All posts by iqtrivia

This Week in iQ Trivia – 6 July 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


One team won a jackpot about Oregon geography, because someone on their team was from Oregon.

And knowing about Czech sport paid off.


What adult merit badges do you want?

Crying only a little bit after losing at trivia

Put laundry away immediately after drying

Putting washing away on the same day you wash it

Hangover First Aid

Survived 9/11

147 day Duolingo streak

All matching socks

Separated my whites

Tying the knot

Drinking alone in a park

Went to Aldi without checking out the special buys

One day without wanting to punch someone in the face

Do a 10 minute job I’d been putting off for a year


Majestic Leaf

Fantastic Fish

Crow Laundry


Getting a bonus question on Lowes is easy when someone on the team has a personal connection to the founder.

One player messaged us asking about a photo they couldn’t find. She had won a few weeks ago and her winners picture was her first pic with her now boyfriend, but for whatever reason, the pic was never posted. But we managed to track it down.


And our new quarterly tournament is underway, with one team breaking 80 in the first round.

Team Wins Score
Tournament Name 1 82
Anti Beer Tax 1 78
Basketball 1 78
Team OG 1 77
Foxolotl 1 75
Zed & Co 1 73.5
Menace to Sobriety 1 73
Diversity 1 73
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 1 70
Sexual minorities 1 69
Mixed Feelings 1 69
Col’s Crew 1 65
Leader Housen 1 64
The Combovers 1 63
Taco Monsters 1 58

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 30 June 2024

Some of you may have been in Scouts or Girl Guides, and you may remember getting badges for things you did.

Now that you’re older, we want you to use your team name to come up with Scout badges that you think you deserve now.

Cancelling Plans

Root Canal

Only had one glass of wine

Went to bed before 10pm

Assembled IKEA furniture without swearing

Filed your tax return on time

Any grown up Scout badges will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 29 June 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing what roles Ryan Reynolds passed on won them money.


Combine celebrities with countries. You came through.

Nicaragua Minaj

Fiji Hadid

O’Libya Newton John

Cameroon Diaz

Greece Kelly

Denmarky Mark

Argentina Turner

Andorra the Explorer

Will I Ran

Mexicoco Chanel

South Sudan Andrews

Spongebob Squarefrance

Germany Greer

North Korihanna

Michael Jordan

Jessica Albania

Bob Mali


Neil Finland

Dua Libya

Kanye West Indies





American Mosquito

Juggling at Stonehenge

Big Balloon

Fast Octopus

Rabid Current

Boeing Fromage

Sturdy Apple

Pregnant Dick

Discombobulated Tony

Rebel Helios


One team came back from second last at half time to win, in part because most of the other teams didn’t do the homework. DO. YOUR. HOMEWORK.

We found out that one of our players was inspired by the film Bad Teacher to become a teacher.

When we asked about states in US, Presidential elections, one team asked if we were including Australian states. Uhhhhh… no.

And after 13 weeks, one team came in first in our quarterly tournament with a near perfect 12 wins.

Team Wins Score
6 Go Crazy 12 808.5
Leader Housen 9 590
The Smith Family 7 507
Foxolotl 6 447
Spongebob 6 426
Shannon & Co 6 406.5
Mara’s Angels 5 379
Bagpuss 5 364
Superstars of Yacht Rock 5 362
Cormac’s Angels 4 304
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 4 299.5
Wine not on 4 292.5
Al’s Team 4 282.5
Tribe 3 222
Team OG 3 217
We’re Just Here To Have A Good Time 3 215
Time travel is not good for women 3 211
Thor’s Thundercats 3 207
Menace to Sobriety 3 201
Team Knox 3 189
Val & Leon 3 189
No Idea 3 185
Bring a bucket and a mop 3 160

A whole new (and expanded) tournament starts on Monday.

See you next week.