Tag Archives: celebrities

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 23 September 2018

Last week one of our teams mistook a photo of John Lennon & Yoko Ono at their famous Bed In for Peace as being John Wayne & Yoko Ono, in what we are hoping was a momentary mental slip rather than a legitimate case of mistaken identity.

But that got us thinking. What other famous pairings would have been VERY different if you mistook one of them for someone else.

Batman & Robin Hood

David Bowie & Iran

Shrek & Fiona Apple

Romeo & Julie Andrews

Harry Potter & Ronald McDonald

Real or fictional, anything that mistakes one member of a pairing for someone else will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Interesting Question of the Day – 11 July 2018

Which of the following trademark attempts was the only one to be granted?

Paris Hilton – The phrase “That’s Hot”

Subway – The term “Footlong”

Kylie Jenner – The name “Kylie”

Harley Davidson – The sound of a revving engine

Donald Trump – The phrase “You’re Fired”

The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 24 June 2018

We don’t deal with a lot of celebrity gossip at iQ Trivia.

This week, however, we’re diving in headfirst.

But we don’t want just any celebrity gossip. We want celebrity gossip that is 100% fictional.

Miley Cyrus was killed by the CIA and replaced with an assassin.

Oprah is Beyonce’s mum.

Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill are the same person.

If your team name starts a rumour that is entirely false, you will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Interesting Question of the Day – 23 March 2018

Sometimes there is a spike in babies being given the same name as recent Oscar winning actors & actresses.

There are seven actors & actresses whose names saw a jump in popularity of over 200% after they won an Oscar.  Name any three of them.  (The films for which they won were released from 1979 to 2003, and there are two men & five women.)

The first new player to comment on the website with at least three correct answers wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.