Yearly Archives: 2018

This Week in iQ Trivia – 17 November 2018

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


We love when a team comes in last place at trivia, and then wins the jackpot. You see? It CAN happen!  And this was a team of JUST ONE PERSON!


Superpower aren’t as useful as people think. Here’s you rationales for why.

I have X-ray vision but I keep walking into walls

X-ray vision would give everyone cancer

Flying without an airplane is cold

Superspeed: Can’t satisfy your girlfriend

I always know what’s going to happen and it’s boring

Super strength mean you’ll have to be abstinent

Super hearing would lead to tinnitus

Telekinesis: Getting hit when you daydream

The invisible man never gets noticed at the bar

Teleporting: Screw up your co-ordinates and wind up inside another person

No one wants to high five you when you have super strength


Slack Puppy

American Pie

Vague Pikachu

Pole Dancing Chicken

Transparent Tree

Sloppy Bridge

Chicken Doing Standup Comedy


A team consisting of four players, none of whom were from Australia & none of whom spoke English as their first language managed an impressive score of 59, and could have gotten more if they’d opted for points instead of beer.

We had to convince one team that Chittagong was not the second largest city in Australia. (Perhaps they thought we said Wollongong, though that would have been wrong too.)

Someone guessed that the animal used in a book to teach children the letter V, was “velociraptor.”

In a lightning round, one team of overseas visitors couldn’t think of the correct term beginning with D that was applied to Australian soldiers in WWI. All they could come up with was… dead. Which isn’t wrong for about 60,000 of them.

And one player brought a chair with them for the lightning round, as they expected to be there for a long time… only to be eliminated on the first question.

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 11 November 2018

Plenty of people wish they had superpowers.

Well we think superpowers aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

For your team name this week, we want you to tell us how superpowers would backfire.

Super Speed would rip your body apart or burn you to death.

Stopping time would mean all the air molecules would freeze in place & you wouldn’t be able to breathe.

I really don’t want to be able to hear other people’s thoughts.

Anything that explains how superpowers would backfire will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 10 November 2018

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Who knows about fictional highschools attended by Kirsten Dunst? They do.

Another team chose a question on cricket, and these cricket fans leaped on the opportunity to take home some cash.


You raised plenty of things that nobody cares about.

Hey everybody, these guys win trivia every week… see nobody cares.

I’m a vegan. Nobody cares.

Kylie Jenner is blah blah blah… who cares?

My dog died today… nobody cares.

Look we came up with a clever team name… oh look nobody cares.

Peter hates the team name… see nobody cares.

Jesus loves you. Nobody cares.

Australia has a new Prime Minister. Nobody cares.

Mark Latham is coming back to politics… see nobody cares.

Hye everybody, this guy ran a marathon… see nobody cares.

The house we inherited might only get us $1.67 million… see nobody cares.

Look what my child did… see nobody cares.


Smoky Leprechaun

Peanut Butter Book

Smoking Apple Juice

Purple Lederhosen

Wry Bubblegum

Cantankerous Spiderman


We found out that a new model of smart phone automatically detects music being played and displays the title & artist. So we will have to be ever vigilant on keeping phones out of sight.

One team successfully argued that hipsters & vegans are effectively the same thing.

When one player complained that a picture of Fidel Castro on The Simpsons wasn’t actually Fidel Castro, we pointed out that The Simpsons was NOT a documentary.

See you next week.