This Week in iQ Trivia – 12 August 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


How did you argue that you won?

Add the number of beers consumed to the trivia score

We’ve been drinking all day so we should win

We would have won if we listened to the questions

Hillary won the popular vote

Everyone else is not me, therefore I win

Coming 7th is the real victory at trivia

Gambling -5 and intentionally getting it wrong

I passed my drivers test. The assessor was asleep

We would have won if we were younger

Music questions before 2000 don’t count

We should win the TriviArt because we’re the best at making Muppet porn

The dice would have fallen my way if it wasn’t for gravity

I would have won but I felt like losing

We are only technically wrong

The Ashes go to the team that has the most fun

We’re all winners because of friendship

I had the most hotdogs in me before I threw up

I put more answers so I should get more points

It’s not cheating, it’s winning


Crawling Pelican

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Quidditch

Sweaty Gall Bladder

Slippery Slide

Opera Bong

Delightful Locomotive

Alligator Trouble

Crunchy Drink

Impressionist Bucket

Happy Defenestration

Avian Underwear


Half of the room loudly sang “I’ve been living next door to Alice”, not once, but twice when we asked for the next line.

We asked for baseball teams beginning with the letter R, and when one team realised we were looking for correct answers, they just wrote “correct” five times. Another team came up with the Rednecks and the Rambos.

Overheard at a quiz… “I know this song, I know this song!”

What is it?”

I don’t know.”

See you next week.