Tag Archives: week in review

This Week in iQ Trivia – 16 October 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


There were plenty of perfectly good band names that you mucked up and ruined.

Queef (this was a popular one)

Thin Lizzo

Kanye Pest

One Eirection

Chance the Fapper



The Dorkness

Vag Halen

Steely Dag

Ded Zeppelin

Men without Cats

Poo Fighters

The Shite Stripes

The Sox Pistols

Hairy Styles

Green Gay

The Screaming Pets


Puns & Roses

Gins N Roses

The Yeastie Boys

The Righteous Brothels


Jerusalem Salami

Palindrome Bird

Post Lockdown

Macedonian Feet

Exhausted Waffle


When we asked about a world class soccer player, one team came up with… “that other bastard, you know, the one that isn’t Ronaldo.”

The egg & spoon race is part of a triathlon.

A question on the most common words ending with DLE led one team to the word “fondle”. Which probably says something about them.

And a bonus question on sexual arousal really gave us a frankly disturbing window into what our players are into. Before someone thought of music, melolagnia was guessed to be a state of sexual arousal brought on by sunburns, feet, having a tongue in your ear, pictures of your grandparents, and urine. Some of you people are freaks!

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 9 October 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


A lot of you seem to have had a “am I the villain” moment.

Become a barrister but defend antivaxxers

Ultimately, seeking to usurp an incompetent sovereign in Agrabah was not worth eternal enslavement by lantern-based means

Probably shouldn’t have killed all those Jedi Younglings

Terminator: I am just following my programming but I seem to be killing a lot of people

When the iQ Trivia form asked me where I was playing from, and I wrote ‘home’ for about four weeks

I watched Big Brother, so they made more

Maybe I shouldn’t have let all those people off the Ruby Princess

The Police in every film

We rescued a cat and now there are no birds in our suburb

The Guy that just wanted some bat for lunch


Moist Sylvester Stallone

Questionable Philharmonic

Cheesy Pumpkin


Is Tones and I really Janis Joplin? One team thought so.

Elements named after members of the Avengers? Captain Americaite perhaps?

We’re back to live shows next week, so get ready for trivia the way it’s meant to be again.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 2 October 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You came up with a lot of low stakes conspiracy theories.

Michael Cera wandered onto a set, was too awkward to tell people he isn’t an actor, and now  he’s an actor

Lip balm actually dries out your lips so you have to buy more

Covid was a ploy to promote the masked singer

The McDonalds ice cream machine is broken because of a massive global cartel

Hot dogs contain meat

Timbits Cure Syphilis

The spider in my hallway knows the truth about 9/11

Australia is an elaborate hoax to trick Americans

Metaconspiracy… they’re all true!

Dog was originally spelled CAT

Dinosaurs Built the Pyramids

Moon landing was real

Bigfoot is actually a giant ground sloth

Barnaby Joyce is deputy PM again because of his secret file called ENGADINE MACCAS

Keanu Reeves is a Time Lord

Guy Sebastian was patient zero

Katy Perry and Zooey Deschanel are the same person and you cant convince me otherwise

Donald Trump was actually Sacha Baron Cohen


Norwegian Cyclist

Raining Bruce

Birthday Fight Club


We asked about the most common words beginning with “bro”, and a LOT of teams went for brothel. Which might indicate something about our players.

A dilemma question on a hypothetical fight between a UFC champion and a pack of Justin Biebers showed us that most of you just want to see half a dozen Justin Biebers get their collective asses kicked.

And one of our winner came in with a 79 point win, largely because they enlarged their team to have some “young uns”. Diversity helps your trivia team people!

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 25 September 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Here’s how to make sport more interesting…

Releasing a lion at the 3 hour mark in a marathon to speed up the slow

Gymnastics but with adults

Formula 1 but the drivers change their own tires

100 meter long jump

Rugby, except every time someone gets tackled the game stops for a bit

Rugby where the person who scores the try has to kick the conversion

Badminton with the bird that wakes me up every morning

One inning baseball

Chess biathlon

Ice hockey but on grass and played with a football

Actual dribbling required for basketball

WAGs must stay away

One fan gets to kick the commentators in the junk

Putting more clothes on Beach Volleyball players

Beach volleyball in suits of armour and with a flaming net

Handball with feet

Curling on LSD

Curling with eggs

Paraletic Games

Darts with knives

GPS golf balls

Snooker with explosives

All ties broken by name that tune

Cycling without the drugs

Water Polo but the Horses Get SCUBA Gear

Nude Waterpolo

Water Polo on Pool Ponies

Water Polo with seahorses

Water polo with bowling balls

Horses Ride Jockey

Horse racing but no horses

Soccer without goalies

Golf but with landmines


Capybara Butler

Pineapple Submarine

Fragrant Netherlands


A bonus question asked for days of the week in Portuguese. One team gave us the answer… in Spanish. But luckily for them, Saturday & Sunday are the same in both.

One of our bonus questions restricted players to one guess each. The closest guess went to one player, who went on to guess three more times. So we announced that they would have gotten a point if they had just stopped there, but they played themselves.

We gave players a choice between answering a question on video games or cold war countries. Dance Dance Revolution was more popular as an answer than Deutsche Demokratische Republik by a margin of 13-3.

One team misnamed the film 127 Hours as 27 Hours, and then pointed out that he could have saved himself 100 hours or torment.

Seven Nation Army was misremembered as Southern Nation Army. No, The White Stripes weren’t a Civil War based band.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 18 September 2001

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Updated song lyrics? You came through.

Tell me more, tell me more, did you ask for affirmative consent

Dancing Queen Young and Sweet only Seven-ty

Backstreet’s back pain, not alright

Ubers on the storm

Cold Potato Cold Potato

Where did you come from, where did you go, where are my teeth

Slower, sh!t-er, softer, weaker…

It’s the end of the world and we know it

Like a Virgin – Not touched in lockdown

Starships were meant to cry

Livin’ La Vida Lockdown

Don’t dream it’s COVID

It’s the final lockdown

Chopped a line from here to COVID

Wake Me Up When Lockdown Ends

These are the voyages of Fortress Australia, and its five year mission to isolate from other worlds

He was a sk8er boi, she said stay 1.5m away

Stop right now thank you very much, I need somebody with a human touch

One thing I can tell you is you got to be free. Come together – In the park for a maximum of 2 hours and wearing masks when not eating or drinking.

She left me dildos by the stairs, surprises let me know she cares

Why does my fart feel so bad?

Device Device Baby

The Kids Still Ain’t Right

Fear the Reaper

Do you believe in love after love? No.

Oops I Hit It Again

Hit me daddy one more time

Girls just wanna have fundamental rights

Dude Looks Like A Lady, Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That

Smells Like Middle-Aged Spirit

If you want to be my lover, you gotta get on Tinder

We can nap if you want to

Ground control to Elon Musk


SAS Cheese

Duck Pussy

Snoopy Passport


On a “show your work” math question, once again, we got a team get every element of the question right, and then say that 6 * 2 + 3 – 5 = 8.

Two teams fell for one of our fake answers and said that the Funeral March was composed by Champignon (which is French for mushroom).

The Oscar Wilde quote “we’re all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars” was, according to one team, from High School Musical.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 11 September 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


What are you afraid of?

The absurdity of existence

Being sucked into a ceiling fan. Thanks Willy Wonka

The unstoppable marching of time, slowly leading us all to an inevitable death

Cookie Monster

The Kool-Aid guy

Falling through the cracks on a pier

Being in a plane crash, surviving, and then being eaten by a shark

Swinging into space

Spiders in my ears

Flying monkeys


The night crocodiles in the snow pea plants will eat me


Quicksand everywhere

Granddad’s eye coming out when he took off his glasses

Too many women finding me sexually attractive

Disappointing our parents

The Phantom of the Opera soundtrack

The Mulligrubs lady

Clowns who hate being clowns

Mascots, because you never know who’s in there

Ronald McDonald

The Hamburgler

Headless mannequins

I didn’t play hide and seek, because I thought I would never be found

The sound a broom makes


Moist Fathers Day TriviArt

Secretive Treadmill

Conservative Birthday


One of our teams said with their team name that they were afraid of Ronald McDonald… and then we asked this picture question about an early version of Ronald McDonald.

A number of teams thought this picture was from Forrest Gump.

Which would have been a VERY different movie.

One team knew a disturbing amount about how to survive a grenade blast.

The title of one of Barry White’s songs was given as “I want to f*ck you all night”, which, to be fair, is the gist of most Barry White songs.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 4 September 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


What’s like OnlyFans abandoning porn?

Amsterdam closes the red light district

THC free doobies

Schitts creek is coming back for a new season, minus David

No chips at the servo

Tinder without insecurity

New Coke, just like the old coke

Take the violence out of rugby league

Lift restrictions as ICU beds hit capacity

Ikea stops selling furniture

Hipsters don’t need house plants

Favourites boxes are now all Turkish Delight

Maccas goes vegan

No drugs at the Grateful Dead concert

Electric Harley Davidson

Fox News band Trump supporters

Canberra bans roundabouts

NRL players can live without their WAGs


Exhausted Border

Earl Grey Television

Jazz Horse


You know that Enid Blyton novels about The Slutty Seven? (That would have been a very different approach to children’s literature.)

(That’s the first result we came across when we googled “slutty seven”.)

A question on low lying places resulted in us having to clarify that we meant now, not in 100 years if sea levels change.

Our current events question on the Belgian woman banned from the zoo for having an emotional affair with a chimpanzee drew an answer of her giving the chimp marijuana.  No, that’s the Netherlands right next door.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 28 August 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Hot DAMN you had some petty complaints.

These tequila shots are making me drunk

Horse Dewormer didn’t cure my COVID

Bondi Beach has too much sand

My lover finished a text with “kind regards”

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers didn’t play Free Fallin

This ice is too cold

Your menu has too many options

This fish is too fishy

I ordered a cheeseburger without cheese and you gave me a hamburger

McDonald’s is out of Whoppers

My well done steak was overcooked

Why does it cost so much to park in the bus lane

This mask covers my mouth AND nose

This quiz has questions I don’t know the answer to

What do you mean I can’t cheat at trivia?


North Korean Vaccine

Crystal Lego

Nautical Fireworks


Our bonus round asking for countries in the southern hemisphere ending in the letter A had a maximum bid of 19 (in about four bids) which resulted in a score of 9, and a bid of 16 that resulted in a score of 2, which is mathematically the worst performance we’ve ever had in the bidding round.

Who was meant to play Hagrid? The Rock, at least according to one team. (That would have been interesting.)

Shakespeare plays beginning the letter M… how about Mamlet, Momeo and Muliet, Married At First Sight, and the Mandalorian.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 21 August 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You’re not great at correctly spelling celebrity names.

Dicky Minaj

Shia Le Beef

Liam Hamsworth

George Clowney

Elliot Rage

Tim Cock

Elijah Wouldn’t

Osama bin Llama

Scunt Morrison

Barnaby Juice

Knickerless Cage

Quiz Khalifa

Dwayne “the Cock” Johnson

Reece Withoutaspoon

Jane Fondle

Wince Harry

Denzel Washingmachine

Michelle Pfizer

Brad Clit

Dick Astley

George Clowney

Britney Beers

Britney Speared

Lady Gag

Judy Denture

Kanye Waste

Keith Suburban

Macaulay Sulkin

Benedict Cucumberpatch


Rusty Penguin

Aldi Census

Punny Kangaroo


29 teams at one online show. TWENTY NINE!

Someobdy misspelled Moneyball as Money Balls. (Which would have been a VERY different film.)

We asked a question about French words, and naturally, someone answered in French.

Someone excited about a Firefly question accidentally leaked one of the answers before we asked the question… and still most teams didn’t pick up on it.

We had to explain what the words “first”, “second”, and “third” meant. (It’s really hard not to be condescending when you ask things like this.)

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 14 August 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Medieval battle knowledge paid off.

Showgirls was a terrible film, but it resulted in money being won.


Here’s how to combine Olympic sports.

Traditional Greek Olympics with no clothes

Running + Swimming = Jesus

Water Polo with a Shot Put

Equestrian Boxing

Freestyle Equestrian Skiers

Equestrian Fencing

Horse Wrestling

Equestrian Gymnastics

Parallel Barsketball

Butterfly Shooting

BMX Shooting

Pole Climbing

Javelin Speed Climbing

Have you even heard of the Decathlon

BMX Diving

Football Diving… oh wait, too late

Synchronised Shotput

Synchronised Wrestling

Synchronised Karate

Synchronised Weightlifting

Synchronised Javelin

Synchronised Boxing

Synchronised Luge

Synchronised Bobsled

Synchronised Surfing

The Pirate Triathlon – Sailing, Shooting, and Fencing

Artistic Wrestling

Shooting Artistic Swimmers

Pole Vault High Dive

Rhythmic Pole Vault


Buoyant Sloth

Singapore Spatula

Slippery Eggplant

Pummelled on the Pommel Horse

Effervescent Unicorn

Synchronised Zombie


We had online players coming in from Singapore.

One team, having got a question on the lemurs from the film Madagascar in the first half, went on to guess “the lemurs from Madagascar” on three questions in the second half. They just… really liked lemurs.

Assistant District Attorney Jack McCoy from Law & Order was described as “that old white guy from Law & Order, but not the really old white guy”, which is not exactly wrong.

See you next week.