Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 26 May 2024

You may have come across a clip of a TikTok user listing the qualities she wants in a man.

Some people have commented that her standards are unreasonably strict. Some math boffins worked out that there were just two men in the entire United States who fit the bill.

This week we want you to come up with your own ridiculously strict criteria.

Name begins with T, anaesthesiologist, extensive wine cellar

20 million instagram followers, can name the entire starting lineup of my footy team, thigh gap

6’3’’, owns an entire suburb, never complains about anything

Between 27 & 27 ½, has appeared on the cover of Vogue at least three times, Pisces

Give us the most over the top, unrealistic standards you can think of for a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.