All posts by iqtrivia

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 9 June 2024

This week we’re having fun with film titles.

Everyone makes mistakes now and then, and this week with your team name we want you to mistake one film for another.

Black Pink Panther

James Bond and the Temple of Doom

Saving Good Will Hunting

How To Lose 10 Things I Hate About A Guy

Lord of the Rings: Return of the Jedi

Any mixed up movies will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 8 June 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


A French composer came up in an AFL question, and they capitalised on it.

And they won first place, AND the jackpot. So a pretty solid night.


You showed us some pretty low dating standards.

200K in gambling debt, webbed feet

Now Herpes Free!

Criminal record isn’t that bad

She was there and I was drunk

I refuse to answer this in case my wife finds out

Lives with parents, drug addict

At least one surviving ex

Credit card debt higher than IQ

Nipples optional

Supports Collingwood but only when they‘re winning

Graduate of Andrew Tate’s University

Mama’s boy

Looking for warm body (living optional)

Kids, smoker, 40s, I’m in!

Plumber’s crack…must be hairy

Has all their teeth

Onesie wearing nosepicker


Hyper Candle

Legendary Girlfriend

Magnetic Fish

Whimsical Pope

Unlikely Referee Sponsor

Confused Geocache

Edge Break


We were selling clues at a fundraising quiz, and a shocking number of people bought clues only to find out they were already right.

One team finally had members old enough to be able to actually win the 7th place bottle of wine as a prize at one venue. It was a big deal for them.

And our leaders are still on top with just three weeks left in our quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Score
6 Go Crazy 9 641.5
Leader Housen 7 449
The Smith Family 6 430
Spongebob 6 426
Superstars of Yacht Rock 5 362
Foxolotl 4 305
Cormac’s Angels 4 304
Wine not on 4 292.5
Al’s Team 4 282.5
Shannon & Co 4 264.5
Mara’s Angels 3 228
Bagpuss 3 224
Tribe 3 222
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 3 219.5
Team OG 3 217
We’re Just Here To Have A Good Time 3 215
Time travel is not good for women 3 211
Menace to Sobriety 3 201
Team Knox 3 189
Val & Leon 3 189
Bring a bucket and a mop 3 160

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 2 June 2024

Last week we borrowed from the “looking for a man in finance” TikTok trend to come up with unrealistically strict dating standards for your team names.

This week we’re going the other way.

Instead of overly strict standards, we want you to come up with unbelievably loose standards.

Constantly nagging, dandruff, unemployable

Refuses to apologise in any circumstances, neck beard, starts every other sentence with “well actually”.

Only talks about themselves, pathologically jealous, no teeth

Hung up on their ex, a dozen cats, criminal record

Give us a list of low dating standards for a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 1 June 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


The new Indiana Jones film is pretty bad, but a plot point won them a jackpot.

It took them two questions to get past everyone else to be the sole winners of the jackpot.


What are you looking for in dates?

Must be a Leo, naturally blond and have a PhD in microeconomics

Doctorate, under 30, has been to space

Disgustingly rich, 97 years old, 3 weeks to love, non-flatulent

Emotional intelligence, hand eye coordination, active listening, single

73 Bitcoin in a St George Bank Account

I only date people who were born in leap years

Eyes of Chadwick Bozeman, body of Linda Cardellini, feet of Natalie Portman

Big biceps, white teeth, 6’4’’, Pulitzer Prize, Nobel Prize

Owns a home and buys smashed avocado toast

6’8″, wears turtlenecks, has the accent of a French person who just moved to America

Looking for a man who would choose the bear, goes to therapy, and respects his mother

Big calves, wears shorts, strong jaw, runs pub trivia

5’10’’, shaved head, enchanting voice, quiz guy… hang on, this sounds suspiciously like one of our hosts!


Moustache Anxiety

Sex at the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Hairy Tattoo

Rat Turbulence

Astute Godzilla

Nose Dive

Slippery Flaps

Panthers Falafel

Chiroptera Egg


We had a huge turnout at the final show of one of our hosts at one of our venues, with many teams coming in themed dress.

Don’t worry, Joe is still hosting on Tuesdays.

We had a guess that Henry Ford was born before the founding of Baghdad, which is off by about 1,100 years.

And our tournament leaders are maintaining their lead as we get closer to the end of the quarter.

Team Wins Score
6 Go Crazy 8 580.5
Spongebob 6 426
Leader Housen 6 382
The Smith Family 5 364
Superstars of Yacht Rock 5 362
Foxolotl 4 305
Cormac’s Angels 4 304
Wine not on 4 292.5
Al’s Team 4 282.5
Mara’s Angels 3 228
Tribe 3 222
Team OG 3 217
We’re Just Here To Have A Good Time 3 215
Shannon & Co 3 213.5
Time travel is not good for women 3 211
Team Knox 3 189
Val & Leon 3 189
Bring a bucket and a mop 3 160

See you next week.