Tag Archives: week in review

This Week in iQ Trivia – 12 March 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Humans do odd things. Here’s what the first person to do odd things thought.

I’m going to close one eye and open it again really quickly in the direction of the object of my affection to let them know I am attracted to them. It may also work to demonstrate I am making a joke.

I was thirsty so I decided to yank on the pink undercarriage of a cow.

Sure I’ll marry you. I’d love to have the same name as your mother.

Time for some dirty hot leaf water.

I just cooked you bread. Cook it again.

Welcome to Finland where we sit in REALLY hot rooms while completely naked.

I’ll dress my baby in pink so people know how to react.

I can’t get aroused. Beat me with a leather paddle.

I’m going to ask how you’re going and not listen to the answer.

My mother birthed me, so now I annually gather with loved ones.

What’s that snotty thing in the shell? I think I’ll call it an oyster.

I think I’ll eat that thing that came out of that chicken’s butt.

That’s a nice bird. I’ve got the perfect cage for it.

I’m gonna pat this wolf.

Yum yum, scrambled chicken period.

If I stomp on these grapes, will I get drunk?

My grape juice has gone bad! Oh wait, it’s gone GOOD!


Lazy House

Drinking Paris

Vladimir Putin Stuck in a Flood

Salty Cricket

Crunchy Grandma

Outrageous Scissors

Cuddly Demon

Rambunctious Baroness

Anxious Snoopy


Who composed The Nutcracker? Peter Trotsky.

Question about pictures of Mads Mikkelsen in Casino Royale, and in Doctor Strange. Answer: I know this guy and both films but I am blanking and I am going to hate myself when I find out.

The homework question is usually too tough to get without looking it up. But one team complained that it was too easy, because they knew it all without looking it up. (So we gave them a bonus point. Obscure knowledge pays off.)

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 5 March 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about Nigerian languages paid off.


You re-vowelled a lot of musicians and bands.





Rad Hat Challa Pappars

Smosh Mooth

The Deers



Kyloo Monogoo

Bette Medler


Beckstreet Beys

Fufty C*nt

Jock Block


Tha Cat Ampara


Flitwiid Mic


Gins Ind Risis

Orctoc Monkoys

Lodo Gogo

Ponoc Ot Tho Dosco

The Crenberrees

Cold Ploy


Gong of Yooths


Stooly Don

Joston Boobor


Calvan Harras

Foll Oot Boy


Running Dinosaur

Crumply Skeleton

Colourful Cat

Hairy Spam

Vicious Avocado

Caricature Playing Cards

Dainty Fools

Glistening Frenchman

Digging Tree

Top Gun (actually stuck to his head and set on fire)

Sneeeeaky Hippo

Negative Amoeba


We asked how long it took the Apollo astronauts to get to the moon, and got the answer “it took Tom Hanks about 90 minutes in Apollo 13.”

What makes Australians swear the most? The actual answer was driving. But we had to give points to teams that said “assembling IKEA furniture” and “greeting friends”.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 26 February 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They enjoyed winning other people’s money


Films “re-vowelled”.

Schundlur’s Lust

Tho Loon Kong

Durty Hurry

Blick Swin

Jorossoc Pork

Hoppy Foot

Moon Gorls


Meet The Peerents

Thi Mighty Dicks

Monstors Onc

Tho Dork Knoght

Finding Nimi

Fondong Nomo

Fundung Numu

Bring It In

Rad Dag


The Breekfest Cleb

Botmon Bogons

Tha Jangle Baak

Jews III


Tay Stary

Rogong Boll

Stor Wors

Ma, Mysalf, and Arana

Tho Rossoons oro Comong



The Three Mesketeers

Shittir Islind

Forrost Gomp

Cunt Hurdly Wuut


Doo Hord

Thu Ussussunutuun uf Jussu Jumus by thu Cuwurd Ruburt Furd.

Dr. Strunguluvu ur Huw U Luurnud tu Stup Wurryung und Luvu thu Bumb

Tho Showshonk Rodomptoon

Tho Bog Lobowsko


127 Hoors


Girthy Stewart

Beautiful Horse

Aggressive Totem Pole

Sleepy Dog

Duck Playing Football

Demented Skunk

Hairy Bird

Fragile Gnome

Busty Penguins

Dyslexic Deity


How may people are in space right now, we asked. The answer “technically we’re all in space”, we decided wasn’t technically wrong.

Spinoffs of The Real Housewives of New York City? How about Chlamydia?

We asked a gambler’s question about how long it take mammals to urinate. Some of you tried to test it in the few minutes between the gambler’s question & the end of round two.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 19 February 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Here’s how to break up.

Ruin their Wordle, Myrtle

Punch her in the face, Jase

Move to Azerbaijan, Millan

Jump of a cliffany, Tiffany

Go join Al-Qaeda, Ida

No more snatch, Benedict Cumberbatch

Get a new man, Jan

Just leave, Steve

Now we’re even, Steven

Be a mediocre white guy, Guy

I’m completely sick of you, Hugh

Get off the ship like a rat, Pat

Stop riding that dick, Rick

Climb a tree, Brie

It’s not you it’s me, Maree

Suck an egg, Greg

Get a job, Bob

Get a new shag, Morag

Go f*ck her dad, Ad

Admit you’re a prick, Rick

Leave her on read, Ted

Get off the jetty, Betty

Tell her you never want to see her again, Lando Calrissian

Turn anti-vax, Jax

Don’t get the vaccine, Marine

Write a Dear John, Siobhan

Tell her you’re gay, Jay


Stupendous Cat

Hilarious Topic

Robust Cat

Ugly Kevin Spacey

Fierce Flamingo

Voluptuous Pineapple

Mobile Immortal


Every team got a question on French Presidents, except for the one team with an ACTUAL French person.

We played Livin’ on a Prayer in a medieval style. People still sung along.

And we had to break a tie when one team answered with “rock paper scissors” like they did when playing “rock paper scissors lizard Spock” on Big Bang Theory and another answered with “scissors paper rock”. Normally you get credit for that, but not when it’s a tie at the end of the night.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 12 February 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Being a big fan of Laura Linney really paid off.

He failed at making gremolata, but he remembered what was in it, and won a jackpot single-handedly.


We’re learning that O is a funny vowel.

Brooklyn Nono Nono


Poppo Pog

Peeky Blenders

Thu U Tuum

Strangar Thangs

Porks Ond Rocrootoon

Sooth Pork


Hinnih Mintini


Mastar Dags


Bobs Borgors


Grand Dasagns


Get Smert



Poop Show


Tha Watchar


Spongobob Sqooroponts

Tha Baak af Baba Faat

Shorlock Holmos

Modorn Fomoly

Breekeng Bed

Hippy DIYS


Mordor Ono


Doctor Who

Schott’s Crook

Schatt’s Craak


Homo ond Owoy


Sinister Canberra

Fluffy Ferris Wheel

Kermitesque Beer

I’m Not Fat I’m Big Boned

Sober Motorboat

Squelching Beaver

Mischevious Platypi

Deciduous Sitcom


Our bonus question on French expressions for hangovers was answered very quickly… by a Frenchman.

On a question about countries with large populations that are spelled with the letters TA, that Antarctica was incorrect, because it’s not a country, and even if it was, it’s population isn’t all that high.

And as always, we saw people arguing intensely about the gambler’s question, when not one of them knew the answer. But their confidence was impressive.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 5 February 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They won first place and a jackpot.



Animals with vowels changed to the letter O. (Honestly, it took us a while to decipher some of these.)



Cockor Sponool








Rodolf tho Rod Nosod Roondoor








Moontoon Gorollos






Charismatic Anteater

Rabbit Rock Dolphin

Dancing Postbox

Running Cher

Aggressive Dumplings

Jealous Disney


One team was all set to guess wrong on a jackpot question, before they reconsidered, concluding that their first instinct was too obvious to be a jackpot answer. Turns out they were right.

When we asked about how long you would survive on planets other than Earth, one team told us that was a silly question. Hey, that’s our speciality!

And one team came up short of first prize by a single point… after forgetting to make a choice on the dilemma question. Dammit people! These are really basic mistakes!

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 29 January 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Try to guess which of the films in these pairings are loved, and which are overrated.

Eat, Pray, Die Hard

Gladiator, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Dune 1980s v Dune 2021

Parasite, Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction, Shrek

Gone With the Wind, Shrek

Schindler’s Shrek

Schindler’s List, Independence Day

Police Academy, Police Academy 3 or later

Big Daddy, The Mummy

Star Wars Revenge of the Hobbits

The Notebook, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days

Austin Powers, James Bond

Cars, The Fast and the Furious

Elf, Matrix

Back to the Future, Forrest Gump

Interstellar, Star Wars

Big Momma’s House 2, Napoleon Dynamite

Harry Potter and the Quantum of Solace

Picnic at Hanging Rocky III

Lord of the Rings, Jaws

Some Like It Hot Tub Time Machine

Mad Max, Mad Max Fury Road

Walle-E, Wall-E

Bladerunner, Bladerunner

The Princess Bride, The Princess Bride

Kill Bill 1, Kill Bill 2

Taxi Driver, Driving Miss Daisy

The Revenant Romy & Michelle’s High School Reunion

Kim Kardashian’s sex tape & Paris Hilton’s sex tape


Slutty Marijuana

Shreky Headdress

Tom Foolish Bridge

Moist Train

Tall Foot

Spikey Goats

Spider Deja Vu


We got complaints that we weren’t asking any English questions… you know, at a trivia night in Australia. They didn’t seem to care for our remark that literally all of the questions were in English.

If you suck at using your inside voice, you’re going to give away answers. Lots of them.

We witnessed two teammates arguing bitterly about who was right on a question about countries bordering Austria. Turn out both of them were wrong.

And we had a theme to our picture questions with all of them being movies & TV series filmed in the same cafe. After the second question, someone announced to the whole room “hey these are all in the same cafe.” Which meant everyone got our question on whether they were all filmed in the same place or not.

Sometimes you really need to remember to keep your mouth shut. 

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 22 January 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Here’s what you’ve learned from COVID.

Ivermectin tastes like licorice

Quarantine blows

You can get COVID twice

Touching people is overrated

This mask breath makes me miss my dentist

Tasmania has a moat

I learned to crochet

Love is fleeting

You’re still on mute

Sneeze and you’re off the team

Masturbation 24/7

We won’t handle a zombie outbreak

No one is in charge of the country

Boris Johnson can’t say no to a cheeky office party

Pyjama pants are corporate attire

Sourdough, Wordle, and Zoom

The Greek alphabet

Webcams don’t switch off in the bathroom

I can’t remember pants

Time is meaningless


Spicy Hat

Crafty Table

Rancid Bear

Goulburn Weather

Arrogant Jerboa (featuring a soccer team at the trivia night called The Jerboas.)

Jiggly Tree

Fluffy Massage


When we asked about Italian cheeses versus Italian rivers, one played of Italian descent managed to get all three, and as his teammates reminded him, he “got to keep his Italian card”.

Countries spelled using the letter V? We got Bavaria & the Soviet Union, which at least used to be countries. We also got Ibiza, which isn’t a country now, wasn’t a country in the past, and doesn’t contain the letter V.

Who played Dracula in the 1958 film? Betty White according to one team. (It would explain why she lived so long.)

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 15 January 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about characters form Curb Your Enthusiasm paid off.

Once in a rare while it’s REALLY useful to know about the geography of The Philippines.


You were pretty good at coming up with incorrect acronyms

Bieber Times Seven

Potential Murder Suspect

F*ck You Idiot

Fired Up

Touched By Clergy

Look Out Linda

Super Talented Individuals

Let’s Marvel At Owls

Don’t Understand Intoxication

Flying Boys in Igloos

Where’s Wally’s Willy

Naps For Tireds

Rancid And Tenacious

Reasonably Accurate Tweet

Required Absent Things

Rarely Available Tests


Glistening Parrot

Blossoming Cat

Pretty Rabbit

Flying Bottle

Crispy Crispy Spring Rolls

Whiny Tigger


A team that really needed points went for it in the bonus round when we were looking for a US state with 3/4 of the letters being vowels. Their guess… Philadelphia. Which is neither a state, nor does it contain enough vowels. But they went for it and we salute that.

The blokiest team at one of our shows turned out to be big fans of Shania Twain. Don’t let preconceptions deceive you.

A math question about John Travolta’s film career saw one team get every element of the math correct, and then forget to actually do the math. You’ve got to finish the job people!

Someone complained that by playing an audio clip of Breaking Bad, we made them watch the whole series again. We make no apologies.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 8 January 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Let’s see what New Year’s Resolutions famous people are making.

Novak Djokovic: Spark a diplomatic incident between Serbia and Australia

Jeff Bezos: Buy Finland

Ghislaine Maxwell: Don’t die in prison

Trivia host Joe: Try not to kill the baby

Elon Musk: Be less musky

Rudy Giuliani: Stop sweating cockroach blood

Prince Andrew: Get better friends

Barnaby Joyce: Get cosmetic surgery to look like Amber Heard’s dog

Disney: Come up with an original movie idea

Betty White: Turn 100

Sidney Poitier: Outlive Betty White


Gambling Bond Rodent

Philanthropic James Webb Telescope

Tiny Light

Exciting Submarine

Munted Bird

Jellyfish Potter


One of our hosts gave a clue that a word we were looking for was 6 letters… when the word was militia… which is seven letters. Because sometimes counting is hard.

There was a debate over whether or not Russia counts as a European country. By the way… it is.

One team responded that there were no smart asses on their team. Which is untrue. We can state without fear of contradiction that their team is made up ENTIRELY of smart asses.

See you next week.