Monthly Archives: February 2019

This Week in iQ Trivia – 23 February 2019

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


It was another good week for jackpots.


You’re all in the top 1% of something.

Over 50 with a full head of hair

Not being in the top 1% of anything

We live in Australia

Pink & white cat themed trivia teams

Likeable lawyers

Darts knowledge

Squidward fans

Recorded cases of chlamydia

A critical thinker who isn’t a cynic

People who live above a pub and don’t complain about the noise

I play Minecraft and I have a girlfriend

Disappointing our parents

Never coming above 4th in iQ Trivia


Tumescent Potato Remote Control

Mellifluous Shark

Horny Toad

Smoking Chapel

Smoking Pufferfish

Sticky Concert

Depressed Lamp

Incredibly Droopy Bear


When we asked a question referencing Monty Python, a die hard Python fan called out the correct answer before we even gave the options.

We had to explain to one team that Australia’s Antarctic claims were not part of Australia.

A team mistook Wesley Snipes, a black man, for Clint Eastwood, who is not black the last time we checked.

When we asked why the man suing his parents for giving birth to him was suing his parents, one team got a point for the entirely accurate answer “because he’s an ungrateful little shit.”

And a group of pool players became so engrossed in our questions, that they stopped playing pool and started playing trivia.

See you next week.

Interesting Question of the Day – 18 February 2019

In 1880, an Irish community began a campaign of ostracising a British land agent they felt had been treating them unfairly, refusing to harvest his crops, cook his meals, wash his clothes, deliver his letters, or serve him in shops.

What was the land agent’s surname?  (His name became a word describing the campaign of exclusion.)

The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 17 February 2019

There’s been a lot of talk about the 1% over the past few years.

Well we think everyone is in the top 1% of something.

This week, if your team name is something that you are in the 1% of, you will get a bonus point.

I’ve been struck by lightning

I got a liberal arts degree and am gainfully employed

I’m a left handed redhead

Anything that puts you in 1% of the population will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 16 February 2019

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

Yes, a team of one player came in first with 65 points.


The guy on the left knew a lot about Hitler, and won them a jackpot.

They knew about the flag of the Philippines.

This amalgamated team of two Australian guys & two Dutch ladies combined their knowledge and won $127 on a question on Australian schools. (Either that or they guessed.)


You have some very unusual middle names.



Diplomatic Immunity





Inigo Montoya



Low Effort



Clever Team Names

Forgetting Remembering to put a team name

Winner (for a team that finished last)


Galloping Boat

Tasty Tongue

Dirty Bird on Skates

Passive Veteran

Bold Chimpanzee

Breakdancing Babies

Petite Chili

Ugly Dolphin


One didn’t stop by naming Iwo Jima as the island in the famous flag raising picutre from WWII. They named the MOUNTAIN on Iwo Jima and got a bonus point for their efforts.

Every team recognised Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata in the first round, but NOBODY recognised the same piece played backwards, even when we pointed out that LITERALLY EVERYONE had heard of it.

We had numerous teams guess that the sports teams at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana were the Hunchbacks.

Once again, we had someone complain about the obscurity of a bonus question, and then get the bonus question. YOU DO NOT GET TO COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW DIFFICULT QUESTIONS ARE IF YOU GET THEM RIGHT!

One player who lives in Parramatta, failed to notice that Parramatta is a Sydney suburb spelled with a double T.

And one of our hosts had to change clothes before her show when she realised that her shirt fetured a picture of Audrey Hepburn, which was the answer to one of the jackpot questions.

See you next week.