Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 22 December 2024

You’re going to be hearing a lot of Christmas songs this week.

Let’s make them realistic.

For your team name, you will get a bonus point if you make a Christmas song more realistic.

On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me… nothing because who the hell give gifts for 12 straight days?

All I want for Christmas is to not have to deal with your passive aggressive aunt

Joy to the world… I have two weeks off

I just gave birth in a manger. I don’t need you playing the drums.

Any realistic Christmas songs will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 21 December 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.



They were pretty sure of the answer, and got the spelling right to get more Christmas cash.


There’s something about the Virgin Mary

Fa la la la la la la la land

When Harry met Santa

Christmiss Congeniality

Two girls one cup of egg nog

Reindeer Dundee

Sleepless at the North Pole

North pole by north west

Advent calendar girls

We three kings on the Orient Express

50 shades of sleigh

The good, the bad, and the jolly

The 40 year old virgin birth

Million dollar baby Jesus

Home Alone with Diddy

The Human Santapede

12 years an elf


Miracle on Elm Street

Schindler’s naughty list

Young Frankincense

Silence of the hams

The dark knight before Christmas

Silent night of the lambs

No chimneys for old men

Snow country for old men

Feliz Navidaddy’s home


Bee Beers

Squishy Table

Sneaky Sausage

Adventurous Elf

Foamy Jigsaw

Stocking Kiss


One of our hosts knew they would be asking a know your host question about giving blood, so he gave blood the day before the quiz.

When we asked about the shortest commercial flight in the world, it turned out that one player had been on that one minute long flight.

One team made fridge magnets out of several of their TriviArt entries over the year.

May be a doodle of text

And our latest quarterly tournament has wrapped up, with 6 Go Crazy in Canterbury taking the top prize, and Bagpuss at the Occidental having the highest average.

Team Wins Score Average
6 Go Crazy 12 866 72.17
The Smith Family 10 754 75.40
Leader Housen 11 744.5 67.68
Al’s Team 7 518 74.00
Bagpuss 6 461 76.83
Diversity Council 6 422 70.33
Foxolotl 5 363 72.60
Flashy Red Ponies 5 351 70.20
Shannon and Co 5 328 65.60
Tribe 5 301 60.20
No Idea 4 273 68.25
Smash Bros 4 248 62.00
Karen, Sharon, and Darren 3 223 74.33
Bandits 3 220 73.33
Thor’s Thundercats 3 218 72.67
Game of Votes 3 158 52.67
Julius Caesar 2 153 76.50
The Lucky Baby 2 153 76.50
James & the Quizzly Bears 2 152 76.00
Glee 2 151 75.50
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 2 141 70.50
Whale Emoji 2 138 69.00
Menace to Sobriety 2 134 67.00
The Goose is Loose 2 122 61.00
We Drink and Know Things 2 107 53.50
La Francais 2 105 52.50

The next quarterly tournament will start on 6 January.

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 15 December 2024

Christmas is coming up.

So this week we want you to use your team name to make a non-Christmas movie about Christmas.

Schindler’s Christmas List

Alice in Winter Wonderland

The Lord of the Reindeer

Festive Gump

Three Kings and Louise

Saving Private Rudolph

V for Vixen

Noel Country for Old Men

The Little Myrrh-maid

Any non-Christmas movies made into Christmas movies will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.