This Week in iQ Trivia – 14 December 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.



A win in the jackpot, even if not in the main quiz.


You’ve had quite a year if your team names are anything to go by.

286 hours thirsting over a man named Luigi

366 days thinking about the Roman Empire

344 days without murdering anyone

3 shower screens fallen into while drunk

Two colonoscopies

4,225 ginger beers consumed

$7,700 earned while pooping on company time

1,000 hours being price gouged by Colesworth

50 times lost the “know your host” question

52 times coming in third halfway through trivia (they came third)

52 seconds thinking about trivia team names

104 hours coming up with clever trivia team names


Lonely Cat

Spanish Octopus

Stupid Dog

Horrendous Dolphin

Dove Nachos

Hyrax Melon


We found out that some teams have been getting the homework question wrong because they were plugging it into AI and trusting it to get the right answer. Well do that at your own peril.

We were contacted by family in Sweden asking if we had Christmas themed trivia questions. We threw a little quiz together, and now iQ Trivia has been hosted in another country. That makes four so far.

Who has the initials AA and has won the Australian Open? Anthony Albanese.

And our quarterly tournament has one week left to go, and it looks like first place is mathematically decided. But there are still several teams who can have the highest average score.

Team Wins Score Average
6 Go Crazy 11 793 72.09
Leader Housen 10 680.5 68.05
The Smith Family 9 678 75.33
Al’s Team 6 442 73.67
Diversity Council 6 422 70.33
Bagpuss 5 380 76.00
Flashy Red Ponies 5 351 70.20
Shannon and Co 5 328 65.60
Foxolotl 4 290 72.50
No Idea 4 273 68.25
Smash Bros 4 248 62.00
Karen, Sharon, and Darren 3 223 74.33
Bandits 3 220 73.33
Tribe 3 219.5 73.17
Thor’s Thundercats 3 218 72.67
Game of Votes 3 158 52.67
Julius Caesar 2 153 76.50
James & the Quizzly Bears 2 152 76.00
Glee 2 151 75.50
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 2 141 70.50

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 8 December 2024

Spotify Wrapped came out last week, and you probably heard a lot about what music your friends have been listening to this year.

For your team name this week, we want you to give us an annual wrap from another part of your life.

62 entire pizzas eaten

30,261 minutes spent crying

137 times fell asleep listening to a podcast

292 meetings that could have been an e-mail

612 complaints abut things that you also do all the time

Give us an annual wrap up from your life for a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 7 December 2024

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

This team had been to several quizzes, and finally managed a win the night before they left Australia to head back to America.


Knowing Welsh geography really helped.

And they made it rain on their dog.


You told us a lot about your early sexual awakenings.

Nala with the bedroom eyes


Jack Skellington

Mr Squiggle

Handsome Squidward

Angelina Jolie from Shark Tale

Jimmy Neutron

Kovu (sexual awakening from The Lion King 2)

Diego from Ice Age

Dr Doofenschmirtz

Judy Jetson

Space Beth from Rick & Morty


The slutty little dad from Inside Out

Kim Possible opening a flip phone

Astro Boy

Toy Story Barbie

Sally from Cars

Judy Hopps

Prince Eric

Stupid Sexy Flanders


Raphael was the sexy one from TMNT


Tampon Candle

Fruit Art

Violent Jumper

Mermaid Ninja

Terrifying Leaf

Geometric Fishsticks

Moscow Clock


We asked what band Paul McCartney left in 1970, and overheard one team ask “was Paul McCartney in another band before Wings?”

We asked five 50/50 questions about coffee consumption per capita, and one team got zero out of five. Then another got zero out of five. Then two more got zero out of five. All in all, half of the team playing got five straight 50/50s wrong. We would do the math, but the numbers are really getting out of hand.

When we asked about what percent of Australians said they had experienced loneliness in the past week, EVERY SINGLE TEAM overshot the mark, sometimes going for an answer that was double the actual answer. Evidently there’s a lot of loneliness among our players.

And it’s going to be tough to catch our quarterly tournament leaders, but the highest average is still close.

Team Wins Score Average
6 Go Crazy 10 718 71.80
Leader Housen 9 617 68.56
The Smith Family 8 600 75.00
Diversity Council 6 422 70.33
Al’s Team 5 363 72.60
Flashy Red Ponies 5 351 70.20
Shannon and Co 5 328 65.60
Bagpuss 4 302 75.50
Foxolotl 4 290 72.50
Karen, Sharon, and Darren 3 223 74.33
Bandits 3 220 73.33
Tribe 3 219.5 73.17
Thor’s Thundercats 3 218 72.67
No Idea 3 216 72.00
Smash Bros 3 201 67.00
Game of Votes 3 158 52.67
Julius Caesar 2 153 76.50
James & the Quizzly Bears 2 152 76.00
Glee 2 151 75.50
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 2 141 70.50

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 1 December 2024

This week you’re going to think about animation.

Specifically, we want to know what animated character you had a crush on.

Robin Hood as an animated Disney fox

The Evil Queen in Sleeping Beauty


The Dad from Inside Out


Optimus Prime was a real daddy

Teenage Simba from The Lion King

Ariel or Jessica Rabbit or any cartoon redhead

Even though none of them were ever going to happen, tell us what animated character you had a crush on for a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.