Kelly

Girl You’ll be a Woman Soon by Gary Glitter

Flowers by Liam Hemsworth

Amazing Grace by Lil Nas X

Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick and Morty

99 Luftballoons by Led Zeppelin

Buddy Holly by Buddy Holly

F*ck the Police by The Police

Yeah Yeah Yeah by The Yeah Yeah Yeahs

I’m Too Sexy by The Righteous Brothers

I’m Too Sexy by Pavarotti

Beat It by Chris Brown

Smack My Bitch Up by Chris Brown

Hit Me Baby One More Time by Chris Brown

Don’t Worry Be Happy by Spongebob

West Side Story music by Leonard Cohen

Bad Romance by Yoko Ono

Imagine by Marilyn Manson

Toxic by Adam Levine

WAP by Hillsong

WAP by Julie Andrews


Saucy Pork

Mike Tyson’s Wedding

Burmese Rabbit

Fugly Kumquat

Cheers Big Ears

Tired Rainforest

Tall Rusty Beatle

Gary Sandwich

Cantankerous Snowman

Orangutan Slasher


When we asked for the distance of something “as the crow flies”, someone asked us to clarify if they crow was drunk.

Hank & Bobby Hill were described as “the equivalent of Homer & Bart from King of the Hill.” Which is certainly not wrong.

A group of visiting Canadians managed to get a gambler’s question about cricket… and forgot to gamble anything.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 18 February 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about Chairman Mao really paid off.


There are a lot of romcom tropes that don’t hold up in the real world.

Flopping your stupid Hugh Grant fringe around

Chasing your girlfriend through airport security post 9-11

Geeks don’t get cheerleaders

Glasses make you unattractive

Manic Pixie Dreamgirls (it’s just bipolar)

50 Creepy Dates

Trying to date someone with amnesia should be a crime

Tricking someone who has lost their memory

Public Makeups

Don’t stare across the bar. It’s creepy

Pursue her until she says yes

Stalking sweethearts

Catfishing isn’t cool

Surprise kisses

Throwing pebbles at windows

Your serenades are embarrassing

Serenading someone outside their window will just cause a noise complaint

Singing outside your window with a boombox

Pump the brakes John Cusack

Using title cards to try to shag your friend’s wife

Black people exist in real life

Kissing in the rain is just wet on the outside and the inside

Kissing in the rain leads to hypothermia

An engagement ring in champagne ruins both

Everything in Love Actually


Androgynous Pickle

Broken Heart

Clueless Affair

Sloppy Moat

Cupid Has Bad Aim

Cubist Pride

Fluffy Glasses

Overworked Peppercorn

Slippery iPad

Romantic Fish


There was definitely some collusion at work on a dilemma question when the whole room seemed to agree that having no internet for a year was better than never being able to take an airplane again.

When you can’t think of any NFL teams, you make some up. Like the Orlando Octopi, the Wyoming Widowers, the New York Nancies, or the Boston Buttholes.

Who held the NBA scoring record before Lebron James? “That really tall guy named Jafar”.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 11 February 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They keep winning their own money back.

Knowing about Californication actors paid off.

Getting an anagram about Carrie Bradshaw won them enough money to make a happy face with it.


How to de-pluralise a film?


Indiana Jone

Ocean 1

A single dalmatian

The Avenger: One War

Just Me because Marley died at the end

A thing at a place at one time

The Taking of Pelham 1

Inglourious Basterd

The man who stared at a goat once

Spongebob Squrepant

The Addam Family



A plane, a train, and an automobile

A single person likes it hot

A single good fella

Fish of Rock

1 (not 300)

Meet an individual Focker

No Country for Old Man

Snow White and a Dwarf

Risky Ferret

Happy Foot

1 Fast 1 Furious

Harry Potter and the Chamber of One Secret

The Lord of the Ring

One Shade of Grey

One Angry Man

Lion and Prejudice


Surreptitious Pergola

Frivolous Cappuccino

Large Crackling

Iconic Randy Dribble

Sweaty Ferris Wheel

Punch Drunk

Voluptuous Uncle

Cloud Poop Tree

Velociraptor Moustache

Psychedelic Clownfish

Political Pachyderm


One of our gambler’s questions was decided because a critical mass of teams assumed every team would take the money under any circumstances, no matter how ridiculous. It was a moment of pure game theory.

A question on the Mona Lisa’s hands had literally every team doing a Mona Lisa impression.

What war was the film War Horse set in? Star Wars. You remember all those horses in space, don’t you?

How far is the closest black hole to us? Penrith, apparently.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 4 February 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


It was only $26 but a win is a win.


What are the characters in your favourite songs doing now?

Stacy’s Mom is serving a sentence for sexually assaulting a minor

Stacy’s Mom has an Only Fans

Stacy’s Mom is now experiencing a geriatric pregnancy

Stacy’s Mom is still a MILF

Stacy’s Mom binge watches Netflix

I finally banged Stacy’s Mom

Jenny got an unlisted number

Benny & the Jets are excited for their first day at SpaceX

Uptown Funk is now giving it to you

Ms Jackson still rejects your apology

Mack the Knife became a surgeon

Roxanne is installing LED lights

Sweet Caroline is not so sweet

Mr Roboto got an AI upgrade and is taking over the world

Madonna is NOT a virgin

Hotel California is closed for renovations

Billie Jean ghosted me

Billie Jean is hunting for a baby daddy

The Girl from Ipanema is now announcing floors in lifts

Dancing Queen is a double amputee

Major Tom is debunking moon landing conspiracy theories

Eleanor Rigby had a big funeral but didn’t invite the Beatles

Eleanor Rigby has taken on a new job as head of Cuban intelligence after faking her death and defecting to the Soviets.

Tiny Dancer was crushed underfoot

Baby Shark filed a lawsuit to end their conservatorship

Annie is not ok

Gina quit the diner and is now working on the docks after Tommy was crushed by a shipping container


Sleepy Toilet

Sonorous Vents

Dog Surfing

Alligator Smith

Trainwreck Television

Sustainable Dodo

Christmas Hanger

Endangered Mel

Mafia Star


When we asked about the number of holes on belts, someone on every team removed their belt. Yes, we effectively invented strip trivia.

One player’s initial guess on a language question was shot down as ridiculous by his teammates, before several hints led them back towards the fact that he had been right all along. Smugness ensued.

When we played a song by the Cranberries, one team answered that it was titled “the one that isn’t Zombie.”

A question on actors in Home Alone resulted in answers of Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci… and “the other guy”.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 28 January 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


So what do you think is un-Australian?

It’s McDonald’s not Maccas

It’s shrimp not prawns

Pavlova is from New Zealand

The English cricket team is great

Fosters Fan Club

Paying for Wilson’s car park

Bunnings is sh!t


Corey Worthington


Pauline Hanson

Working on a public holiday

Working through a smoko

Beetroot doesn’t belong on a burger

I hate Aeroplane Jelly

Tim Tams are toxic

Lamingtons are overrated

Gatekeeping the Australian identity


Annoying Horse

Sparkling Haggard Koala

Spiky Belts

Flatulent Cabbage

Australia Day in Goulburn

Sausage Passion

Running Banana

70s Herpetology


This is George Gregan.

This is George Brandis.

Someone mixed them up.

We had a margin of victory of 24 points. Which might be a record.

And one team promised if they won that they would sing their team name… and then they did. So we got to hear what the opposite of the Aeroplane Jelly advert sounds like.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 21 January 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


It was a good week for jackpots.


How to rename nationalities?

Kiwis are the Aldi version of Australians

Scots are unintelligible Brits

Scots are ginger Englishmen

Scots are angry rangas in skirts

All humans are dry Atlanteans

Americans are bad spelers

Irish are Guinness Leprechauns

(You choose the country) are future Chinese

Chinese people are MSG peddlers (it’s ok, they were Chinese)

Egyptians are OG cat fetishists

The Dutch are bike ridin’ cheese wheelin’ tulip pickers

Argentinians are Germans in hiding

The Irish are tall Hobbits

Switzerland is more neutral Germany

Americans are metric denialists

Queensland is Australian Florida

Australians are professional swearers

Cheese eating surrender monkeys (we had several of these)


Resplendent Web Shooter

Moist Cake

Mangy Pig

2023 Hopes

Fire Liver

Gooey House

French Potatoes

Triceratops Ballet


Beginning with Z, what is the currency of Poland? Zoloft.

Beginning with D, the term of French origin for the thing that changes gears on a bicycle? De-changer.

And spelling matters when you try to say nunchuks, but instead say nuncucks.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 14 January 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


How to quickly destroy your reputation?

Do a Shankar Mishra

Holiday in Hawaii duyring bushfires

Nominate Putin & Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize

Marry Meghan Markle

Write a whiny memoir

Add a 5% service charge to your bill

Wear blackface

Hiding pedophiles in the church and lying about it

Dressing your children in Balenciaga

Mastubation in public

Revive George Pell

Spread anti-vax propaganda

Be Kanye West

Hire Tony Abbott as your diversity & inclusion adviser

Invade Ukraine

Mistake the urinal for a bubbler

Using your phone during trivia

Go from first to last in iQ Trivia


Stupendous Train

Kwyjibo Rum

Bushy Sheep

Maple Cricket


When we asked about a picture on the wall of the pub as a special subject, there was a real stir of people trying to find a picture of Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin.

We thought one team might be overthinking a logic question. Their response? “That’s not possible.”

And one team came first on 79 points despite getting zero on the gambler’s question.  (Getting 6 bonus points through the quiz helped.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 7 January 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Getting the jackpot on an educated guess about Australian cricketers still counts.


You came up with plenty of 2023 movies.

The 2023 Year Old Virgin

2023 Jump Street

2023 Men and a Baby

2023 Days of Summer

Close Encounters of the 2023rd Kind

2023 First Dates

2023 Pounds

Blade Runner 2023

13 Going on 2023

2023 Monkeys (with typewriters)

2023 Dresses


2023 Dalmatians

2023 Fast 2023 Furious

How to Lose a Guy in 2023 Days

2023 Men and a Baby

Snow White and the 2023 Dwarves

You Only Live 2023 Times

Oceans 2023


Democratic Funnel

Fluffy Lobster

Controversial Geese

First World Snowman


When we asked about Australian cities ending with G, we had to clarify that they had to be ACTUAL cities rather than made up cities, and that you couldn’t just accidentally misspell a real city. Sydneyg? No.

One team had a long & involving argument about whether or not they should take a beer or a bonus point after a question. They argued about that more than any of the actual questions.

And when they forgot to do their homework on Japanese mountains, one team guessed at Kilimanjaro.

See you next week.