This Week in iQ Trivia – 4 March 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing who created Pinocchio paid off.


What’s the first rule of Trivia Club?

Tell everyone about trivia

Book early

Go with your gut instinct

Don’t yell out the answer

Shut the hell up

Get your bonus round guess in late and go one higher

Don’t be sh!t

Drink your winnings

It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s whether you beat your trivia nemesis

If you use your phone make sure nobody sees

Always take the beer voucher

Don’t admit you hacked the bluetooth

Always have Spongebob in your team name

TriviArt must be pornographic

Always draw something sexual especially if kids are present

Bribe the host

Always use a stolen pen

Disputes are settled with a thumb war

Don’t let Kev talk you out of the right answers (but they did)

Whoever is holding the pen is right

Sam is always right

Draw a map to prove your point

Bring a brain

Think of a team name at the last possible second

Get there in time for happy hour

Eat, drink, and be merry

Never play sober

Dumb answers are better than no answers

Tank so you come 7th

Always gamble 5, buy your round, put a dollar in the jackpot, and call Bill a c*nt. Rules 2 through 476… see Rule 1.

Never gamble five

Always gamble five

Don’t cheat


Dry Fingers

Treacherous Alan Rickman

Flamboyant Plant

Boston Pumpkin

Ineffable Bar

Rubik’s Pyramid

Bamboozled Chandelier

Mushy Dutch Cricket

Feet Sausages

Betrothed Muppets

Cold Cat


To settle their view on our dilemma question, one player committed to holding an egg in his hand all day on Sunday. We will let you know if he made it the whole day.

Someone tried to game theory the dilemma question, assuming that everyone else would take a deal where they always find $20 when they reach in their pocket, but it’s been taken from someone who needs it. Every other team voted no, and they screwed themselves out of a point.

Someone questioned our math, and half way through explaining it, realised that he was wrong. And admitted as much in front of everyone. Well played!

Just a reminder, when we mention Hitler, even when just reading out an answer, you really don’t need to cheer.

It was remarked that one player who won the bonus round this week really knew a lot about 19 year old girls.

One player thought the six million dollar man was Steve BANNON. No! Very much no!

And one team had to leave early but left us some iQ Trivia cranes.

See you next week.