What is the name of the oldest person to be made Prince of Wales?
The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia quiz.
What is the name of the oldest person to be made Prince of Wales?
The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia quiz.
This is a combination of the faces of all the members of what band?
The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia quiz.
In 2018, a poacher in America was sentenced to a year in prison for killing hundreds of deer.
He was also sentenced to watch what film every month while in prison?
The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia quiz.
This week’s team name theme was inspired by an answer in a recent “wrong answers only” bonus round.
Instead of saying The Incredible Hulk, one team came up with “The Introspective Hulk”.
For this week, we want you to take a film or TV title and change one word to another word beginning with the same letter.
Psychiatrists of the Caribbean
The Abusive Spider-Man
Iron Mum
The Woke Witch of the West
The Grand Brisbane Hotel
Any slightly changed film or TV titles will get you a bonus point.
Have an interesting week.
Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.
What’s going to happen in 2025?
Luigi Walks
Scientist cures cancer with vaccine – Banned in US
Canada becomes 51st state
Canada becomes 7th state of Australia
Greenland builds a wall
Flooding in Queensland
Elon Musk gets a BBL
Tariffs are Coming
Ravens win Superbowl (Lamar Jackson kills Travis Kelce)
Microplastics added to food pyramid
Biden dead at 83
Giant tapework found in Biden’s frontal love during autopsy
Australian Election Cancelled: All Candidates Suck
Denmark buys USA
Ozempic leads to erectile dysfunction
Tin Tin Dragon
Suspicious Drones over Wyong
Tingly Dragon
Curly Glass
Wicked Resignation
Salad Sticks
This picture of cosplayers dressing as Team Rocket was described as “French Squid Game”.
In what state is Hawaii 5-0 set? Cleveland.
If you want to complain that trivia is too hard when we ask about a Mike Myers film beginning with S, where he plays a character beginning with S, and then we add the additional hints that he has green skin, is an ogre, and the film is animated… maybe trivia is not for you.
See you next week.
Name the title character from their first line.
You are the father of Jane and Michael Banks are you not?
The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia quiz.
Name the title character from their first line.
The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia quiz.
Name the title character from their first line.
Oh hello. I know right. Whose balls did I have to fondle to get my very own movie.
The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia quiz.
Name the title character from their first line.
It all began on New Year’s Day in my 32nd year of being single.
The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia quiz.
2025 is upon us. And who knows what’s going to happen?
It’s time to speculate.
With your team name, we want you to predict a headline for 2025.
Health company CEO is now the world’s most dangerous job
Diddy gets the Epstein treatment
Trump & Musk have a spectacular falling out
The value of 2024 calendars tanks
Fetch finally happens
Any predictions for 2025 will get a bonus point.
Have an interesting week.