What club is this?
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What club is this?
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This is the tartan of what soft drink?
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Headis is a game combining table tennis and what other sport?
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What is the only country that has Australian Rules Football as it’s official sport?
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In a local cricket match in Yorkshire, all 22 players had what surname?
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Name three one word countries that have the name of another country inside them.
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In a 2015 analysis, what part of a cup of tea requires the most water to produce? The tea, the milk, the sugar, or the water you boil in the kettle?
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In terms of censorship in China, what are the 3 Ts?
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As recorded in 1951, was the first music ever recorded by a computer Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, God Save the King, Hound Dog, or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?
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When told she was the inspiration for the Katy Perry song I Kissed a Girl, who responded “that’s flattering, but my lips are kind of taken”?
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